Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Department of Computing and Electronics

  • The Department supports electronics and computing activities of the research projects of the Section. More details see lower.
  • Design, manufacturing and implementation of the electronics or mechanical components for the international experiments like ATLAS, AUGER, CALICE or D0. The Department specialists have electronics workshop including design system and mechanical workshop at their disposal. For larger mechanical project we can use the Institute’s equipment.
  • Organization, operation and maintenance of the computing services for the Section and together with the Institute’s Department of Networking and Computing Techniques operation and maintenance of the Regional Computing Centre for Particle Physics located in the Institute. The Centre is the biggest facility in the Czech Republic for data processing for demanding particle accelerator experiments. We regularly try to increase the computing and storage capacity to be able to sufficiently contribute to the data processing of the ATLAS and ALICE experiments at LHC accelerator at CERN, Geneva. The most demanding current activity is the detector simulation for the D0 experiment at the TEVATRON accelerator in Fermilab, Batavia. CESNET (Czech National Scientific Network Provider) provides special computer end-to-end links between local and international collaborating sites. Part of the computing capacity is used via WLCG and EGEEIII grids by authorized users for the ATLAS, ALICE and D0 experiments. Some experiments like AUGER and STAR submit their computing tasks locally.

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