@TechReport(And:20040051, title = {{P}rojection {B}ased {E}stimation of {D}ynamic {P}robabilistic {M}ixtures}, author = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2098}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040051} ) @InProceedings(And:20040052, title = {{A}pproximate recursive {B}ayesian estimation of dynamic probabilistic mixtures}, author = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J.}, booktitle = {Multiple Participant Decision Making}, editor = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, publisher = {Advanced Knowledge International}, address = {Adelaide}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {39-54}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040052} ) @InProceedings(And:20040259, title = {{P}rojection based algorithms for estimation of complex models}, author = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control - a Young Generation Viewpoint}, publisher = {Hungarian Academy of Sciences}, address = {Budapest}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {5-10}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040259} ) @Proceedings(AndKar:20040061, title = {Multiple Participant Decision Making}, editor = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J..}, publisher = {Advanced Knowledge International}, address = {Adelaide}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040061} ) @InProceedings(Bak:20040124, title = {{R}educed-order control design of time-delayed uncertain symmetric composite systems}, author = {Bakule, L.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 10th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications}, chapter= {1}, editor = {Ikeda, M. and Ohta, Y.}, publisher = {KRF Press}, address = {Osaka}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {130-135}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040124} ) @InProceedings(Bak:20040125, title = {{C}ontrol of time-delayed uncertain symmetrically coupled systems}, author = {Bakule, L.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control}, editor = {Hamza, M. H.}, publisher = {Acta Press}, address = {Calgary}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {156-161}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040125} ) @Article(BakRod:20040021, title = {{O}verlapping quadratic optimal control of time-varying discrete-time systems}, author = {Bakule, L. and Rodellar, J. and Rossell, J. M.}, journal = {Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems}, year = {2004}, number = {2/3}, series = {A - Mathematical Analysis}, volume = {11}, pages = {301-320}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040021} ) @InProceedings(BakRod:20040123, title = {{O}verlapping guaranteed cost control for uncertain discrete-time systems}, author = {Bakule, L. and Rodellar, J. and Rossell, J. M.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 10th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications}, chapter= {1}, editor = {Ikeda, M. and Ohta, Y.}, publisher = {KRF Press}, address = {Osaka}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {41-46}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040123} ) @InProceedings(BakRod:20040254, title = {{I}nclusion principle for uncertain discrete-time systems with guaranteed cost}, author = {Bakule, L. and Rodellar, J. and Rossell, J. M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 43th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Piscataway}, month = {December}, year = {2004}, pages = {2712-2716}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040254} ) @Article(BarRou:20040261, title = {{L}inear-programming approach to nonconvex variational problems}, author = {Bartels, S. and Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, journal = {Numerische Mathematik}, year = {2004}, number = {2}, volume = {99}, pages = {251-287}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040261} ) @InProceedings(Bel:20040022, title = {{R}edundant parallel robots and their control. {A}bstract}, author = {Belda, K.}, booktitle = {Radioelektronika, elektrotechnika i energetika. Tezisy dokladov}, chapter= {3}, publisher = {Moskovskij energeti{\v{c}}eskij institut}, address = {Moskva}, month = {March}, year = {2004}, pages = {208}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040022} ) @TechReport(Bel:20040036, title = {{C}ontrol of {P}arallel {R}obotic {S}tructures {D}riven by {E}lectromotors}, author = {Belda, K.}, institution = {Czech Technical University}, address = {Prague}, year = {2004}, number = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040036} ) @InProceedings(Bel:20040075, title = {{M}odel-based control versus classical control for parallel robots}, author = {Belda, K.}, booktitle = {Multiple Participant Decision Making. CMP'04}, editor = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-9}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040075} ) @InProceedings(Bel:20040262, title = {{V}arious utilization of predictive control in parallel machine tools}, author = {Belda, K.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control - a Young Generation Viewpoint}, publisher = {Hungarian Academy of Sciences}, address = {Budapest}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {11-16}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040262} ) @InProceedings(BelBoh:20040081, title = {{S}tudy of predictive control algorithms for parallel robot structures}, author = {Belda, K. and B{\"{o}}hm, J. and Val{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ek, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific - Technical Conference. Process Control 2004}, editor = {Krej{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}, S. and Taufer, I.}, publisher = {University of Pardubice}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-9}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040081} ) @InProceedings(BelBoh:20040092, title = {{M}odel-based control for parallel robot kinematics}, author = {Belda, K. and B{\"{o}}hm, J. and Val{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ek, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Mechatronics. MECH2K4}, editor = {Guran, A. and Val{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ek, M.}, publisher = {{\v{C}}VUT FS}, address = {Praha}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-15}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040092} ) @InProceedings(BelBoh:20040120, title = {{D}igital {C}ontrol of {O}ver-{A}ctuated {P}arallel {R}obots} , author = {Belda, K. and B{\"{o}}hm, J. and Val{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ek, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Domek, S. and Kaszyski, R.}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Politecniki Szczeci˙skiej}, address = {Szczecin}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {819-824}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040120} ) @InProceedings(BelPis:20040218, title = {{P}redictive control - algorithms, tests and web publication via {M}atlab-{S}imulink environment ({R}14)}, author = {Belda, K. and P{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}a, P.}, booktitle = {MATLAB 2004. Sborn{\'{\i}}k p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}sp{\v{e}}vk{\accent23u} 12. ro{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}}ku konference}, chapter= {1}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}CHT}, address = {Praha}, month = {November}, year = {2004}, pages = {45-50}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040218} ) @InProceedings(BelPis:20040039, title = {{S}tructured model-based control of redundant parallel robot kinematics}, author = {Belda, K. and P{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}a, P. and B{\"{o}}hm, J. and Val{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ek, M.}, booktitle = {Parallel Kinematic Machines in Research and Practice. The 4th Chemnitz Parallel Kinematics Seminar. Proceedings}, editor = {Neugebauer, R.}, publisher = {Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten}, address = {Chemnitz}, month = {April}, year = {2004}, pages = {701-705}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040039} ) @Article(BenMes:20040068, title = {{P}seudo-arithmetical operations as a basis for the general measure and integration theory}, author = {Benvenuti, P. and Mesiar, R.}, journal = {Information Sciences}, year = {2004}, number = {160}, volume = {20}, pages = {1-11}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040068} ) @Article(BenMes:20040069, title = {{O}n {T}arski's contribution to the additive measure theory and its consequences}, author = {Benvenuti, P. and Mesiar, R.}, journal = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic}, year = {2004}, number = {126}, volume = {11}, pages = {281-286}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040069} ) @Article(BerHor:20040252, title = {{A}pplications of permutations to the simulations of critical values}, author = {Berkes, I. and Horvath, L. and Hu{\v{s}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Steinebach, J.}, journal = {Journal of Nonparametric Statistics}, year = {2004}, number = {1/2}, volume = {16}, pages = {197-216}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040252} ) @InProceedings(BogKom:20040177, title = {{N}ew {S}{T}{A}{R} models of time series and their application in finance}, author = {Bogn{\'{a}}r, T. and Komorn{\'{\i}}k, J. and Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings in Computational Statistics. COMPSTAT 2004}, editor = {Antoch, J.}, publisher = {Physica-Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {713-720}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040177} ) @InCollection(BogKom:20040178, title = {{A}pplication of regime-switching models of time series with cubic spline transition function}, author = {Bogn{\'{a}}r, T. and Komorn{\'{\i}}k, J. and Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, booktitle = {Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems}, editor = {Lop{\'{e}}z, M. and Gil, M. A. and Lawry, J.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Heidelberg}, year = {2004}, pages = {581-589}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040178} ) @Article(BogKom:20040206, title = {{R}egime-switching models of time series with cubic spline transition function in geodetic application}, author = {Bogn{\'{a}}r, T. and Komorn{\'{\i}}k, J. and Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {40}, pages = {143-150}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040206} ) @InProceedings(BogKom:20040179, title = {{T}ime series analysis: {T}heory and application}, author = {Bogn{\'{a}}r, T. and Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, booktitle = {Dekompozicionnyje metody v matemati{\v{c}}eskom modelirovanii i informatike}, publisher = {Rossijskaja akademija nauk}, address = {Moskva}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {17-21}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040179} ) @InProceedings(Boh:20040258, title = {{A}daptive predictive {L}{Q} control with constraints}, author = {B{\"{o}}hm, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific - Technical Conference. Process Control 2004}, editor = {Krej{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}, S. and Taufer, I.}, publisher = {Univerzity of Pardubice}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-12}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040258} ) @InProceedings(Boh:20040265, title = {{M}odel switching in multiple-model {L}{Q} controller}, author = {B{\"{o}}hm, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Oaxaca}, month = {December}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-6}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040265} ) @Article(BouMes:20040072, title = {{L}inear non-additive set-functions}, author = {Bouchon-Meunier, B. and Mesiar, R. and Ralescu, D. A.}, journal = {International Journal of General Systems}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {33}, pages = {89-98}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040072} ) @InProceedings(BreKom:20050231, title = {{M}odelling of economic time series using the regime-switching model}, author = {Brestovansk{\'{a}}, E. and Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference PRASTAN 2004}, editor = {Kalina, M. and Min{\'{a}}rov{\'{a}}, M. and N{\'{a}}n{\'{a}}siov{\'{a}}, O.}, publisher = {Slovak Statistical and Demographical Society}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {11-18}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050231} ) @Article(CalMes:20040204, title = {{Q}uantitative weights and aggregation}, author = {Calvo, T. and Mesiar, R. and Yager, R. R.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {12}, pages = {62-69}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040204} ) @InProceedings(CasTor:20050053, title = {{O}n the behavior of zero at infinity for time delay systems} , author = {Castellanos-Velasco, E. and Torres-Munoz, J. A. and Zagalak , P.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 2nd IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control}, editor = {Mondi{\'{e}}, S.}, publisher = {CINVESTAV}, address = {Mexico City}, month = {December}, year = {2004}, pages = {222-227}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050053} ) @Article(CasCel:20040048, title = {{G}eneralized immersion and nonlinear robust output regulation problem}, author = {Castillo-Toledo, B. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and DiGenaro, S.