Microscopy Meetings
Your tips for other interesting meetings from
the field of microscopy will be very appreciated. The new links will be marked by the
NEW! label for two weeks.
Meetings in the year 2011
- MC 2011 -
NEW! Microscopy Conference 2011
August 28 to September 2, 2011,
Kiel, Germany,
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Jäger
Institute of Materials Science, Christian-Albrechts-University
Kaiserstrasse 2
D-24143 Kiel, Germany
Phone: ++49 431 880 6177
Fax: ++49 431 6178
E-mail: wj@tf.uni-kiel.de
WWW: http://www.mc2011.de/
Meetings in the year 2010
- FOM 2010 -
NEW! Focus on Microscopy 2010
March 28 to 31, 2010,
Shanghai, China ,
Qiushi Ren
Inst. for Laser Medicine and Bio-Photonics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
800 Dongchuan Rd.
200240 Shanghai, China
Phone: ++86-21-34204080
Fax: ++86-21-34204078
E-mail: renqsh@sjtu.edu.cn
- IMC17 -
NEW! 17th International Microscopy Congress
September 19 to 24, 2010,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Prof. Guillermo Solórzano
PUC-Rio de Janeiro, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
P.O. Box 38090-Gávea
22451-900 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Phone: ++55 21 3114 1239
E-mail: guilsol@dcmm.puc-rio.br
WWW: http://www.imc17.com
Meetings in the year 2009
- MC2009 -
joining up the «Multinational Conference on Microscopy» and the «Dreiländertagung»
August 30 to September 4, 2009,
Congress Graz, Graz, Austria,
Graz University of Technology
Graz, Austria
E-mail: info@microscopy09.tugraz.at
WWW: http://www.microscopy09.tugraz.at/
- 8th Int. Symp. SPM & 2th Int. Symp. Optical Tweezers -
8th International Symposium on Scanning Probe Microscopy in Life Sciences & 2nd International Symposium on Optical Tweezers in Life Sciences
October 14 to 15, 2009,
Berlin, Germany,
JPK Instruments AG
Berlin Germany
Phone: ++49 30 5331 12070
Fax: ++49 30 5331 22555
E-mail: info@nanobioviews.net
WWW: http://www.nanobioviews.net/spm-optical-tweezers.html
Meetings in the year 2008
- FOM 2008 -
Focus on Microscopy
April 13 to 16, 2008,
Osaka-Awaji, Japan,
Katsumasa Fujita
Department of Applied Physics, Osaka University
2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita,
Osaka 565-0871, Japan
Phone: ++81-6-6879-7847
Fax: ++81-6-6879-7330
E-mail: fom2008@ap.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
WWW: http://www.focusonmicroscopy.org/
- Optical Tweezers in Life Sciences -
1st International Symposium
May 15 to 15, 2008,
Magnus Haus, Berlin, Germany,
JPK Instruments AG
Phone: ++49 30-5331 12070
Fax: ++49 30 5331 22555
E-mail: info@nanobioviews.net
WWW: http://www.nanobioviews.net/opticaltweezers.html
- SCUR & SSSR 2008 -
Post IID 2008 Satellite 5th Joint Meeting of SSSR (Japan) and SCUR
May 17 to 19, 2008,
Otsu Prince Hotel, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-8520 (near Kyoto) , Japan,
Dr. Akemi ISHIDA-YAMAMOTO, Assoc. Prof., Secretary General
Asahikawa Medical College, Department of Dermatology
Midorigaoka Higashi 2-1-1-1
JP-078-8510 Asahikawa, Japan
Phone: ++81-(166)-68-2523
Fax: ++81-(166)-68-2529
E-mail: akemi@asahikawa-med.ac.jp
WWW: http://www.cs-oto.com/sssr_scur2008/welcome.htm
- MicroScience 2008 -
International Conference and Exhibition
June 23 to 26, 2008,
ExCel, London, UK,
The Royal Microscopical Society
37/38 St Clements
Oxford OX4 1AJ, UK
Phone: ++44 (0)1865 248 768
Fax: ++44 (0)1865 791237
E-mail: info@rms.org.uk, exhibitions@rms.org.uk
WWW: http://www.microscience2008.org.uk/
- Ultrapath XIV Conference -
The meeting of interest to pathologists, electron microscopists, electron microscopy technologists, oncologists and research scientists
July 6 to 11, 2008,
Heraklion, Crete, Greece,
WWW: http://www.ultrapathxiv-crete.com/
- Microscopy & Microanalysis 2008 -
Annual Meeting of the Microscopy Society of America and the Microbeam Analysis Society
August 3 to 7, 2008,
Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA,
Nicole Guy
MM2008 Conference Manager
11260 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 402
VA 20190 Reston, USA
Phone: ++703-964-1240 x14
Fax: ++703-964-1246
E-mail: nicoleguy@conferencemanagers.com
WWW: http://microscopy.org/MMMeetings/MM08/
- ICHC2008 -
'Imaging of Cell Dynamics' - 13th International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
August 23 to 27, 2008,
Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland,
Piotr Wierzbicki
Polish Society of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
Debinki 1
PL-80-211 Gdansk, Poland
Phone: ++48 58 3491430
Fax: ++48 58 3491436
E-mail: pwierzb@amg.gda.pl
WWW: http://ichc2008.org
- EMC 2008 -
14th European Microscopy Congress (former EUREM)
September 1 to 5, 2008,
Eurogress Centre, Aachen, Germany,
Prof. J. Mayer
GFE Central Facility for Electron Microscopy
Ahornstrasse 55
D-52074 Aachen, Germany
Phone: ++49 241 80 24 345
Fax: ++49 241 80 22 313
E-mail: gfe@gfe.rwth-aachen.de
WWW: http://www.emc2008.de
6th International Workshop on LEEM-PEEM
September 7 to 11, 2008,
Stazione Marittima Congress Centre, Trieste, Italy,
Andrea Locatelli
Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.
