Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Hydrobiology - homeBiology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Hydrobiology
Klára Kaštovská

Klára Řeháková, PhD

Personal data
Maid name:  Kubečková
Born: 18. July 1974 in Pardubice
Contact: Institute of Hydrobiology AS CR, Na Sádkách 7, České Budějovice, CZ -370 05, Tel.: +420 38 7775686
Institute of Botany AS CR, Dukelská 135, Třeboň, CZ-379 82

1988 – 1992  School of agriculture,  veterinary specialization  
Univesity of South Bohemia, Faculty of Biological Sciences
1992 – 1995 – undergraduate studies; Bachelor thesis: Species diversity of Diatoms on upper Vltava River in relation to water quality [in Czech]; Supervisor: ing. J.Elster,CSc.
1995 – 1997 - Master studies; Master thesis: Algal communities in mountain streams of Šumava National Park  (Czech Republic).. [ in Czech] Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jiří Komárek, DrSc.
Species diversity and seasonal chages during two growing season  in four mountains fast–flowing streams were investigated and algal colonisation  on artifical substrata was studied.
1997-2002 - Ph.D. studies;  Ph.D. thesis:  Ecology and Molecular Biology of Microbial Soil Crusts in  the Deserts of Western USA.[in English] Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jiří Komárek, DrSc.

Scientific interests
Algae and cyanobacteria in the extreme biotopes, plankton of eutrophic waters, microbial successional process in the soil.

Scientific employers:
since 1998 –  Researcher, Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Section of plant ecology in Třeboň
since 2002 – Researcher, Institute of Hydrobiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Section of Primary production in České Budějovice

International cooperation
1995-97 Co-operation on the project Interreg II., No. 10/61-4402.33-002/95 from 20. 3. 1995 BayStMLU. Together with Dr.J. Bauer, Dr. J. Lukavský and Dr. F. Lederer

1999  One month fieldwork (July), together with Dr J. Elster, Japan–Czech Research Project, Norwegian Arctic, Svalbard – Ny-Alesund.
Two weeks (June), together with Dr. J. Elster and Dr. Martin Tichý, French–Czech Research Project BARRANDE, Univ. of Grenoble, France

2000 In the December start of the staying at the John Carroll University  (JCU), University Heights, 44181,OH, USA. I worked like an independent scientist. Work together with Dr. J.R.Johansen and ETI on the projects: ”Desert soil amendment” and ”Molecular characteristic of microbial soil crusts”.

2001  The staying and co-operation with JCU and ETI. Work together with Dr. J.R.Johansen and ETI on the projects: ”Desert soil amendment” and ”Molecular characteristic of microbial soil crusts”.
2002   The continuing of the staying and co-operation with JCU and ETI till June.                                                         
August Svalbard 2002- Natural Environment Research Council (LSF-82/2002) research project – Diversity of cyanobacteria and eukaryotic microalgae in subglacial soil (Ny-Alesund, Svalbard) – J. Elster, K. Kubečková & M.Stibal.

2003   August- September  Svalbard, Polar  station  of the University Wroclav (Stacia Baranovskeho),  IX. Czech Glaciospeleological expedition
October  stay in the Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology, University Helsinki, Finland

2004 August- October Svalbard, Polar  station  of the University Wroclav (Stacia Baranovskeho),  X.. Czech
Glaciospeleological expedition

2005 August- October Svalbard, Polar  station  of the University Wroclav (Stacia Baranovskeho),  XI.. Czech
Glaciospeleological expedition

2006 September - Fulbright scholarship at the John Carroll University, J.R. Jonansen

2003 –2005 GA Czech Republic. Polyphasic aproach to the chosen genera from the family Nostocals. No 206/03/P024

2004-2005 GA AS Czech Republic B6005409 - Primary succession of cyanobacteria and algae after glacier retraet - part
of subglacial systems on the recolonization, Hornsund, 77°N., Svalbard.

2006-2008 GA Czech Republic. Competion relationships among dominant species of phytoplankton in the reservoirs. No. 206/06/0462


STIBAL,M., ELSTER,J., SABACKÁ M., KASTOVSKÁ,K  (2007): Seasonal and diel changes in photosynthetic activity of the snow alga Chlamydomonas nivalis (Chlorophyceae) from Svalbard determined by pulse amplitude modulation fluorometry. FEMS 59 (2): 1574-6941.

KASTOVSKÁ K., STIBAL M., SABACKÁ M., ČERNÁ B., ŠANTRÚČKOVÁ H., ELSTER J. (2007) Microbial community structure and ecology of subglacial sediments in two polythermal Svalbard glaciers characterized by the epifluorescence microscopy and PLFA. Polar Biology. in press

STIBAL,M., SABACKÁ,M., KASTOVSKÁ,K (2006).:Microbial communities on glacier surfaces in Svalbard: the impact of physical and chemical properties on abundance and structure of cyanobacteria and algae, Microbial Ecology, 52:644-654.

ZNACHOR,P., JURCZAK, T., KOMÁRKOVÁ,J., JEZBEROVÁ, J., MANKIEWICZ,J., KASTOVSKÁ, K., ZAPOMĚLOVÁ,E. (2006): Summer changes in cyanobacterial bloom composition and microcystin concentration in eutrophic Czech reservoirs.  Environ Toxicol 21: 236-243.

