časopis teorie vědy
Teorie vědy (časopis pro teorii vědy, techniky a komunikace)
ročník XI /XXIV/
č. 4



Christine WÄCHTER: A Long and Winding Road: Women in Engineering – An Austrian Perspective.

Hans LENK: Die Heraufkunft der systemtechnologischen Superinformationsgesellschaft und deren Bildungserfordernisse.


Dmitry V. EFREMENKO: Technology Assessment: Ethical Aspects and Institutional Problems.

Wendy DROZENOVÁ:The Discussion on the Attitude of Christianity Toward Nature and the Ecological Crisis.


Peter DELL, Dora MARINOVA: Erving Goffman and the Internet .

Pavel SEDLÁK: Virtual Reality Reframed.



Andrew JAMISON: The Making of Green Knowledge. Environmental Politics and Cultural Transformation. (Oleg Suša)



Ladislav TONDL: Positive Alternatives and European Integration.

Christine WÄCHTER
A Long and Winding Road: Women in Engineering – An Austrian Perspective.


In 1999, a one-year research project was carried out in the Austrian city of Villach with the aim of developing a Women-into-Engineering Program for a region where competence in micro electronics is being built up. The study was the first in Austria to investigate barriers and supportive backgrounds for women in highly skilled technical jobs as well as in technical training and education at college and university level. 50 qualitative interviews, 70 composition papers and two workshops brought together the views, experience and demands of women as students at a Technical College and the University of Applied Science and as engineers in three companies of the Micro Electronic Cluster Villach. Furthermore, school and university professors and human resources managers of both sexes as well as male college students were also part of the sample.

The project tried to analyse barriers experienced by women and to develop a plan for affirmative action in various fields of politics, including education, economics, public awareness raising and networking. To encourage and support the setting up of similar women-into-engineering programs in different parts and in various technology fields in Austria a manual was developed.

Die Heraufkunft der systemtechnologischen Superinformationsgesellschaft und deren Bildungserfordernisse .


Rise of Systems-Technological Super-Information Society and Its Educational Requirements

Contemporary world is getting more and more complex and inter-dependent. Systems- and information technologies play the dominant role in this process. Functional optimalization of complex systems, informational management and information-technological manipulation in the dynamic interactively developing systems gain on relevance at present. In this complex world, orientation is increasingly difficult. That´s why, stress should be laid not only on development of information technologies, but also on orientation knowledge, orientation flexibility. There are new educational requirements - concerning concept of education, its structure and methods with highlighting lifelong learning, creativity, flexibility, motivation.

Technology Assessment: Ethical Aspects and Institutional Problems.


The article covers issues related to the conceptualisation of technology assessment (TA), and especially its ethical and normative aspects. The main criterion of the normative technology assessment should be not hierarchically organised value systems of any kind, but the fundamental imperative of action based on the “generic” value of the human life, existence of present-day and future generations. This imperative of broadened responsibility is a basis for preliminary normative assessment. An appeal to value hierarchy and its ad hoc interpretation should follow this preliminary assessment.

The final part of the article examines problems of institutionalisation of TA in Russia. Far-reaching political and economic changes, which started after the downfall of the single-party system in 1991, have resulted in qualitative modification of social status and goals of science and technology. Both science and technology could be considered nowadays as engines of human- and environmentally oriented modernization of Russia. But the great importance of science and technology in the transformation process makes new approaches to forecast and evaluation of technological development necessary.

The Discussion on the Attitude of Christianity Toward Nature and the Ecological Crisis.


There has been an immense discussion on the role of Christianity in the ecological crisis since Lynn White´s controversal essay in 1967. What is known as “White´s thesis“ is a cliché about a guilt of Christianity concerning the attitude toward nature. White´s interpretation of Christianity seems to be a mixture of his own Puritan tradition and that of American culture, based on the frontier mentality. There can be found some ambiguity in Christian attitude toward nature, but it cannot be interpreted that way that it encourages the exploitative approach: there is a deeply rooted belief in the goodness of all the creation and of man´s responsibility for God´s creation in all Christianity, giving motives for the environmentally favourable behavior.- As R.. Attfield noticed, White suggested no solution, as he failed to explain what kind of attitude toward nature should be held. In spite of this, he inspired numerous studies concerning cultural determination of ecological behavior as well as important theological reflections.


Erving Goffman and the Internet .


The dramaturgical framework of sociologist Erving Goffman’s is applied to the various forms of computer mediated communication (CMC) on the Internet. The paper examines the implications for situational boundaries, participants’ roles, identity play and audience segregation. It argues that audience segregation is a prime factor in determining which CMC applications (such as e-mail, ICQ, IRC or Usenet) are used and when. As the Internet becomes increasingly common in households and is used more for recreational purposes rather than a tool for professional use, the use of anonymous and private services is likely to increase.

Virtual Reality Reframed.


The author outlines the contemporary interconnections of art, science and technology while emphasizing the need for an aesthetic research. His framework roots in a technological art for which he is searching the interpretive tools. Virtual Reality is introduced in its convergence with the new concepts such as Mixed Reality and the potential of the immersive environments is suggested in details with creativity and users` experience in mind. The spatial navigation is dealt with as one of the leading experiential features.

Key words: Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, immersive environments, digital aesthetics, navigation.


The Making of Green Knowledge. Environmental Politics and Cultural Transformation.
(Oleg Suša)



The following review informs about Andrew Jamison's book The Making of Green Knowledge. Jamison's study updates environmentalism in terms of sociology of knowledge, traces the development of ecological discussion in the West as well as the role of social (and especially protest) movements in the public space.


Ladislav TONDL
Positive Alternatives and European Integration.

Speech delivered on the seminar “Penser ľEurope” held by Academy of Sciences of Roumania, UNESCO, French Institute for International Relations,

and National Council for Science and Arts in Sinaia, Roumania, in September 2002.