s.s. 14, km. 163,5 in Area Science Park
34012 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy
Phone: ++39 040 375 8703 or 8308, or ++39 335 1272 665
Fax: ++39 040 375 877
E-mail: andrea.locatelli@elettra.trieste.it
WWW: http://www.elettra.trieste.it/leempeem6/
- Histochemistry and Microscopy for Cell Biology and Pathology 2008 -
50th Symposium of the Society for Histochemistry
October 1 to 4, 2008,
Interlaken, Switzerland,
Ingrid Grob
Division of Cell and Molecular Pathology, Department of Pathology, University of Zurich
Schmelzbergstr. 12
CH-8091 Zurich, Switzerland
Fax: ++41 44 255 4407
E-mail: ingrid.grob@usz.ch
WWW: http://www.sfh.uzh.ch/society_index.htm
- "SPM in Life Sciences 2008" -
"Scanning Probe Microscopy in Life Sciences" 7th International Symposium
October 8 to 9, 2008,
Berlin, Germany,
Petra Dammermann
JPK Instruments AG
Berlin, Germany
Phone: ++49 30 5331 12070
Fax: ++49 30 5331 22555
E-mail: info@nanobioviews.net
WWW: http://www.nanobioviews.net/spm-symposium.html
- INCOME2008 -
VI International Conference on Mechanochemistry and Mechanical Alloying
December 1 to 4, 2008,
Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur-831007, Jharkhand, India,
Dr. Rakesh Kumar
National Metallurgical Laboratory
Jharkhand, 831 007 Jamshedpur, India
Phone: ++91-657-2271715 / 091-9430304874
Fax: ++91-657-2270527
E-mail: income2008@nmlindia.org
WWW: http://www.income2008.org
Meetings in the year 2007
- FOM 2007 -
Focus on Microscopy
April 10 to 13, 2007,
Valencia, Spain,
Manuel Martinez-Corral and Genaro Saavedra
Department of Optics, University of Valencia
Calle Doctor Moliner 50
E46100 Burjassot, Spain
Phone: ++34 96354 4718
Fax: ++34 96354 4715
E-mail: Manuel.Martinez@uv.es, genaro.saavedra@uv.es
WWW: http://www.focusonmicroscopy.org/
- Archaeometallurgy in Europe 2007 -
2nd International Conference Archaeometallurgy in Europe 2007
May 1 to 1, 2007,
date to be determined Grado and Aquileia, provinces of Gorizia and Udine, Italy,
WWW: http://www.aimnet.it/archaeometallurgy2.htm
- SCUR 2007 -
34th Annual Meeting of the SCUR (LM and EM Morphology, LM and EM Immunohistochemistry, LM and EM in Situ Hybridization, Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, Scanning Probe Technique, Dermatopathology)
June 14 to 16, 2007,
Prague, Czech Republic,
WWW: http://orgs.dermis.net/content/e04scur/e03meetings/e121/
- 8MCM -
8th Multinational Congress on Microscopy
June 17 to 21, 2007,
Andel's Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic,
Prof. Pavel Hozak, President of the 8MCM
Institute of Molecular Genetics
Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: ++420 241 062 289
Fax: ++420 241 062 289
E-mail: hozak@biomed.cas.cz
WWW: http://nucleus.biomed.cas.cz/8mcm/
- MSC/SMC 2007 -
34th Annual Meeting of the Microscopical Society of Canada
June 18 to 20, 2007,
University of Alberta, Conference Center, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,
E-mail: marek.malac@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca, r.bhatnagar@ualberta.ca
WWW: http://www.phys.ualberta.ca/MSC-2007/
- IVC-17/ICSS-13 -
17th International Vacuum Congress and 13th International Conference on Solid State Surfaces
July 2 to 6, 2007,
Stockholm, Sweden,
WWW: http://www.congrex.com/IVC17icss13/
- Microscopy & Microanalysis 2007 -
August 6 to 9, 2007,
Broward County Convention Center, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA,
Phillip Ridley, Conference Manager
Bostrom Corp
230 East Ohio, Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60611, USA
Phone: ++312-644-0828
Fax: ++312-644-8557
E-mail: pridley@bostrom.com