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2004}, number = {2}, volume = {40}, pages = {207-220}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040048} ) @Article(CsiMat:20040247, title = {{O}n information closures of exponential families: {A} counterexample}, author = {Csisz{\'{a}}r, I. and Mat{\'{u}}{\v{s}}, F.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, year = {2004}, number = {5}, volume = {50}, pages = {922-924}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040247} ) @InProceedings(CelReh:20040256, title = {{O}utput regulation problem with nonhyperbolic zero dynamics: femlab-based approach}, author = {{\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Reh{\'{a}}k, B.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on System, Structure and Control}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Oaxaca}, month = {December}, year = {2004}, pages = {700-705}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040256} ) @PhDThesis(Dan:20050094, title = {Timing-Driven Physical Design for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays. Ph.D. Thesis}, author = {Dan{\v{e}}k, M.}, year = {2004}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050094} ) @InProceedings(DanHon:20040045, title = {{R}econfigurable system-on-a-programmable-chip platform}, author = {Dan{\v{e}}k, M. and Honz{\'{\i}}k, P. and Kadlec, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and Pohl, Z.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems}, editor = {Peng, Z. and Fischerov{\'{a}}, M. and Gramatov{\'{a}}, E.}, publisher = {Institute of Informatics SAS}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {April}, year = {2004}, pages = {21-28}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040045} ) @InProceedings(DanKol:20040030, title = {{F}{P}{G}{A} modelling for high-performance algorithms. {A}bstract}, author = {Dan{\v{e}}k, M. and Kol{\'{a}}{\v{r}}, J.}, booktitle = {FPGA 2004 ACM/SIGDA Twelfth International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays}, editor = {Tessier, R. and Schmidt, H.}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {Monterey}, month = {February}, year = {2004}, pages = {251}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040030} ) @TechReport(DanMat:20040186, title = {{R}andom {A}ccess {F}{L}{A}{S}{H} {C}ontroller for {A}tmel {F}{P}{S}{L}{I}{C}}, author = {Dan{\v{e}}k, M. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2111}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040186} ) @TechReport(DanMat:20040187, title = {{F}{L}{A}{S}{H} {F}ormatter for the {F}{L}{A}{S}{H} {E}xpansion {B}oard}, author = {Dan{\v{e}}k, M. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2112}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040187} ) @TechReport(DanMat:20040188, title = {{O}verlay {C}ontroller for {A}tmel {F}{P}{S}{L}{I}{C}}, author = {Dan{\v{e}}k, M. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2113}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040188} ) @TechReport(DanMat:20040189, title = {{F}{L}{A}{S}{H} {R}ead {C}ontroller for {A}tmel {F}{P}{S}{L}{I}{C}}, author = {Dan{\v{e}}k, M. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2114}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040189} ) @TechReport(Der:20040049, title = {{E}xchange {R}ate {R}isks and {A}sset {P}rices in a {S}mall {O}pen {E}conomy}, author = {Derviz, A.}, institution = {European Central Bank}, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, year = {2004}, number = {314}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040049} ) @Article(Der:20040088, title = {{A}sset {R}eturn {D}ynamics and the {F}{X} {R}isk {P}remium in a {D}ecentralized {D}ealer {M}arket}, author = {Derviz, A.}, journal = {European Economic Review}, year = {2004}, number = {4}, volume = {48}, pages = {747-784}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040088} ) @Article(DobMac:20040241, title = {{H}uman eye iris recognition using the mutual information}, author = {Dobe{\v{s}}, M. and Machala, L. and Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P. and Posp{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}il, J.}, journal = {Optik}, year = {2004}, number = {9}, volume = {115}, pages = {399-404}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040241} ) @Article(DuvSro:20040212, title = {{C}omputer simulation of low-energy electronic excitations in atomic collision cascades}, author = {Duvenbeck, A. and {\v{S}}roubek, F. and {\v{S}}roubek, Z. and Wucher, A.}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B}, year = {2004}, number = {4}, series = {Beam Interactions with Materials \& Atoms}, volume = {225}, pages = {464-477}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040212} ) @InProceedings(Faj:20050175, title = {{S}peed of {C}onvergence to {E}quilibrium of {Z}ero {R}ange {P}rocess on a {B}inary {T}ree}, author = {Fajfrov{\'{a}}, L.}, booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k prac{\'{\i}} 13. letn{\'{\i}} {\v{s}}koly J{\v{C}}MF ROBUST 2004}, editor = {Antoch, J. and Gejza, D.}, publisher = {J{\v{C}}MF}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {75-85}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050175} ) @InProceedings(FilHai:20040107, title = {{N}on-linear reflectance model for {B}idirectional {T}exture {F}unction synthesis}, author = {Filip, J. and Haindl, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, chapter= {1}, editor = {Kittler, J. and Petrou, M. and Nixon, M.}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Los Alamitos}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {80-83}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040107} ) @TechReport(FleKan:20040240, title = {{O}ptimality {C}onditions for {D}isjunctive {P}rograms with {A}pplication to {M}athematical {P}rograms with {E}quilibrium {C}onstraints}, author = {Flegel, M. L. and Kanzow, C. and Outrata, J.}, institution = {University of W{\"{u}}rzburg}, address = {W{\"{u}}rzburg}, year = {2004}, number = {256}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040240} ) @TechReport(Flu:20040032, title = {Invariant Functionals and Their Use in Computer Image Analysis}, author = {Flusser, J.}, publisher = {{\v{C}}VUT}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040032} ) @InProceedings(FluZit:20040111, title = {{I}nvariants to convolution with circularly symmetric {P}{S}{F}}, author = {Flusser, J. and Zitov{\'{a}}, B.}, booktitle = {International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR 2004}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Kittler, J.}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Los Alamitos}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {11-14}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040111} ) @Article(ForSro:20040159, title = {{I}dentification of tuberculosis bacteria based on shape and color}, author = {Forero, M. G. and {\v{S}}roubek, F. and Crist{\'{o}}bal, G.} , journal = {Real-Time Imaging}, year = {2004}, number = {4}, volume = {10}, pages = {251-262}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040159} ) @InProceedings(ForSro:20040031, title = {{A}utomatic screening and multifocus fusion methods for diatom identification}, author = {Forero, M. G. and {\v{S}}roubek, F. and Flusser, J. and Redondo, R. and Cristobal, G.}, booktitle = {Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation VI}, editor = {Bosacchi, B. and Fogel, D. B. and Bezdek, J. C.}, publisher = {SPIE}, address = {Bellingham}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {197-206}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040031} ) @InProceedings(GebKar:20040174, title = {{L}ymphedema diagnostics employing {B}ayesian quantitative lymphoscintigraphy. {A}bstract}, author = {Gebousk{\'{y}}, P. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Abstracts: 5th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control. Young Generation Viewpoint}, editor = {Pongracz, B. and N{\'{e}}meth, E.}, publisher = {Hungarian Academy of Sciences}, address = {Budapest}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {5}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040174} ) @InProceedings(GebKar:20050007, title = {{L}ymphedema diagnostics employing {B}ayesian quantitative lymphoscintigraphy}, author = {Gebousk{\'{y}}, P. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control - a Young Generation Viewpoint}, publisher = {Hungarian Academy of Sciences}, address = {Budapest}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {51-56}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050007} ) @InProceedings(GriHor:20040126, title = {{I}nformation analysis of census data by using statistical models}, author = {Grim, J. and Hora, J. and Bo{\v{c}}ek, P. and Somol, P. and Pudil, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Statistics - Investment in the Future}, editor = {Krov{\'{a}}k, J.}, publisher = {Czech Statistical Office}, address = {Prague}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-7}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040126} ) @Article(GriHor:20040180, title = {{I}nteraktivn\'{\i} reprodukce v\'{y}sledk\accent23u s\v{c}\'{\i}t\'{a}n\'{\i} lidu pomoc\'{\i} statistick\'{e}ho modelu se zaru\v{c}enou ochranou anonymity dat}, author = {Grim, J. and Hora, J. and Pudil, P.}, journal = {Statistika}, year = {2004}, number = {5}, volume = {40}, pages = {400-414}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040180} ) @InProceedings(GuyBoh:20040057, title = {{P}robabilistic mixture control with multimodal target}, author = {Guy, T. V. and B{\"{o}}hm, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Multiple Participant Decision Making}, editor = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}} , M. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, publisher = {Advanced Knowledge International}, address = {Adelaide}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {89-98}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040057} ) @Article(GuyJur:20040002, title = {{C}ontribution to fault detection and diagnosis: {M}ixture-based modelling}, author = {Guy, T. V. and Juri{\v{c}}i{\v{c}}, D. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Rakar, A.}, journal = {ERCIM News}, year = {2004}, number = {56}, volume = {-}, pages = {39}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040002} ) @InProceedings(HaiFil:20040156, title = {{A} fast probabilistic {B}idirectional {T}exture {F}unction model}, author = {Haindl, M. and Filip, J.}, booktitle = {Image Analysis and Recognition}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Campilho, A. and Kamel, M.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Heidelberg}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {298-305}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040156} ) @InProceedings(HaiFil:20040108, title = {{B}{T}{F} image space utmost compression and modelling method}, author = {Haindl, M. and Filip, J. and Arnold, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, chapter= {3}, editor = {Kittler, J. and Petrou, M. and Nixon, M.}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Los Alamitos}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {194-197}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040108} ) @TechReport(HaiFil:20040237, title = {{A}dvances in {B}{T}{F} {M}odelling}, author = {Haindl, M. and Filip, J. and Somol, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2119}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040237} ) @TechReport(HaiFil:20040238, title = {{R}eal{R}eflect {L}ibrary - {R}eference {M}anual}, author = {Haindl, M. and Filip, J. and Somol, P. and Havl{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2121}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040238} ) @InProceedings(HaiGri:20040106, title = {{A} {G}aussian mixture-based colour texture model}, author = {Haindl, M. and Grim, J. and Somol, P. and Pudil, P. and Kudo, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, chapter= {3}, editor = {Kittler, J. and Petrou, M. and Nixon, M.}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Los Alamitos}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {177-180}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040106} ) @InProceedings(HaiMik:20040155, title = {{M}odel-based texture segmentation}, author = {Haindl, M. and Mike{\v{s}}, S.}, booktitle = {Image Analysis and Recognition. Proceedings}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Campilho, A. and Kamel, M.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {306-313}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040155} ) @InProceedings(HaiSim:20040160, title = {{P}robabilistic model-based restoration of short-exposure astronomical images}, author = {Haindl, M. and {\v{S}}imberov{\'{a}}, S.}, booktitle = {Signal and Image Processing. Proceedings}, editor = {Hamza, M. H.}, publisher = {Acta Press}, address = {Anaheim}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {619-624}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040160} ) @InProceedings(HeiPaw:20040215, title = {{W}eak and strong convergence of empirical distribution functions in germ-grain models}, author = {Heinrich, L. and Pawlas, Z.}, booktitle = {Spatial Point Process Modelling and its Applications}, editor = {Baddeley, A. and Gregori, P. and Mateu, J.}, publisher = {Universit{\"{a}}t Jaume}, address = {Castellon}, month = {April}, year = {2004}, pages = {101-124}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040215} ) @InProceedings(HenHan:20040129, title = {{R}educed {L}{M}{I}s for fixed-order polynomial controller design}, author = {Henrion, D. and Hansson, A. and Wallin, R.