KOMÁREK,J., TATON,A., SULEK,J.,WILMOTTE,A., KASTOVSKÁ, K., AND ELSTER,J. (2006): Ultrastructure and taxonomic position of two species of the cyanobacterial genus Schizotrix. Cryptogamie, Algol. 27 (1): 53-62.

Kaštovská, K., J., Elster, Stibal, M. and H., Šantrůčková
(2005): Microbial assemblages in soil microbial succession after glacial retreat in Svalbard (High Arctic). Microbial Ecology, 50:396-407.

Rajaniemi, P., Komárek, J. Willame, R., Hrouzek, P., Kaštovská, K., Hoffmann, L., and  Sivonen, K. (2005):
Taxonomic consequences from the combined molecular and phenotype evaluation of selected Anabaena and Aphanizomenon strains. Algol. Stud; 117: 371-391.

Kvíderová, J., Stibal, M., Nedbalová, L. and Kaštovská,K.
(2005): The first record of snow algae vitality in situ by variable fluorescence of chlorofyll. Czech Phycology, 5: 69-77.

Rajaniemi, P., Hrouzek, P., Kaštovská, K., Willame, R., Rantala,A., Hoffmann, L., Komárek, J. and  Sivonen, K. (2005):
Phylogenetic and morphological evaluation of the genera Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Trichormus and Nostoc (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol ; 55: 11-26.

Hejzlar,J. Kaštovská,K., Seďa, J., Znachor,P., Jarošík, J. and Haider,Z.
(2004): Obnova vodního ecosystému a kvality vody ve vodárenské nádrži po povodni v roce 2002. [Restoration of water ecosystem and water quality in reservoir  Římov  after the flood in 2002] Sborník Vodárenská Biologie 2004, 4.-5.2.2004, Praha, 62-67.

Lukavský,J., Bauer,J., Kaštosvká,K., Lederer,F. & Šmilauer,P.
(2004): Phytobentos of streams in the Bohemian/Bavarian  Forest underdifferent human impacts. - Silva Gabreta, Vimperk 10: 43-76

J., Lukavský, F., Lederer, K., Kubečková , H., Zahrádková, V., Houk, O., Lhotský, D., Švehlová, J., Komárek & P., Marvan (1997): Ökologische Untersuchung und Bewertung von Gewässern mit diffusen und punktförmigen Belastungen durch grenzüberschreitenden Eintrag. In: Bauer,J. Auschlussbericht, Bayeri. Landesamt. Wasserwirtsch., Inst. Wasserforsch., München.

K., Kubečková (1997): Sinice a řasy pramenných toků Šumavy. In: Lukavský, J. and Švehlová,D. (eds.), Limnologický výzkum pro rozumné hospodaření s vodou. Sborník referátů XI. Konference ČLS a SLS, 29.IX.-3.X.1997 v Doubí u Třeboně, p 93-94.

K., Kubečková (1997): Microvegetace toků centrální Šumavy. Magisterská práce, BF JU, Č.Budějovice, 30 pp.

F., Lederer, A., Gardavský, A., Lukešová, K., Kubečková , R., Čápová, E., Lodrová & K., Trojánková. (1998): Biodiversita a ekologie sinic a řas minerálních pramenů a rašelinišť na území NPR Soos a v okolí Františkových Lázních a Mariánských Lázní, Sborník katedry Biologie, Plzeň Flóra a vegetace minerálních pramenů a rašelinišť NPR Soos., 126 pp.

P., Pokorný, R., Kočárová, P., Kočár, K., Kubečková , J., Kaštovský & J., Beneš (1999): Postmedievální archeobotanika v Praze. Zprávy České archeobotanické společnosti, Suppl. 38, 20-21, Praha

K., Kubečková , J., Elster & H., Kanda (2001): Periphyton ecology of glacial and snow-fed streams, Ny-Alesund, Svalbard: the influence of direct physical disturbances - erosive discharge and presence of mineral particles in water. Proceedings of International conference Algae and Extreme Environments, Ecology and Physiology, J. , Elster, J.,Seckbach, W., Vincent and O., Lhotský (eds.). Nova Hedvigia, Beiheft 123, p. 141-172.

F., Lederer, V. Baxová & K., Kubečková (2001): Sinice a řasy vybraných tekoucích vod v západních Čechách. Calluna: 6.1. 7-12.

J., Vymazal, J., Komárková, K., Kubečková & J., Kaštovský (2002): Změny složení nárostů v závislosti na koncentraci fosforu ve floridských Everglades (Periphyton composition change along the phosphorus gradient in the Florida Everglades), Czech Phycology, 2, 83-92, 2002 (In Czech with English abstaract)

J., Beneš, J., Kaštovský, R., Kočárová, P., Kočár, K., Kubečková , P., Pokorný & P., Starec (2002) : Archaeobotany of the Old Prague Town defence system: archaeology, macro-remains, pollen and diatom analysis, Vegetation History and Archeaobotany 11:107-119

K., Kubečková, J.R. Johansen & D.S.Warren (2003): Development of immobilized cyanobacterial amendments for reclamation of microbiotic soil crusts, Algol. Studies (Cyanobacterial Reaserch) 109: 341-362

Elster,J., Stibal,M. & Kaštovská,K. (2003): Svalbard-mezinárodní centrum výzkumu Arktidy (Svalbard-international Centrum for research of Arctic) Živa 6: 262-264

© 2009 - Laboratory of Phytoplankton Ecology
Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Hydrobiology