
RNDr. Michal Šorel, Ph.D.

Michal Šorel

Position: postdoc
Phone: +420 26605 2069
Room: 48
Address: ÚTIA AV ČR, Pod Vodárenskou věží 4, CZ-182 08, Praha 8, Czech Republic
Research interests: space-variant restoration, image stabilization, deblurring, noise reduction, super-resolution, blind deconvolution, image registration and image fusion, digital image processing and pattern recognition in general
Publications: list


During doctoral studies, my main research topic was space-variant deblurring of images due to camera motion (image stabilization) and defocus. Since then my research interests extpanded to other areas of image restoration, such as noise reduction and super-resolution.

I participate in the organization of the Spring School of Image Processing, a popular meeting point of students from several czech institutions involved in image processing research. Last year's program can be found here.

Current work
Recently, we finished work on two book chapters

  • "Variational Methods in Image Deblurring" to the book Optical and Digital Image Processing, Fundamentals and Applications (edited by G. Cristobal, together with P. Schelkens and H. Thienpont)
  • "Towards superresolution in the presence of spatially varying blur" to the book Super-resolution imaging (edited by Payman Milanfar).

    Both should be published in the first half of this year.

    Supervised Master theses
    Jan Kadlec: Recognition and tracking of pictorial structures in video sequences
    Dušan Psotný: Removing lens flare from digital photographs (defended 2. 2. 2010)