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems}, editor = {de Moor, B. and Motmans , B. and Willems, J.}, publisher = {Katholieke Universiteit}, address = {Leuven}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-12}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040129} ) @InProceedings(HenKuc:20050064, title = {{O}ptimizing simultaneously over the numerator and denominator polynomials in the {Y}oula-{K}u\v{c}era parametrization}, author = {Henrion, D. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V. and Cristobal, A. M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, publisher = {IEEE Control Systems Society}, address = {Bahamy}, month = {December}, year = {2004}, pages = {2177-2181}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050064} ) @Article(HenLas:20040089, title = {{S}olving nonconvex optimization problems}, author = {Henrion, D. and Lasserre, J. B.}, journal = {IEEE Control Systems Magazine}, year = {2004}, number = {3}, volume = {24}, pages = {72-83}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040089} ) @TechReport(HenOut:20040175, title = {{C}almness of {C}onstraint {S}ystems with {A}pplications}, author = {Henrion, R. and Outrata, J.}, institution = {WIAS}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2004}, number = {929}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040175} ) @InProceedings(HenSeb:20040131, title = {{O}vercoming non-convexity in polynomial robust control design}, author = {Henrion, D. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems}, editor = {de Moor, B. and Motmans, B. and Willems, J.}, publisher = {Katholieke Universiteit}, address = {Leuven}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-8}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040131} ) @InProceedings(HenSeb:20040130, title = {{F}ixed-order robust controller design with the {P}olynomial {T}oolbox 3.0}, author = {Henrion, D. and {\v{S}}ebek, M. and Hur{\'{a}}k, Z. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Taipei}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {303-308}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040130} ) @InProceedings(HenTar:20040128, title = {{C}ontrol of linear systems subject to time-domain constraints with polynomial pole placement and {L}{M}{I}s}, author = {Henrion, D. and Tarbouriech, S. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems}, editor = {de Moor, B. and Motmans, B. and Willems, J.}, publisher = {Katholieke Universiteit}, address = {Leuven}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-12}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040128} ) @InProceedings(HerSch:20040137, title = {{A}rchitecture design for {F}{P}{G}{A} implementation of finite interval {C}{M}{A}}, author = {He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A. and Schier, J. and Regalia, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th European Signal Processing Conference}, editor = {Hlawatsch, F. and Matz, G. and Rupp, M.}, publisher = {University of Technology}, address = {Vienna}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-4}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040137} ) @InProceedings(HerKri:20040226, title = {{B}ayesian evaluation of lymphoscintigraphy of secondary lymphedema of upper limbs}, author = {He{\v{r}}mansk{\'{a}}, J. and K{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}{\v{z}}ov{\'{a}}, H. and Gebousk{\'{y}}, P. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Wald, M.}, booktitle = {Dny radia{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} ochrany. Sborn{\'{\i}}k roz{\v{s}}{\'{\i}}{\v{r}}en{\'{y}}ch abstrakt{\accent23u} z 26.konference}, publisher = {{\v{C}}VUT}, address = {Praha}, month = {November}, year = {2004}, pages = {103-106}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040226} ) @Article(HerKri:20040213, title = {{B}ayesian {E}valuation of {L}ymphoscintigraphy of {S}econdary {U}pper {L}imb {L}ymphedema. {A}bstract}, author = {He{\v{r}}mansk{\'{a}}, J. and K{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}{\v{z}}ov{\'{a}}, H. and Gebousk{\'{y}}, P. and Wald, M. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Ad{\'{a}}mek, J. and Zim{\'{a}}k, J.} , journal = {European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging }, month = {September}, year = {2004}, number = {Supplement 2}, volume = {31}, pages = {454}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040213} ) @InProceedings(HerKri:20040214, title = {{K}vantifikace scintigrafick\'{e}ho vy\v{s}et\v{r}en\'{\i} u lymfed\'{e}mu horn\'{\i}ch kon\v{c}etin. {A}bstrakt}, author = {He{\v{r}}mansk{\'{a}}, J. and K{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}{\v{z}}ov{\'{a}}, H. and Gebousk{\'{y}}, P. and Wald, M. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Ad{\'{a}}mek, J.}, booktitle = {Dny l{\'{e}}ka{\v{r}}sk{\'{e}} biofyziky 2004. Sborn{\'{\i}}k abstrakt{\accent23u}}, publisher = {GAMAMED}, address = {Praha}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {18}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040214} ) @Article(HlaHla:20040208, title = {{P}etrohradsk\'{y} paradox a kardin\'{a}ln\'{\i} funkce u\v{z}itku}, author = {Hlav{\'{a}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and Hlav{\'{a}}{\v{c}}ek, M.}, journal = {Politick{\'{a}} ekonomie}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {52}, pages = {48-60}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040208} ) @Article(HlaHla:20040209, title = {{E}konomick\'{a} neracionalita don\'{a}tora plynouc\'{\i} z ned\accent23uv\v{e}ry k p\v{r}\'{\i}jemci dotace}, author = {Hlav{\'{a}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and Hlav{\'{a}}{\v{c}}ek, M.}, journal = {Finance a {\'{u}}v{\v{e}}r}, year = {2004}, number = {3-4}, volume = {54}, pages = {138-148}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040209} ) @InProceedings(Hob:20040268, title = {{A}symptotics of f-divergence errors of some histogram-based density estimates}, author = {Hobza, T.}, booktitle = {SFdS XXXVI{\'{e}}mes Journ{\'{e}}es de Statistique}, editor = {Berlinet, A. and Escoufier, Y.}, publisher = {Universit{\'{e}} Montpellier}, address = {Montpellier}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-6}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040268} ) @TechReport(HobPar:20050010, title = {{M}edian {E}stimators of {P}arameters of {L}ogistic {R}egression in {M}odels with {D}iscrete or {C}ontinuous {R}esponses} , author = {Hobza, T. and Pardo, L. and Vajda, I.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2124}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050010} ) @Article(Hon:20040044, title = {{E}lektronick\'{a} kniha j\'{\i}zd}, author = {Honz{\'{\i}}k, P.}, journal = {Praktick{\'{a}} elektronika A Radio}, year = {2004}, number = {-}, series = {Ro{\v{c}}enka ELECTUS 2004}, pages = {34-38}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040044} ) @TechReport(Hon:20040185, title = {{C}ommunication {L}ibrary for {A}{V}{R} {M}icrocontrollers}, author = {Honz{\'{\i}}k, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2110}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040185} ) @TechReport(Hon:20040190, title = {{G}etting {S}tarted with {A}{V}{G}-{G}{C}{C}}, author = {Honz{\'{\i}}k, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2115}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040190} ) @InProceedings(Hon:20040195, title = {{A}{V}{R} core supported dynamic reconfiguration}, author = {Honz{\'{\i}}k, P.}, booktitle = {POSTER 2004. Proceedings of the 8th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering}, editor = {Husn{\'{\i}}k, L. and Lhotsk{\'{a}}, L.}, publisher = {{\v{C}}VUT FEL}, address = {Praha}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-5}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040195} ) @InProceedings(Hou:20040086, title = {{W}asserstein metrics and empirical distributions in stability of stochastic programs}, author = {Houda, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference Quantitative Methods in Economics. (Multiple Criteria Decision Making XII)}, editor = {Luk{\'{a}}{\v{c}}ik, M.}, publisher = {University of Economics}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {71-77}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040086} ) @InProceedings(HroLid:20050097, title = {{N}umerical properties of a polynomial algorithm for solving scalar rational {B}ezout identity. {A}bstract}, author = {Hrom{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}k, M. and Lidinsk{\'{y}}, J. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {Book of Abstracts of the 2nd IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Oaxaca}, month = {December}, year = {2004}, pages = {48-49}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050097} ) @Article(Hus:20040150, title = {{W}eak invariance principles for regression rank statistics} , author = {Hu{\v{s}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, journal = {Sequential Analysis}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {23}, pages = {121-140}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040150} ) @Article(HusNeu:20040151, title = {{C}hange point analysis for censored data}, author = {Hu{\v{s}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Neuhaus, G.}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {126}, pages = {207-223}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040151} ) @Article(HusPic:20050014, title = {{S}ome remarks on permutation type tests in linear models}, author = {Hu{\v{s}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Picek, J.}, journal = {Discussiones Mathematicae, Probability and Statistics}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {24}, pages = {151-181}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050014} ) @TechReport(JanKal:20040028, title = {{L}okalizace modulu {M}{A}{T}{C}{H} syst\'{e}mu {R}{O}{D}{O}{S} pro popis \v{s}\'{\i}\v{r}en\'{\i} radioaktivn\'{\i}ch exhalac\'{\i} na velk\'{e} vzd\'{a}lenosti s vyu\v{z}it\'{\i}m p\v{r}edpov\v{e}dn\'{\i}ch dat z meteorologick\'{e}ho modelu {A}{L}{A}{D}{I}{N}}, author = {Janou{\v{s}}ek, M. and Kalibera, J. and Vondr{\'{a}}{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}, H. and Pecha, P. and Hanu{\v{s}}, J.}, institution = {{\v{C}}esk{\'{y}} hydrometeorologick{\'{y}} {\'{u}}stav}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {6/2002/2}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040028} ) @TechReport(JanVon:20040220, title = {{V}\'{y}zkum a implementace algoritm\accent23u pro zpracov\'{a}n\'{\i} meteorologick\'{y}ch dat v re\'{a}ln\'{e}m \v{c}ase}, author = {Janou{\v{s}}ek, M. and Vondr{\'{a}}{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}, H. and Pecha, P. and Hanu{\v{s}}, J.}, institution = {{\v{C}}HM{\'{U}}}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {E04}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040220} ) @InProceedings(JezZez:20040091, title = {{F}actorization of 2-{D} polynomials}, author = {Je{\v{z}}ek, J. and Zezula, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific -Technical Conference. Process Control 2004}, editor = {Krej{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}, S. and Taufer, I.}, publisher = {University of Pardubice}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-12}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040091} ) @InProceedings(JezZez:20040094, title = {{S}ymmetric factorization algorithm for 2-{D} control problems}, author = {Je{\v{z}}ek, J. and Zezula, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems}, editor = {de Moor, B. and Motmans, B. and Willems, J.}, publisher = {Katholieke Universiteit}, address = {Leuven}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-10}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040094} ) @InProceedings(JezZez:20040095, title = {2-{D} {F}ourier transforms for systems and control theory}, author = {Je{\v{z}}ek, J. and Zezula, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems}, editor = {de Moor, B. and Motmans, B. and Willems, J.}, publisher = {Katholieke Universiteit}, address = {Leuven}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-8}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040095} ) @InProceedings(Jir:20040169, title = {{D}ecomposition of {B}ayesian networks induced by compositional models}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models}, editor = {Lucas, P.}, publisher = {University of Nijmegen}, address = {Nijmegen}, month = {October}, year = {2004}, pages = {129-136}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040169} ) @InProceedings(Jir:20040170, title = {{W}hat is the difference between {B}ayesian networks and compositional models?}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty}, editor = {Noguchi, H. and Ishii, H. and Inuiguchi, M.}, publisher = {Osaka University}, address = {Awaji}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {191-196}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040170} ) @InProceedings(Jir:20040171, title = {{O}n relation of compositional and decomposable models}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Bouchon-Meunier, B. and Coletti, G. and Yager, R.}, publisher = {Universita La Sapienza}, address = {Roma}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {1057-1064}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040171} ) @InProceedings(Jir:20040172, title = {{K}nowledge-based decision-making supported by compositional models}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, booktitle = {Multiple Participant Decision Making}, editor = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, publisher = {Advanced Knowledge International}, address = {Adelaide}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {135-148}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040172} ) @InProceedings(Jir:20040176, title = {{D}ata-based construction of multidimensional probabilistic models}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, booktitle = {Conditionals, Information, and Inference. Proceedings}, editor = {Kern-Isberner, G. and Roedder, W. and Kulmann, F.