O d d ě l e n í   m a g n e t i s m u   a   n í z k ý c h   t e p l o t
P r a c o v i š t ě   T r o j a
(d o   r o k u   2 0 0 8   O d d ě l e n í   n í z k ý c h   t e p l o t)
v roce 1992
1. L. Skrbek, L. Smrčka, J. Stehno, J. Šebek:
Reproducible fluctuations of carrier concentration in Si - MOSFET below 1K.
Solid State Commun. 81 (1992) 9 - 12.

2. P. Butvin, M. Hlásnik, P. Duhaj, B. Butvinová, K. Závěta, L. Kraus, K. Jurek:
As-cast anisotropy of amorphous CoFeCrBSi and FeNbCuSiB.
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 112 (1992) 359 - 362.

3. Z. Janů, R. Tichý:
Flux Creep Penetrating YBaCuO and BiSrCaCuO BULK TUBES.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena, 31.8.1992-4.9.1992, Smolenice (Czechoslovakia), Slovak Acad. Sciences, Inst. Electrical Engineering, Bratislava, 1992, pp. 247-251. Eds. S. Beňačka, M. Kedro. ISBN 80-900506-2-X.

4. V. Kovacik, I. V. Vodolazskaya, J. Šebek, L. Skrbek, J. Stehno:
Transport Measurements of the La2-xSrxCuO4-y Single-crzstals at Ultralow Temperatures.
Proceedings of the International Conference on High Temperature Superconductivity and Localiyation Phenomena. In: Progress in High Temperature Superconductivity 32, pp. 616-621, 1992.

5. L. Kraus, K. Závěta, O. Heczko, P. Duhaj, G. Vlasák, J. Schneider:
Magnetic anisotropy in as-quenched and stress-annealed amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 alloys.
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 112 (1992) 275 - 277.

6. J. Šebek, R. Müller, R. Simmons:
Nuclear Specific Heat of PrNi5 Single-crystal.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena, 31.8.1992-4.9.1992, Smolenice (Czechoslovakia), Slovak Acad. Sciences, Inst. Electrical Engineering, Bratislava, 1992, pp. 287-292. Eds. S. Beňačka, M. Kedro. ISBN 80-900506-2-X.

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    U d r ž u j e
M i c h a l   R a m e š (ramesm@fzu.cz)
Poslední změny: 9.2.2010
2010 © Odd. magnetismu a nízkých teplot