Časopisy / Journals:

  1. Kraus M., 2009, Pre- versus post-main sequence evolutionary phase of B[e] stars. Constraints from 13CO band emission, Astron. Astrophys. 494, 253 - 262
  2. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2009, CNO driven winds of hot first stars, Astron. Astrophys. 493, 585 - 593
  3. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2009, NLTE models of line-driven stellar winds III. Influence of X-ray radiation on wind structure of O stars, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 394, 2065 - 2079
  4. Votruba V., Koubský P., Korčáková D., Hroch F., 2009, False periods in the complex chaotic systems, Astron. Astrophys. 496, 217 - 222

Sborníky / Proceedings:

  1. Korčáková D., Kubát J., 2009, The solution of the radiative transfer equation in axial symmetry, in Numerical methods for multidimensional radiative transfer problems, G. Kanschat, E. Meinköhn,R. Rannacher & R. Wehrse eds., Springer Verlag Berlin, p. 237 - 246
  2. Kotková L., Škoda P., 2009, Web-based Observation Supporting Archive of 2m Ondřejov Telescope, in Astronomical Spectroscopy and Virtual Observatory, Eds.: M. Guainazzi and P. Osuna, ESA, p. 137
  3. Kraus M., Borges Fernandes M., de Araújo F. X., 2009, On the huge mass loss of B[e] supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds, in The Magellanic System: Stars, Gas, and Galaxies, IAU Symp. 256, p. 431-436
  4. Kubát J.,, 2009, Radiative transfer in NLTE model atmospheres, in Numerical methods for multidimensional radiative transfer problems, G. Kanschat, E. Meinköhn, R. Rannacher & R. Wehrse eds., Springer Verlag Berlin, p. 227 - 236
  5. Škoda P., 2009, Common Methods of Stellar Spectra Analysis and their Support in VO, in Astronomical Spectroscopy and Virtual Observatory, Eds.: M. Guainazzi and P. Osuna, ESA, p. 97