}, publisher = {Universit{\"{a}}t Ulm}, address = {Ulm}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {77-87}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040176} ) @Article(Kad:20050031, title = {{I}{D}{E}{A}{L}{I}{S}{T}: {J}ak naj\'{\i}t partnery pro projekty {I}{S}{T}}, author = {Kadlec, J.}, journal = {Echo}, year = {2004}, number = {3}, volume = {-}, pages = {13}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050031} ) @TechReport(KadDan:20040191, title = {{R}econfigurable 24-{B}it {F}loating-{P}oint {C}oprocessor {D}emo}, author = {Kadlec, J. and Dan{\v{e}}k, M. and Honz{\'{\i}}k, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2116}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040191} ) @TechReport(KadDan:20040192, title = {{R}econfigurable {S}crolling {D}emo}, author = {Kadlec, J. and Dan{\v{e}}k, M. and Honz{\'{\i}}k, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2117}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040192} ) @TechReport(KadKad:20040071, title = {Workshop FET. Future and Emerging Technologies in the frame of IST FP6}, author = {Kadlec, J. and Kadlecov{\'{a}}, M.}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040071} ) @InProceedings(Kan:20040076, title = {{M}ultiobjective programs and {M}arkowitz model}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference Quantitative Methods in Economics. (Multiple Criteria Decision Making XII)}, editor = {Luk{\'{a}}{\v{c}}ik, M.}, publisher = {University of Economics}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {109-117}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040076} ) @InProceedings(Kan:20040146, title = {{A} note on multiobjective stochastic programming problems and strongly convex functions}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2004}, editor = {Bauer, L.}, publisher = {Masaryk University}, address = {Brno}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {152-157}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040146} ) @InProceedings(Kan:20050076, title = {{E}conomic processes and empirical data}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {V{\'{y}}po{\v{c}}tov{\'{a}} ekonomie}, editor = {Luk{\'{a}}{\v{s}}, L.}, publisher = {Z{\'{a}}pado{\v{c}}esk{\'{a}} univerzita}, address = {Plze{\v{n}}}, month = {November}, year = {2004}, pages = {55-72}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050076} ) @TechReport(KanSmi:20040135, title = {{A} {R}emark on {A}pproximation in {M}ultistage {S}tochastic {P}rograms: {M}arkov {D}ependence}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V. and {\v{S}}m{\'{\i}}d, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2102}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040135} ) @Article(KanSmi:20040263, title = {{O}n approximation in multistage stochastic programs: {M}arkov dependence}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V. and {\v{S}}m{\'{\i}}d, M.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2004}, number = {5}, volume = {40}, pages = {625-638}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040263} ) @InProceedings(KarAnd:20040053, title = {{P}reface}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Andr{\'{y}}sek, J. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, booktitle = {Multiple Participant Decision Making}, editor = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, publisher = {Advanced Knowledge International}, address = {Adelaide}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {1}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040053} ) @InProceedings(KarGuy:20040056, title = {{O}n dynamic decision-making scenarios with multiple participants}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Guy, T. V.}, booktitle = {Multiple Participant Decision Making}, editor = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}} , M. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, publisher = {Advanced Knowledge International}, address = {Adelaide}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {17-28}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040056} ) @Article(KarKra:20040060, title = {{A} normative probabilistic design of a fair governmental decision strategy}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, journal = {Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis}, year = {2004}, number = {2-3}, volume = {12}, pages = {1-15}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040060} ) @InProceedings(KarWar:20040058, title = {{F}ramework for {M}ultisensory {C}onvergence}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K. and Guy, T. V. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, booktitle = {Multiple Participant Decision Making}, editor = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, publisher = {Advanced Knowledge International}, address = {Adelaide}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {63-74}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040058} ) @Article(KimVal:20040074, title = {{A} prototypical system for soft evidential update}, author = {Kim, Y. G. and Valtorta, M. and Vomlel, J.}, journal = {Applied Intelligence}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {21}, pages = {81-97}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040074} ) @Article(KleMes:20040070, title = {{M}easure-based aggregation operators}, author = {Klement, E. P. and Mesiar, R.}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {2004}, number = {142}, volume = {27}, pages = {3-14}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040070} ) @Article(KleMes:20040200, title = {{P}roblems on triangular norms and related operators}, author = {Klement, E. P. and Mesiar, R. and Pap, E.}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {2004}, number = {145}, volume = {23}, pages = {471-479}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040200} ) @InProceedings(KleMes:20040201, title = {{A} general approach to integration on finite sets}, author = {Klement, E. P. and Mesiar, R. and Pap, E.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems}, chapter= {1}, editor = {Bouchon-Meunier, B. and Coletti, G. and Yager, R. R.}, publisher = {University La Sapienza}, address = {Roma}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {61-66}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040201} ) @Article(KleMes:20040202, title = {{T}riangular norms. {P}osition paper {I}{I}: general constructions and parameterized families}, author = {Klement, E. P. and Mesiar, R. and Pap, E.}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {2004}, number = {145}, volume = {23}, pages = {411-438}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040202} ) @Article(KleMes:20040203, title = {{T}riangular norms. {P}osition paper {I}{I}{I}: continuous t-norms}, author = {Klement, E. P. and Mesiar, R. and Pap, E.}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {2004}, number = {145}, volume = {23}, pages = {439-454}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040203} ) @InProceedings(KleMes:20040207, title = {{T}riangular norms as special semigroups}, author = {Klement, E. P. and Mesiar, R. and Pap, E.}, booktitle = {Mathematics of Fuzzy Systems}, editor = {Klement, E. P. and Pap, E.}, publisher = {JKU Linz}, address = {Linz}, month = {February}, year = {2004}, pages = {76-82}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040207} ) @Article(Kli:20040119, title = {{G}eo-information management}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D.}, journal = {International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {35}, pages = {101-106}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040119} ) @InProceedings(Kli:20040158, title = {{E}uropean geographic environment}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D.}, booktitle = {Sustain Life - Secure Survival 2. Socially and environmentally responsible agribusiness}, editor = {Tich{\'{a}}, I.}, publisher = {CZU}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-9}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040158} ) @InProceedings(Kli:20040239, title = {{S}everal comments on temporal modeling in {G}{I}{S}}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D.}, booktitle = {OBJEKTY 2004. Sborn{\'{\i}}k p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}sp{\v{e}}vk{\accent23u} dev{\'{a}}t{\'{e}}ho ro{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}}ku konference}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}B TU}, address = {Ostrava}, month = {November}, year = {2004}, pages = {109-115}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040239} ) @InProceedings(KliOce:20040096, title = {{I}mage classification - decision design}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D. and Ocel{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, E.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific -Technical Conference. Process Control 2004}, editor = {Krej{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}, S. and Taufer, I.}, publisher = {University of Pardubice}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-7}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040096} ) @InProceedings(KliOce:20040117, title = {{I}mage classification - decision design. {A}bstract}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D. and Ocel{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, E.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific -Technical Conference. Process Control 2004. Abstracts}, editor = {Krej{\v{c}}{\'{\i}} , S. and Taufer, I.}, publisher = {University of Pardubice}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {237}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040117} ) @InProceedings(KliOce:20040157, title = {{I}mage classification difficulties}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D. and Ocel{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, E.}, booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k prac{\'{\i}} z mezin{\'{a}}rodn{\'{\i}} v{\v{e}}deck{\'{e}} konference Agr{\'{a}}rn{\'{\i}} perspektivy 13}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Svato{\v{s}}, M.}, publisher = {{\v{C}}ZU PEF}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {493-496}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040157} ) @Article(KocOut:20040143, title = {{O}ptimization problems with equilibrium constraints and their numerical solution}, author = {Ko{\v{c}}vara, M. and Outrata, J.}, journal = {Mathematical Programming}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, series = {B}, volume = {101}, pages = {119-149}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040143} ) @InProceedings(KocOut:20040144, title = {{O}n the modeling and control of delamination processes}, author = {Ko{\v{c}}vara, M. and Outrata, J.}, booktitle = {Control and Boundary Analysis. Proceedings}, editor = {Cagnol, J. and Zolesio, J. P.}, publisher = {Marcel Dekker}, address = {New York}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {171-190}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040144} ) @Article(KocSti:20040145, title = {{S}olving nonconvex {S}{D}{P} problems of structural optimization with stability control}, author = {Ko{\v{c}}vara, M. and Stingl, M.}, journal = {Optimization Methods and Software}, year = {2004}, number = {5}, volume = {19}, pages = {595-609}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040145} ) @InProceedings(KodSla:20040078, title = {{D}ynamical macroeconomic models from the {K}eynesian, {W}alrasian and {C}lassical point of view}, author = {Kodera, J. and Sladk{\'{y}}, K. and Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference Quantitative Methods in Economics. (Multiple Criteria Decision Making XII)}, editor = {Luk{\'{a}}{\v{c}}ik, M.}, publisher = {University of Economics}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {118-127}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040078} ) @InProceedings(KodSla:20040148, title = {{D}ynamics of an extended {K}aldor model with rational expectation of capital efficiency and adaptive expectation of inflation}, author = {Kodera, J. and Sladk{\'{y}}, K. and Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2004}, editor = {Bauer, L.}, publisher = {Masaryk University}, address = {Brno}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {158-163}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040148} ) @InProceedings(KodSla:20050077, title = {{A} small-open-economy model and the possibility of more complex dynamical behaviour}, author = {Kodera, J. and Sladk{\'{y}}, K. and Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, booktitle = {V{\'{y}}po{\v{c}}tov{\'{a}} technika}, editor = {Luk{\'{a}}{\v{s}}, L.}, publisher = {Z{\'{a}}pado{\v{c}}esk{\'{a}} univerzita}, address = {Plze{\v{n}}}, month = {November}, year = {2004}, pages = {47-57}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050077} ) @TechReport(KolTic:20040264, title = {{C}ram\'{e}r-{R}ao {L}ower {B}ound for {I}ndependent {C}omponent {A}nalysis}, author = {Koldovsk{\'{y}}, Z. and Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2123}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040264} ) @InProceedings(KomKom:20040196, title = {{C}hanges in relations betwee exchange rates of currencies of {V}isegrad countries to {E}uro}, author = {Komorn{\'{\i}}k, J. and Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, booktitle = {Zborn{\'{\i}}k z 12. Slovenskej {\v{s}}tatistickej konferencie {\v{S}}tatistika a integr{\'{a}}cia}, editor = {Vr{\'{a}}bŒov{\'{a}}, B. and Chajdiak, J. and Luha, J.