Conference tutorials

This page contains the list of tutorial presentations given by the members of our department.
Where possible, we added links to slides, supporting text or other relevant information.

ICIP 2009 - Image Fusion for Image and Video Quality Enhancement (slides without movies)
(Jan Flusser, Filip Šroubek and Barbara Zitová)

SPPRA 2009 - Moments and moment invariants in pattern recognition (textbook)
(Jan Flusser, Barbara Zitová and Tomáš Suk)

SCIA 2009 - Principles and Methods of Image Fusion
(Jan Flusser)

CVPR 2008 - Overview of image fusion techniques (slides); Fusion for restoration and super-resolution (slides)
(Jan Flusser and Barbara Zitová; Filip Šroubek and Jan Flusser)

ASI 2008 - Recent Advances in Space-Variant Deblurring and Image Stabilization (slides, text)
(Michal Šorel, Filip Šroubek and Jan Flusser)

ICIP 2007 - Moments and moment invariants in image analysis (announcement, slides, handouts, extended abstract)
(Jan Flusser, Barbara Zitová and Tomáš Suk)

ICIP 2005 - Image Registration: A Survey and Recent Advances (slides, text)
(Barbara Zitová, Jan Flusser and Filip Šroubek)