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Emanuel Rádl – Scientist and Philosopher
Emanuel Rádl – Scientist and Philosopher. Proceedings of the International Conference commemorating the 130th Anniversary of the Birth and 60th Anniversary of the Death of Emanuel Rádl (Prague, February 9.-12. 2003), OIKOYMENH – Výzkumné centrum pro dějiny vědy, Praha 2004, (= Práce z dějin vědy 16), pp. 708

C o n t e n t s

Předmluva, s. 13
Foreword, s. 16

Introductory Session

Petr Pithart
Emanuel Rádl. Introductory Words to the Conference, p. 21

Gert Weisskirchen
Relations between Czechs and Germans in Rádl’s Time and Now, p. 27

Uwe Hoßfeld
Rádl’s History of Biological Theories (1905/1909) in the Context of the Historiography of
Biology, p. 32

Ladislav Hejdánek
Rádl’s (and Radlian) Experimentation with Thought, p. 64

Emanuel Rádl – Biologist

Olaf Breidbach
There are – also – Things without History (History of Science as Philosophy of Science,
Emanuel Rádl’s History of biological Theories), p. 77

John Beatty
The History of Darwinism, and Darwinism as History, p. 101

Nelio M. V. Bizzo
Emanuel Rádl and the First Externalist History of Biology, p. 114

Stanislav Komárek
E. Rádl – A Fixed Star in the History of Biology, p. 138

Karel Kleisner
Idealistic Morphology and Correlations in Rádl’s Biology, p. 143

Tomáš Hermann
Sight, Vision and the Eye as the Subject of Biological Study, p. 153

Viktor Žárský
Rádl’s Rejection of Lamarck as a Case Study of the Non-Objectivist Concept of Science, p.

Anton Markoš
Rádl and Hermeneutics, p. 173

Vítězslav Praks
Outcomes of Rádl’s Evolutionary Theories for Literary Critics, p. 187

Emanuel Rádl – Philosopher

Bedřich Loewenstein
The Fighting Truth. On Rádl’s Activistic Concept of Philosophy, p. 197

Zdeněk Pinc
Philosophy in the Epoch of Doom, p. 215

Erazim Kohák
Philosophy as Program and Consolation, p. 226

Werner Korthaase
Elitism and Decisionism in Rádl’s Philosophy, p. 238

Aleš Havlíček
„Authority“ in Rádl’s Philosophy, p. 278

Ivan Landa
Rádl’s Theory of the Idea, p. 290

Tomáš Hejduk
On Rádl’s Conception of Philosophy, p. 310

Anna Hogenová
Rádl’s Contemplation of the Whole and the Instrument Phenomenon, p. 325

Zuzana Škorpíková
One of the Bases of Rádl’s Empirical Theory: Science as Theory and Science as an Event,
p. 345

Jiří Michálek
Heidegger and Rádl, p. 356

Vladimír Zeman
Rádl’s Philosophy of Science in Its Contemporary Context, p. 366

Filip Grygar
Late Rádl and Late Husserl and the Causes behind the Crisis in Science, p. 381

Miloš Havelka
Rádl’s Conception of History, in the Dispute on the Czech History, p. 410

Jan Horský
The Problem of Historical Awareness for Emanuel Rádl, p. 428

Martin Šimsa
Rádl’s Entry into Hermeneutical Discussion, p. 451

Jaroslaw Kilias
Rádl, Škrach and Their Criticism of Czech Sociology, p. 462

Miroslav Pauza
On the Rádl – Masaryk Relationship, p. 473

Karel Floss
Emanuel Rádl and (Czech) Thomism, p. 479

Šimona Löwensteinová
Antithesis of East and West on Rádl’s Philosophy from Today’s Perspective, p. 487

Emanuel Rádl – Political and Religious Thinker

† Jan Milič Lochman
On the Timelessness of Emanuel Rádl’s Philosophy on Ecology, Politics and Theology, p.

Jan Šimsa
Emanuel Rádl and the Academic YMCA, p. 517

† Jan Havránek
Czech Students between Christianity and Atheism after World War I; Rádl as a Professor at
the University, p. 523

Robert B. Pynsent
Rádl on Race and Literature, p. 532

Eva Hahnová
Emanuel Rádl between Czech Nationalism and (Sudeten)German Nationalism, p. 548

Eva Broklová
Rádl’s On the German Revolution and (Sudeten)German Political Culture, p. 583

Judit Hamberger
Nation, State and Nationality for Rádl and his Hungarian Contemporaries, p. 597

Jan Sokol
Rádl’s Concept of Nation, p. 622

Jiří Křesťan
Politician and Political Writer Emanuel Rádl and Public Acceptance of his Opinions in
Inter-War Czechoslovakia, p. 634

Peter Gažík
Reactions to Rádl’s Thoughts in Slovakia in the 1920s and 1930s, p. 647

Helena Pavlincová
Emanuel Rádl and the Postwar „Dispute over the New Czech Philosophy“, p. 657

Karel Beneš
Is Rádl Current?, p. 667

Jan Sokol
Final Word, p. 672


Vladimír Rádl
Memories of Rádl from his Family and of Encounters with him, p. 677

Authors, p. 687

E. Rádl’s quoted work, p. 702