}, publisher = {S{\v{S}}DS}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {October}, year = {2004}, pages = {51-55}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040196} ) @InProceedings(KomKom:20050233, title = {{M}ultiple regime-switching models in finance}, author = {Komorn{\'{\i}}k, J. and Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Bogn{\'{a}}r, T.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference PRASTAN 2004}, editor = {Kalina, M. and Min{\'{a}}rov{\'{a}}, M. and N{\'{a}}n{\'{a}}siov{\'{a}}, O.}, publisher = {Slovak Statistical and Demographical Society}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {51-60}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050233} ) @InProceedings(KomKom:20050232, title = {{M}ultivariate modeling of exchange rates of {V}isegrad {C}ountries currencies to {E}uro}, author = {Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Komorn{\'{\i}}k, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference PRASTAN 2004}, editor = {Kalina, M. and Min{\'{a}}rov{\'{a}}, M. and N{\'{a}}n{\'{a}}siov{\'{a}}, O.}, publisher = {Slovak Statistical and Demographical Society}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {37-50}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050232} ) @InProceedings(Kra:20040059, title = {{O}n composition of probability density functions}, author = {Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, booktitle = {Multiple Participant Decision Making}, editor = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, publisher = {Advanced Knowledge International}, address = {Adelaide}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {113-121}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040059} ) @TechReport(Kra:20040082, title = {{C}omposition of {P}robability {D}ensity {F}unctions - {O}ptimizing {A}pproach}, author = {Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2099}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040082} ) @InProceedings(Kra:20040164, title = {{C}omposition of probability density functions based on minimization of {K}ullback-{L}eibler divergence. {A}bstract}, author = {Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Abstracts: 5th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control. Young Generation Viewpoint}, editor = {Pongr{\'{a}}cz, B. and N{\'{e}}meth, E.}, publisher = {Hungarian Academy of Sciences}, address = {Budapest}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-2}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040164} ) @InProceedings(Kra:20040083, title = {{E}xample of the use of polynomial matrix equations in the design of a quadratically optimal tracker}, author = {Kraffer, F.}, booktitle = {Multiple Participant Decision Making. CMP'04}, editor = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-10}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040083} ) @InProceedings(Kra:20040084, title = {{P}olynomial equation design of a linear quadratic system for positioning a hanging crane}, author = {Kraffer, F.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific - Technical Conference. Process Control 2004}, editor = {Krej{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}, S. and Taufer, I.}, publisher = {University of Pardubice}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-10}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040084} ) @InProceedings(Kra:20040173, title = {{P}olynomial matrix equation design of reduced dimension observers}, author = {Kraffer, F.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Kusadasi}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-6}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040173} ) @InProceedings(Kra:20040266, title = {{P}olynomial matrix equation design for strictly proper reduced-order observers}, author = {Kraffer, F.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Oaxaca}, month = {December}, year = {2004}, pages = {36-41}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040266} ) @InProceedings(KraNag:20040054, title = {{L}ocal traffic control of microregion}, author = {Kratochv{\'{\i}}lov{\'{a}}, J. and Nagy, I.}, booktitle = {Multiple Participant Decision Making}, editor = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, publisher = {Advanced Knowledge International}, address = {Adelaide}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {161-171}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040054} ) @TechReport(KraNag:20040109, title = {{L}ok\'{a}ln\'{\i} \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i} m\v{e}stsk\'{e} dopravy}, author = {Kratochv{\'{\i}}lov{\'{a}}, J. and Nagy, I.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2101}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040109} ) @TechReport(KraNag:20040121, title = {{S}estaven\'{\i} obecn\'{e} metodologie pro zad\'{a}v\'{a}n\'{\i} line\'{a}rn\'{\i}ho modelu dopravn\'{\i} mikrooblasti}, author = {Kratochv{\'{\i}}lov{\'{a}}, J. and Nagy, I.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2105}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040121} ) @Article(KraNag:20050269, title = {{M}odel dopravn\'{\i} mikrooblasti}, author = {Kratochv{\'{\i}}lov{\'{a}}, J. and Nagy, I.}, journal = {Automatizace}, year = {2004}, number = {12}, volume = {47}, pages = {752-758}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050269} ) @InProceedings(Kro:20040019, title = {{C}opulas and characterization of {T}-product possibility measures}, author = {Kroupa, T.}, booktitle = {Mathematics of Fuzzy Systems. Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory}, editor = {Klement, E. P. and Pap, E.}, publisher = {Johannes Kepler Universit{\"{a}}t}, address = {Linz}, month = {January}, year = {2004}, pages = {104-107}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040019} ) @InProceedings(Kro:20040033, title = {{C}onditional probability on {M}{V}-algebras. {A}bstract}, author = {Kroupa, T.}, booktitle = {ISCAM 2004. International Conference in Applied Mathematics for Undergraduate and Graduate Students. Abstracts}, editor = {Zajac, M.}, publisher = {Slovak University of Technology}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {April}, year = {2004}, pages = {20}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040033} ) @InProceedings(Kro:20040103, title = {{O}n interpretation of possibility distributions as sets of dominated distribution functions}, author = {Kroupa, T.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems}, chapter= {1}, editor = {Bouchon-Meunier, B. and Coletti, G. and Yager, R. R.}, publisher = {Universita La Sapienza}, address = {Roma}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {367-372}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040103} ) @Article(Kro:20040104, title = {{C}onditional independence in probability theory on {M}{V}-algebras}, author = {Kroupa, T.}, journal = {Soft Computing}, year = {2004}, number = {8}, volume = {8}, pages = {534-538}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040104} ) @InProceedings(Kru:20040136, title = {{P}eriodicity properties of solutions to a hysteresis model in micromagnetics}, author = {Kru{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}k, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications}, editor = {Feistauer, M. and Dolej{\v{s}}{\'{\i}}, V. and Knobloch, P. }, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {605-614}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040136} ) @InProceedings(Kru:20040232, title = {{R}ate-independent behavior of ferromagnets}, author = {Kru{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}k, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM)} , chapter= {4}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Dresden}, month = {March}, year = {2004}, pages = {67-70}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040232} ) @Article(KruOtt:20040229, title = {{A} phenomenological model for hysteresis in polycrystalline shape memory alloys}, author = {Kru{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}k, M. and Otto, F.}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"{u}}r Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik}, year = {2004}, number = {12}, volume = {84}, pages = {835-842}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040229} ) @Article(KruPro:20050042, title = {{M}acroscopic modeling of magnetic hysteresis}, author = {Kru{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}k, M. and Prohl, A.}, journal = {Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications}, year = {2004}, number = {14}, volume = {14}, pages = {665-681}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050042} ) @Article(KruRou:20040102, title = {{I}nteractions between demagnetizing field and minor-loop development in bulk ferromagnets}, author = {Kru{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}k, M. and Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, journal = {Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials}, year = {2004}, number = {1/2}, volume = {277}, pages = {192-200}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040102} ) @TechReport(KruRou:20040231, title = {{M}esoscopic {M}odel of {M}icrostructure {E}volution in {S}hape {M}emory {A}lloys with {A}pplications to {N}i{M}n{G}a}, author = {Kru{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}k, M. and Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, institution = {IMA University of Minnesota}, address = {Minneapolis}, year = {2004}, number = {2003}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040231} ) @InProceedings(Kuc:20050065, title = {{T}he {H}_2 control problem with internal stability}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design}, publisher = {IEEE CACSD '04}, address = {Taiwan}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-8}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050065} ) @InProceedings(KujHro:20040132, title = {{E}ffective computations with 2-variable polynomial matrices in {M}{A}{T}{H}{E}{M}{A}{T}{I}{C}{A}}, author = {Kujan, P. and Hrom{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}k, M. and {\v{S}}ebek, M. and Karampetakis, N. P. and Antoniou, E. N. and Vologiannidis, S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Medeterranean Conferences on Control and Automation}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Kusadasi}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-5}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040132} ) @Article(Lac:20040233, title = {{A} solution of an equation for indexed functions}, author = {Lachout, P.}, journal = {Acta Universitatis Carolinae}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, series = {Mathematica et Physica}, volume = {45}, pages = {3-8}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040233} ) @InProceedings(LidHro:20040133, title = {{N}ew algorithm for doubly coprime factorization based on ordered real {S}chur form}, author = {Lidinsk{\'{y}}, J. and Hrom{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}k, M. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Kusadasi}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-6}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040133} ) @InProceedings(LidHro:20050098, title = {{N}umerical properties of a polynomial algorithm for solving scalar rational {B}ezout identity}, author = {Lidinsk{\'{y}}, J. and Hrom{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}k, M. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 2nd Symposium on System, Structures and Control}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Oaxaca}, month = {December}, year = {2004}, pages = {395-399}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050098} ) @Article(LieVaj:20040253, title = {{A} general asymptotic theory of {M}-estimators {I}{I}}, author = {Liese, F. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {Mathematical Methods of Statistics}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {13}, pages = {82-95}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040253} ) @InProceedings(Lne:20040149, title = {{O}n conditional independences among four {G}aussian variables}, author = {Ln{\v{e}}ni{\v{c}}ka, R.}, booktitle = {Conditionals, Information, and Inference. CII'04. Proceedings}, editor = {Kern-Isberner, G. and Roedder, W. and Kulmann, F.}, publisher = {Universit{\"{a}}t Ulm}, address = {Ulm}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {89-101}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040149} ) @Article(LoiZag:20040015, title = {{O}n a special case of model matching}, author = {Loiseau, J. J. and Zagalak, P.}, journal = {International Journal of Control}, year = {2004}, number = {2}, volume = {77}, pages = {164-172}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040015} ) @Article(LoiZag:20050052, title = {{S}ome remarks on matrix pencil completion problems}, author = {Loiseau, J. J. and Zagalak, P. and Mondi{\'{e}}, S.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2004}, number = {6}, volume = {40}, pages = {665-680}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050052} ) @Article(Mar:20040042, title = {{J}ak porozum\v{e}t sign\'{a}l\accent23um a zpr\'{a}v\'{a}m?