prof. PhDr. Evžen Neustupný, CSc.
e-mail: (Praha), neustup (Plzeň)
He specializes in the Neolithic and Eneolithic of Europe, theory and methodology, mainly landscape archaeology. He is currently teaching at Westbohemian University in Pilsen.
Prediction of archaeological areas. (1995-1997, GAČR 404/95/0523). (Project proved general thesis on the relation between situation of archaeological finds and parameters of enviroment. There is a dense relation to the history of a landscape. The settlement processes in part of Lodenicky brooch were influenced by societal factors. The complexity of factors disables real prediction of settlements based only on environmental factors. The finds can be dispersed also in the areas among settlement cores.)
Selected publications from recent years:
2004: Remarks on the Origin of the Linear Pottery culture. In: Lukes, A and M.Zvelebil (eds), LBK Dialogues (BAR International Series 1304). Oxford, 3-5
2003: The Non-Practical Dimensions of Prehistoric Landscapes. In: Kunow,J. und J.Müller (eds), Archäoprognose Brandenburg I (Forschungen zur Archäologie im Land Brandenburg 8), 291-296
2001: Hlavní problémy prostorové archeologie - Principal problems of spatial archaeology. In: J.Kozłowski i E.Neustupný (eds.), Archeologia przestrzeni - Metody i wyniki studiow osadniczych w dorzeczach górnej Laby i Wisły, 7-26
2001: The origin of Megalithic Architecture in Bohemia and Moravia. In: The Archaeology of Cult and Religion (eds. P.F.Biehl, F.Bertemes and H.Meller. Budapest: Archaeolingua), 203-207
2001: The cognitive role of archaeology. In: Z.Kobyliński (ed.), Quo vadis archaeologie? (Whither European Archaeology in the 21st century?) , 30-37
2000: Dvě archeologie - Two archaeologies. Acta historica et museologica Universitatis Silesianae Opaviensis. Opava: Slezska univerzita 5/2000