} , author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, journal = {21. stolet{\'{\i}}}, year = {2004}, number = {5}, volume = {2}, pages = {27-29}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040042} ) @Article(Mar:20040062, title = {{G}ames and life}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, journal = {ERCIM News}, year = {2004}, number = {57}, pages = {12-13}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040062} ) @InProceedings(Mar:20040085, title = {{V}ague utilities in cooperative market}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Sets and Soft Computing in Economics and Finance}, editor = {Batyrshin, I. and Kacprzyk, J. and Sherementov, L.}, publisher = {Russian Fuzzy Systems Association}, address = {Saint-Petersburg}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {143-153}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040085} ) @InProceedings(Mar:20040100, title = {{L}exicographical aggregation of fuzzy criteria}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Bouchon-Meunier, B. and Coletti, G. and Yager, R. R.}, publisher = {Universita La Sapienza}, address = {Roma}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {1229-1234}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040100} ) @InProceedings(MarVla:20040122, title = {{F}uzzy coalitions as fuzzy classes of crisp coalitions}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Vlach, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty}, editor = {Noguchi, H. and Ishii, H. and Inuiguchi, M.}, publisher = {Osaka University}, address = {Awaji}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {32-43}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040122} ) @Article(MarVla:20040267, title = {{F}uzzy classes of cooperative games with transferable utility. {F}uzzification methods of coalitional games with transferable utility}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Vlach, M.}, journal = {Scientiae Mathematicae}, year = {2004}, number = {2}, volume = {60}, pages = {269-278}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040267} ) @InProceedings(MarMes:20040205, title = {{A}ggregation on finite ordinal scales by scale independent functions}, author = {Marichal, J. L. and Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Bouchon-Meunier, B. and Coletti, G. and Yager, R. R.}, publisher = {University La Sapienza}, address = {Roma}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {1243-1250}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040205} ) @TechReport(MatHon:20040193, title = {{S}{D}{I}{O} {I}nterface for the {F}{P}{S}{L}{I}{C}}, author = {Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and Honz{\'{\i}}k, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2118}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040193} ) @Article(Mat:20050093, title = {GIN z kouzeln{\'{e}} lampy m{\'{\i}}{\v{r}}{\'{\i}} do kapes} , author = {Matul{\'{\i}}k, R.}, journal = {Lidov{\'{e}} noviny}, month = {December}, year = {2004}, number = {288}, volume = {17}, pages = {22}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050093} ) @Article(Mat:20040050, title = {{T}owards classification of semigraphoids}, author = {Mat{\'{u}}{\v{s}}, F.}, journal = {Discrete Mathematics}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {277}, pages = {115-145}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040050} ) @InProceedings(Mat:20040116, title = {{M}aximization of information divergences related to binary i.i.d. sequences}, author = {Mat{\'{u}}{\v{s}}, F.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Bouchon-Meunier, B. and Coletti, G. and Yager, R. R.}, publisher = {Universita La Sapienza}, address = {Roma}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {1303-1306}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040116} ) @Article(MazBro:20050006, title = {{F}{P}{G}{A} implementace {L}{M}{S} a {N}-{L}{M}{S} algoritmu pro potla\v{c}en\'{\i} akustick\'{e}ho echa}, author = {Mazanec, T. and Broth{\'{a}}nek, M.}, journal = {Akustick{\'{e}} listy}, year = {2004}, number = {4}, volume = {10}, pages = {9-13}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050006} ) @TechReport(MesMul:20040166, title = {{S}pecification and {P}rototype {D}escription of {T}exture {M}apping and {S}ynthesis}, author = {Meseth, J. and M{\"{u}}ller, G. and Klein, R. and Haindl, M . and Filip, J. and Somol, P. and {\v{Z}}id, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2107}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040166} ) @InProceedings(Mes:20040198, title = {{N}ew results in aggregation based on ideas of {P}rof. {B}envenuti. {D}edicated to {P}rof. {P}ietro {B}envenuti}, author = {Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems}, chapter= {3}, editor = {Bouchon-Meunier, B. and Coletti, G. and Yager, R. R.}, publisher = {Universita La Sapienza}, address = {Roma}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {1947-1950}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040198} ) @InProceedings(Mes:20040199, title = {{P}ietro {B}envenuti and his 35 years with aggregation operators}, author = {Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Nonstandard Logics}, editor = {Navara, M.}, publisher = {Czech Technical University}, address = {Prague}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {17-25}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040199} ) @InCollection(Mes:20040211, title = {{P}ietro {B}envenuti: 35 anni con gli operatori di aggregazione}, author = {Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Pietro Benvenuti: L'Opera Scientifica}, editor = {Maschio, G.}, publisher = {Universita La Sapienza}, address = {Roma}, year = {2004}, pages = {547-553}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040211} ) @Article(MesMes:20040067, title = {{R}esidual implications and left-continuous t-norms which are ordinal sums of semigroups}, author = {Mesiar, R. and Mesiarov{\'{a}}, A.}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, series = {143}, volume = {27}, pages = {47-57}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040067} ) @InProceedings(MesMes:20040197, title = {{F}uzzy integrals}, author = {Mesiar, R. and Mesiarov{\'{a}}, A.}, booktitle = {Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence. First International Conference, MDAI 2004. Proceedings}, editor = {Torra, V. and Narukawa, Y.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Heidelber}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {7-14}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040197} ) @Article(MesSam:20040194, title = {{D}omination of ordered weighted averaging operators over t-norms}, author = {Mesiar, R. and Saminger, S.}, journal = {Soft Computing}, year = {2004}, number = {8}, volume = {8}, pages = {562-570}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040194} ) @Article(MorPar:20040037, title = {{R}\'{e}nyi statistics for testing composite hypotheses in general exponential models}, author = {Morales, D. and Pardo, L. and Pardo, M. C. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {Statistics}, year = {2004}, number = {2}, volume = {38}, pages = {133-147}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040037} ) @InProceedings(MorPar:20040161, title = {{D}igitalization of observations permits efficient estimation in continuos models}, author = {Morales, D. and Pardo, L. and Vajda, I.}, booktitle = {Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems}, editor = {L{\'{o}}pez-D{\'{\i}}az, M.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {315-322}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040161} ) @Book(Ned:20040227, title = {Prior knowledge processing. (Program)}, author = {Nedoma, P.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040227} ) @Book(Ned:20040228, title = {Stopping rules in probabilistic mixtures learning. (Program)} , author = {Nedoma, P.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040228} ) @InProceedings(Nov:20040165, title = {{C}ontroller design with constraints under uncertainty. {A}bstract}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}k, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Abstracts: 5th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control. Young Generation Viewpoint}, editor = {Pongr{\'{a}}cz, B. and N{\'{e}}meth, E.}, publisher = {Hungarian Academy of Sciences}, address = {Budapest}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {3-4}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040165} ) @InCollection(Nov:20040248, title = {{F}uzzy relation equations with words}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}k, V.}, booktitle = {Fuzzy Partial Differential Equations and Relational Equations: Reservoir Characterization and Modeling}, editor = {Nikravesh, M. and Zadeh, L. A. and Korotkich, V.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2004}, pages = {167-185}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040248} ) @InProceedings(NovPav:20040219, title = {{O}ptimization of controller design using {M}onte-{C}arlo simulation}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}k, M. and Pavelkov{\'{a}}, L.}, booktitle = {Multiple Participant Decision Making. CMP'04}, editor = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-15}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040219} ) @InProceedings(NovPav:20040257, title = {{C}ontroller design for constrained stochastic systems}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}k, M. and Pavelkov{\'{a}}, L. and B{\"{o}}hm, J.} , booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific - Technical Conference. Process Control 2004}, editor = {Krej{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}, S. and Taufer, I.}, publisher = {Univerzity of Pardubice}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-16}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040257} ) @Article(NovMal:20040142, title = {{T}ext document classification based on mixture models}, author = {Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Mal{\'{\i}}k, A.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2004}, number = {3}, volume = {40}, pages = {293-304}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040142} ) @InProceedings(NovMal:20040114, title = {{F}eature selection using improved mutual information for text classification}, author = {Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Mal{\'{\i}}k, A. and Pudil, P.}, booktitle = {Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition. Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2004 and SPR 2004. Proceedings}, editor = {Fred, A. and Caelli, T. and Duin, R. P. W.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {1010-1017}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040114} ) @InProceedings(OceKli:20040035, title = {{C}ontribution to the classification of multidimensional data}, author = {Ocel{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, E. and Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Slovakian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence}, publisher = {Technical University}, address = {Ko{\v{s}}ice}, month = {January}, year = {2004}, pages = {71-76}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040035} ) @InProceedings(OceKli:20040097, title = {{M}ultikriterialne rozhodovanie}, author = {Ocel{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, E. and Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific -Technical Conference. Process Control 2004}, editor = {Krej{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}, S. and Taufer, I.}, publisher = {University of Pardubice}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-9}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040097} ) @InProceedings(OceKli:20040118, title = {{M}ulti-criteria decision. {A}bstract}, author = {Ocel{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, E. and Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific -Technical Conference. Process Control 2004. Abstracts}, editor = {Krej{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}, S. and Taufer, I.}, publisher = {University of Pardubice}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {210}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040118} ) @InProceedings(OrtTor:20050054, title = {{V}ertex stability results for a diamond-type family of quasipolynomials}, author = {Ort{\'{\i}}z-Moctezuma, M. B. and Torres-Munoz, J. A. and Kharitonov, V. L. and Zagalak, P.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 2nd IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control}, publisher = {CINVESTAV}, address = {Mexico City}, month = {December}, year = {2004}, pages = {228-233}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050054} ) @Article(Out:20040269, title = {{A} note on a class of equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints}, author = {Outrata, J.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2004}, number = {5}, volume = {40}, pages = {585-594}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040269} ) @TechReport(ParPar:20040099, title = {{T}esting {H}omogeneity of {I}ndependent {S}amples from {A}rbitrary {M}odels}, author = {Pardo, M. C. and Pardo, L. and Vajda, I.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2104}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040099} ) @Article(PawBen:20040216, title = {{O}n the central limit theorem for the stationary {P}oisson process of compact sets}, author = {Pawlas, Z. and Bene{\v{s}}, V.}, journal = {Mathematische Nachrichten}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {267}, pages = {77-87}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040216} ) @TechReport(Pec:20040221, title = {{L}okalizace hydrologick\'{y}ch model\accent23u {R}{I}{V}{T}{O}{X} a {T}{H}{R}{E}{E}{T}{O}{X} syst\'{e}mu {R}{O}{D}{O}{S} na \'{u}seku st\v{r}edn\'{\i}ho {P}ovltav\'{\i}}, author = {Pecha, P.}, institution = {{\v{C}}HM{\'{U}}}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {E09}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040221} ) @InProceedings(Pec:20040223, title = {{P}ravd\v{e}podobnostn\'{\i} p\v{r}\'{\i}stup k hodnocen\'{\i} rizika radioaktivn\'{\i}ch \'{u}nik\accent23u do \v{z}ivotn\'{\i}ho prost\v{r}ed\'{\i}}, author = {Pecha, P.}, booktitle = {Dny radia{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} ochrany. Sborn{\'{\i}}k roz{\v{s}}{\'{\i}}{\v{r}}en{\'{y}}ch abstrakt{\accent23u} z 26.konference}, publisher = {{\v{C}}VUT}, address = {Praha}, month = {November}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-5}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040223} ) @TechReport(PecHan:20040222, title = {{A}nal\'{y}za po\v{z}adavk\accent23u na meteorologick\'{a} data - vytv\'{a}\v{r}en\'{\i} jednotn\'{e} datov\'{e} platformy}, author = {Pecha, P. and Hanu{\v{s}}, J.}, institution = {{\v{C}}HM{\'{U}}}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {E05}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040222} ) @InProceedings(PecPec:20040079, title = {{R}isk {A}ssessment of {R}adionuclide {R}eleases during {E}xtreme {L}ow-{W}ind {A}tmospheric {C}onditions}, author = {Pecha, P. and Pechov{\'{a}}, E.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes}, chapter= {1}, editor = {Suppan, P.}, publisher = {Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH}, address = {Karlsruhe }, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {320-324}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040079} ) @Article(PilMat:20040246, title = {{O}n finite sequences conditionally uniform given minima and maxima}, author = {Pilar Iglesias, Z. and Mat{\'{u}}{\v{s}}, F. and Pereira, C. A. B. and Tanaka, N. I.}, journal = {Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics}, year = {2004}, number = {3}, volume = {66}, pages = {428-439}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040246} ) @TechReport(PohHer:20040183, title = {{A}{D}{P}{C}{M} {D}emo}, author = {Pohl, Z. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2108}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040183} ) @TechReport(PohHer:20040184, title = {{A}{D}{P}{C}{M} {I}{P} {C}ores}, author = {Pohl, Z. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2109}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040184} ) @Article(RamCel:20040047, title = {{G}eneralized output regulation for a class of nonlinear systems via the robust control approach}, author = {Ramos-Velasco, L. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Lopez-Morales, V. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, journal = {WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {3}, pages = {126-131}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040047} ) @Article(RamCel:20040167, title = {{G}eneralized output regulation problem for a class of nonlinear systems with nonautonomous exosystem}, author = {Ramos, L. E. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year = {2004}, number = {10}, volume = {49}, pages = {1737-1742}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040167} ) @InProceedings(RehCel:20040154, title = {{U}niversal algorithm for the solution of the regulator equation}, author = {Reh{\'{a}}k, B. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems. NOLCOS 2004}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Stuttgart}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {167-172}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040154} ) @InProceedings(Rou:20040182, title = {{M}odels of microstructure evolution in shape memory alloys} , author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, booktitle = {Nonlinear Homogenization and its Applications o Composites, Polycrystals and Smart Materials. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop}, editor = {Ponte Castaneda, P. and Telega, J. J. and Gambin, B.}, publisher = {Kluwer}, address = {Dordrecht}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {269-304}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040182} ) @Article(RouKru:20040023, title = {{M}icrostructure evolution model in micromagnetics}, author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T. and Kru{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}k, M.}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"{u}}r angewandte Mathematik und Physik}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {55}, pages = {159-182}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040023} ) @Article(RuiSap:20040234, title = {{D}ecoupling with stability: {A}pplication to the real time control of a water storing plant}, author = {Ruiz-Leon, J. and Sapiens, A. J. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}} , S. and Torres, J. A.}, journal = {Asian Journal of Control}, year = {2004}, number = {3}, volume = {6}, pages = {415-420}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040234} ) @InProceedings(SchHer:20040043, title = {{F}{P}{G}{A} implementation of recursive {Q}{R} update using {L}{N}{S} arithmetic}, author = {Schier, J. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Symposium}, publisher = {Technical University}, address = {Delft}, month = {April}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-4}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040043} ) @InProceedings(SchHer:20040138, title = {{U}sing logarithmic arithmetic to implement the {R}ecursive {L}east {S}quares ({Q}{R}) algorithm in {F}{P}{G}{A}}, author = {Schier, J. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A.}, booktitle = {Field-Programmable Logic and Applications. 14th International Conference FPL 2004. Proceedings}, editor = {Becker, J. and Platzner, M. and Vernalde, S.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {1149-1151}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040138} ) @InProceedings(Sit:20040077, title = {{M}odel of life insurance policies using {M}arkov chains with rewards}, author = {Sita{\v{r}}, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference Quantitative Methods in Economics. (Multiple Criteria Decision Making XII)}, editor = {Luk{\'{a}}{\v{c}}ik, M.}, publisher = {University of Economics}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {179-186}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040077} ) @InProceedings(SlaKur:20040235, title = {{D}ynamicka simulace chov\'{a}n\'{\i} vzduchotechniky tunelu {B}lanka}, author = {Sl{\'{a}}dek, O. and Kurka, L. and Ferkl, L. and Po{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}zek, J. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the MATLAB 2004 Conference}, publisher = {HUMUSOFT}, address = {Praha}, month = {November}, year = {2004}, pages = {530-535}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040235} ) @InProceedings(Sla:20040147, title = {{S}ome remarks on the variance in {M}arkov reward processes} , author = {Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2004}, editor = {Bauer, L.}, publisher = {Masaryk University}, address = {Brno}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {292-297}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040147} ) @InProceedings(SlaSit:20040001, title = {{O}ptimal solutions for undiscounted variance penalized {M}arkov decision chains}, author = {Sladk{\'{y}}, K. and Sita{\v{r}}, M.}, booktitle = {Dynamic Stochastic Optimization}, editor = {Marti, K. and Ermoliev, Y. and Pflug, G.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {March}, year = {2004}, pages = {43-66}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040001} ) @InProceedings(SlaSit:20040065, title = {{O}n the set of optimal policies in variance penalized {M}arkov decision chains}, author = {Sladk{\'{y}}, K. and Sita{\v{r}}, M.}, booktitle = {Operations Research Proceedings 2003}, editor = {Ahr, D. and Fahrion, R. and Oswald, M. and Reinelt, G.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Heidelberg}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {395-402}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040065} ) @InProceedings(SmuJis:20040041, title = {{P}ossibilities of thyroid ultrasonography comparison in patients with oncological and autoimmune thyroid diseases}, author = {Smutek, D. and Jiskra, J. and Sucharda, P. and Tesa{\v{r}}, L.}, booktitle = {Winter International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies. WISICT 2004}, publisher = {Trinity College Dublin}, address = {Cancun}, month = {January}, year = {2004}, pages = {1536-1540}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040041} ) @TechReport(SomHai:20040245, title = {{T}exture {T}iling and {P}atching with a {N}ovel {P}ath {S}earch {A}lgorithm for {Q}uick and {R}ealistic {T}exture {S}ynthesis}, author = {Somol, P. and Haindl, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2122}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040245} ) @InProceedings(SomPud:20040115, title = {{O}n prediction mechanisms in {F}ast {B}ranch \& {B}ound algorithms}, author = {Somol, P. and Pudil, P. and Grim, J.}, booktitle = {Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition. Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2004 and SPR 2004. Proceedings}, editor = {Fred, A. and Caelli, T. and Duin, R. P. W.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {716-724}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040115} ) @Article(SomPud:20040093, title = {{F}ast {B}ranch \& {B}ound algorithms for optimal feature selection}, author = {Somol, P. and Pudil, P. and Kittler, J.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, year = {2004}, number = {7}, volume = {26}, pages = {900-912}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040093} ) @InProceedings(SosFlu:20040242, title = {{R}efined method for the fast and exact computation of moment invariants}, author = {Sossa, H. and Flusser, J.}, booktitle = {Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, and Applications}, editor = {Sanfeliu, A.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {October}, year = {2004}, pages = {487-494}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040242} ) @InProceedings(Sou:20040181, title = {{P}ositional accuracy of spatial object after a geometric transformation - {B}ayesian approach}, author = {Soukup, L.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality. ISSDQ '04}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Frank, A. and Grum, E.}, publisher = {Technical University Vienna}, address = {Vienna}, month = {April}, year = {2004}, pages = {335-344}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040181} ) @Article(Sou:20040255, title = {{J}ak souvis\'{\i} automatizace s informac\'{\i}?}, author = {Soukup, L.}, journal = {Sd{\v{e}}lovac{\'{\i}} technika}, year = {2004}, number = {4}, pages = {16-17}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040255} ) @Article(Stu:20040055, title = {{C}haracterization of essential graphs by means of the operation of legal merging of components}, author = {Studen{\'{y}}, M.}, journal = {International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems}, year = {2004}, number = {Suppl 5}, volume = {12}, pages = {43-62}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040055} ) @InProceedings(Stu:20040098, title = {{S}tructural imsets: an algebraic method for describing conditional independence structures}, author = {Studen{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Bouchon-Meunier, B. and Coletti, G. and Yager, R. R.}, publisher = {Universita La Sapienza}, address = {Roma}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {1323-1330}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040098} ) @InProceedings(StuVom:20040163, title = {{T}ransition between graphical and algebraic representatives of {B}ayesian network models}, author = {Studen{\'{y}}, M. and Vomlel, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models}, editor = {Lucas, P.}, publisher = {University of Nijmegen}, address = {Nijmegen}, month = {October}, year = {2004}, pages = {193-200}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040163} ) @Article(SukFlu:20040112, title = {{P}rojective moment invariants}, author = {Suk, T. and Flusser, J.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, year = {2004}, number = {10}, volume = {26}, pages = {1364-1367}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040112} ) @InProceedings(SukFlu:20040113, title = {{G}raph method for generating affine moment invariants}, author = {Suk, T. and Flusser, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR 2004}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Kittler, J.}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Los Alamitos}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {192-195}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040113} ) @InProceedings(Suz:20040217, title = {{P}reparing the teaching material for web-educational courses}, author = {Suzdaleva, E.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Abstracts: 5th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control. Young Generation Viewpoint}, editor = {Pongr{\'{a}}cz, B. and N{\'{e}}meth, E.}, publisher = {Hungarian Academy of Sciences}, address = {Budapest}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {3-4}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040217} ) @InProceedings(Suz:20050004, title = {{W}eb courses content for {B}ayesian decision making}, author = {Suzdaleva, E.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control - a Young Generation Viewpoint}, publisher = {Hungarian Academy of Sciences}, address = {Budapest}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-6}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050004} ) @InProceedings(SimStu:20050033, title = {{V}yu\v{z}it\'{\i} pojmu {H}ilbertovy b\'{a}ze pro ov\v{e}\v{r}ov\'{a}n\'{\i} hypot\'{e}zy o shodnosti struktur\'{a}ln\'{\i}ch a kombinatorick\'{y}ch imset\accent23u}, author = {{\v{S}}ime{\v{c}}ek, P. and Studen{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k prac{\'{\i}} 13. letn{\'{\i}} {\v{s}}koly J{\v{C}}MF ROBUST 2004}, editor = {Antoch, J. and Dohnal, G.}, publisher = {J{\v{C}}MF}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {395-401}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050033} ) @TechReport(Smi:20040101, title = {{S}tochastic {M}odel of {T}hin {M}arket of {N}ondivisible {C}ommodity}, author = {{\v{S}}m{\'{\i}}d, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2100}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040101} ) @InProceedings(Smi:20040152, title = {{D}istribution of price in thin market with random arrival of agents}, author = {{\v{S}}m{\'{\i}}d, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2004}, editor = {Bauer, L.}, publisher = {Masaryk University}, address = {Brno}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {311-316}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040152} ) @TechReport(Smi:20040249, title = {{N}ormal {A}pproximation of the {D}istribution of the {E}quilibrium {P}rice in {M}arkets with {R}andom {D}emand and {S}upply}, author = {{\v{S}}m{\'{\i}}d, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2120}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040249} ) @TechReport(Smi:20040250, title = {{S}tochastic {M}odel of {T}hin {M}arket with {D}ivisible {C}ommodity}, author = {{\v{S}}m{\'{\i}}d, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, number = {2106}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040250} ) @PhDThesis(Smi:20040270, title = {On Approximation of Stochastic Programming Problems. Ph.D. Thesis}, author = {{\v{S}}m{\'{\i}}d, M.}, year = {2004}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040270} ) @InProceedings(Smi:20040225, title = {{B}ayesian estimation of non-stationary {A}{R} model parameters via an unknown forgetting factor}, author = {{\v{S}}m{\'{\i}}dl, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing}, publisher = {IEEE }, address = {New Mexico}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {100-105}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040225} ) @PhDThesis(Smi:20040243, title = {The Variational Bayes Approach in Signal Processing. Ph.D. Thesis}, author = {{\v{S}}m{\'{\i}}dl, V.}, year = {2004}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040243} ) @InProceedings(SmiQui:20040224, title = {{F}ully probabilistic model for functional analysis of medical image data}, author = {{\v{S}}m{\'{\i}}dl, V. and Quinn, A. and Maniouloux, Y.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Irish Signals and Systems Conference} , publisher = {University of Belfast}, address = {Belfast}, month = {June}, year = {2004}, pages = {201-206}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040224} ) @Article(SorSim:20050009, title = {{R}obust {R}{B}{F} finite automata}, author = {{\v{S}}orel, M. and {\v{S}}{\'{\i}}ma, J.}, journal = {Neurocomputing}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {62}, pages = {93-110}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050009} ) @InProceedings(SroFlu:20040110, title = {{I}mage fusion via probabilistic deconvolution}, author = {{\v{S}}roubek, F. and Flusser, J.}, booktitle = {Third International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing. Proceedings}, editor = {Gamba, A.}, publisher = {IAPR}, address = {Kingston upon Thames}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-5}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040110} ) @InProceedings(SroFlu:20040162, title = {{R}egistration and fusion of blurred images}, author = {{\v{S}}roubek, F. and Flusser, J.}, booktitle = {Image Analysis and Recognition. Proceedings}, chapter= {1}, editor = {Campilho, A. and Kamel, M.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {122-129}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040162} ) @InProceedings(Tes:20040046, title = {{C}omputationally intensive methods in {B}ayesian model-structure identification}, author = {Tesa{\v{r}}, L.}, booktitle = {Multiple Participant Decision Making}, editor = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, publisher = {Advanced Knowledge International}, address = {Adelaide}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {75-79}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040046} ) @Book(TesNed:20040244, title = {Mixture learning script Jobcontrol. (Program)}, author = {Tesa{\v{r}}, L. and Nedoma, P. and Nov{\'{a}}k, M.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2004}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040244} ) @InProceedings(TesSmu:20040105, title = {{B}ayesian classification of sonograms of thyroid gland based on {G}aussian mixtures}, author = {Tesa{\v{r}}, L. and Smutek, D.}, booktitle = {Norwegian Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. Proceedings}, publisher = {NOBIM}, address = {Stavanger}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {36-40}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040105} ) @Article(TicKol:20040017, title = {{O}ptimal pairing of signal components separated by blind techniques}, author = {Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P. and Koldovsk{\'{y}}, Z.}, journal = {IEEE Signal Processing Letters}, year = {2004}, number = {2}, volume = {11}, pages = {119-122}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040017} ) @Article(TicWon:20040018, title = {{Q}uasi-fluid-mechanics-based quasi-{B}ayesian {C}ramer-{R}ao bounds for deformed towed-array direction finding}, author = {Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P. and Wong, K. T.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {52}, pages = {36-47}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040018} ) @InProceedings(UrbSeb:20040236, title = {{F}unction electrically stimulation of the calf muscle using {M}atlab and {P}olynomial {T}oolbox}, author = {Urban, P. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the MATLAB 2004 Conference}, publisher = {HUMUSOFT}, address = {Praha}, month = {November}, year = {2004}, pages = {587-591}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040236} ) @InProceedings(VajVes:20050017, title = {{M}odels of information and knowledge for support of medical decision-making}, author = {Vajda, I. and Vesel{\'{y}}, A. and Zvarov{\'{a}}, J.}, booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k semin{\'{a}}{\v{r}}e Informa{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} technologie v p{\'{e}}{\v{c}}i o zdrav{\'{\i}}}, editor = {Zv{\'{a}}rov{\'{a}}, J. and P{\v{r}}e{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}, P.} , publisher = {EuroMISE s.r.o.}, address = {Praha}, month = {October}, year = {2004}, pages = {149-152}, ident = {UTIA-B 20050017} ) @InProceedings(Vis:20060102, title = {{T}he least weighted squares under heteroscedasticity}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference PRASTAN 2004}, editor = {Kalina, M. and Min{\'{a}}rov{\'{a}}, M. and N{\'{a}}n{\'{a}}siov{\'{a}}, O.}, publisher = {Slovak Statistical and Demographical Society}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {May}, year = {2004}, pages = {117-128}, ident = {UTIA-B 20060102} ) @InProceedings(Vis:20060105, title = {{P}hilosophy of mathematical modelling and the least weighted squares}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, booktitle = {Data Analysis 2003/II. Progressive Methods of Statistical Data Analysis and Modelling for Research and Technical Practice}, editor = {Kupka, K.}, publisher = {TriloByte}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {November}, year = {2004}, pages = {101-118}, ident = {UTIA-B 20060105} ) @InProceedings(Vis:20060106, title = {{R}obustifying generalized method of moments}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, booktitle = {Data Analysis 2004/II. Progressive Methods of Statistical Data Analysis and Modelling for Research and Technical Practice}, editor = {Kupka, K.}, publisher = {TriloByte}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {November}, year = {2004}, pages = {171-193}, ident = {UTIA-B 20060106} ) @InProceedings(Vol:20040063, title = {{O}n random sums and compound process model in financial mathematics}, author = {Volf, P.}, booktitle = {Operations Research Proceedings 2003}, editor = {Ahr, D. and Fahrion, R. and Oswald, M. and Reinelt, G.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Heidelberg}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {403-410}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040063} ) @InProceedings(Vol:20040153, title = {{C}lustering of random series of events}, author = {Volf, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference Mathematical Methods in Econometrics 2004}, editor = {Bauer, L.}, publisher = {Masaryk University}, address = {Brno}, month = {September}, year = {2004}, pages = {349-356}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040153} ) @Article(Vol:20040260, title = {{A}n application of nonparametric {C}ox regression model in reliability analysis: {A} case study}, author = {Volf, P.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2004}, number = {5}, volume = {40}, pages = {639-648}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040260} ) @InProceedings(Vol:20050056, title = {{O}dhady po\v{c}tu komponent modelu}, author = {Volf, P.}, booktitle = {Robust 2004. 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Sborn{\'{\i}}k p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}sp{\v{e}}vk{\accent23u} 3.ro{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}}ku konference}, editor = {Sn{\'{a}}{\v{s}}el, V.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}B TU}, address = {Ostrava}, month = {February}, year = {2004}, pages = {126-137}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040025} ) @Article(Vom:20040027, title = {{B}ayesian networks in educational testing}, author = {Vomlel, J.}, journal = {International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {12}, pages = {83-100}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040027} ) @InProceedings(Vom:20040127, title = {{B}ayesian networks in {M}astermind}, author = {Vomlel, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty}, editor = {Noguchi, H. and Ishii, H. and Inuiguchi, M.}, publisher = {Osaka University}, address = {Awaji}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, pages = {185-190}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040127} ) @Article(Vom:20040168, title = {{B}uilding adaptive tests using {B}ayesian networks}, author = {Vomlel, J.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2004}, number = {3}, volume = {40}, pages = {333-348}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040168} ) @Article(Vom:20040210, title = {{I}ntegrating inconsistent data in a probabilistic model}, author = {Vomlel, J.}, journal = {Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics}, year = {2004}, number = {3}, volume = {14}, pages = {367-386}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040210} ) @Article(Vom:20040230, title = {{P}robabilistic reasoning with uncertain evidence}, author = {Vomlel, J.}, journal = {Neural Network World}, year = {2004}, number = {5}, volume = {15}, pages = {453-465}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040230} ) @Article(VosZik:20040026, title = {{A}n application of the {G}{A}{R}{C}{H}-t model on {C}entral {E}uropean stock returns}, author = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M. and {\v{Z}}ike{\v{s}}, F.}, journal = {Prague Economic Papers}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {12}, pages = {26-39}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040026} ) @Article(ZitFlu:20040034, title = {{A}n application of image processing in the medieval mosaic conservation}, author = {Zitov{\'{a}}, B. and Flusser, J. and {\v{S}}roubek, F.}, journal = {Pattern Analysis and Applications}, year = {2004}, number = {1}, volume = {7}, pages = {18-25}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040034} ) @InProceedings(ZunHen:20040134, title = {{B}lock {T}oeplitz methods in polynomial matrix computations} , author = {Zuniga, J. C. and Henrion, D.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems}, editor = {de Moor, B. and Motmans, B. and Willems, J.}, publisher = {Kathlolieke Universiteit}, address = {Leuven}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, pages = {1-7}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040134} ) @InProceedings(ZvaVaj:20040038, title = {{O}n genetic information, diversity and distance}, author = {Zv{\'{a}}rov{\'{a}}, J. and Vajda, I.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Joint Meeting EuroMISE 2004}, editor = {Hanzl{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, P. and Pele{\v{s}}ka, J.}, publisher = {EuroMISE}, address = {Prague}, month = {April}, year = {2004}, pages = {184}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040038} ) @PhDThesis(Zid:20040080, title = {Range Image Segmentation. Ph.D. Thesis}, author = {{\v{Z}}id, P.}, year = {2004}, ident = {UTIA-B 20040080} )