WWW: http://microscopy.org/MMMeetings/MM07/
- EMAG 2007 -
Electron Microscopy and Analysis Conference 2007
September 3 to 7, 2007,
Glasgow Caledonian University & The University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK,
Dawn Stewart
The Institute of Physics
Portland Place 76
W1B 1NT London, UK
Phone: ++44 (0)20 7470 4800
Fax: ++44 (0)20 7470 4900
E-mail: dawn.stewart@iop.org
WWW: http://www.iop.org/Conferences/Forthcoming_Institute_Conferences/event_8375.html
- SPM Workshop 2007 -
Scanning Probe Microscopy in Life Sciences, 6th International Workshop in Berlin
October 9 to 9, 2007,
Germany, Berlin,
Workshop office
JPK Instruments AG
Bouchéstrasse 12
D-12435 Berlin, Germany
Phone: ++49 30 5331 12070
Fax: ++49 30 5331 22555
E-mail: workshop@jpk.com
WWW: http://www.spm-workshop.jpk.com/
- Scottish Microscopy Group Annual Meeting -
Scottish Microscopy Symposium
November 14 to 14, 2007,
West Park Conference Centre, 319 Perth Road, Dundee, Scotland, UK,
Dr Laurence Tetley
Institute of Biomedical & Life Sciences
Joseph Black Building University of Glasgow
Scotland Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK
Phone: ++01413304431
E-mail: l.tetley@bio.gla.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.gla.ac.uk/ibls/II/em/SMG/smgnew.html
Meetings in the year 2006
- Electronic Imaging 2006 -
IS&T/SPIE 18th Annual Symposium on Electronic Imaging in Science and Technology
January 15 to 19, 2006,
San Jose Marriott and San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California, USA,
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
P.O. Box 10
WA 98227-0010 Bellingham, USA
Phone: ++1 703 642 9090
E-mail: ei@electronicimaging.org
WWW: http://www.electronicimaging.org/
- Photonics West 2006 -
Featuring four international symposia: BiOS 2006 - Biomedical Optics, OPTO 2006 - Integrated Optoelectronic Devices, LASE 2006 - Lasers and Applications in Science and Technology, MOEMS-MEMS 2006 - Micro & Nanofabrication
January 21 to 26, 2006,
San Jose Convention Cente, San Jose, California, USA,
SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
Phone: ++1 360/676-3290
Fax: ++1 360/647-1445
E-mail: spie@spie.org
WWW: http://spie.org/Conferences/calls/06/pw/
- 3DEM - Electron Tomography 2006 -
Electron Tomography (Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy Training Courses)
January 23 to 27, 2006,
FEI Company, Nanoport, Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
WWW: http://www.3dem-noe-training.org/
- ACMM19 -
Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis
February 5 to 9, 2006,
Sydney, Australia,
Cheryl Robins
ID Meetings & Events
Po Box 998
NSW 1585 Crows Nest, Australia
WWW: http://www.acmm19.org.au/
- 3DEM - Single Particle Data Acquisition, Automatic/Semi Automatic 2006 -
Single Particle Data Acquisition, Automatic/Semi Automatic (Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy Training Courses)
February 13 to 17, 2006,
FEI Company, Nanoport, Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
WWW: http://www.3dem-noe-training.org/
- IPOT 2006 -
Image Processing and Optical Technology and Machine Vision and Displays Technology 2006
February 15 to 16, 2006,
NEC, Birmingham, UK,
Trident Exhibitions Limited, West Devon Business Park
Devon, PL19 9DP, UK
Phone: ++44 (0)1822 614671
Fax: ++44 (0)1822 614818
E-mail: info@trident-exhibitions.co.uk
WWW: http://www.ipot.co.uk/
Alternative: http://www.tridentexhibitions.co.uk
- 3DEM - Single Particle Analysis 2006 -
Single Particle Analysis (Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy Training Courses)
February 20 to 24, 2006,
???, ,
WWW: http://www.3dem-noe-training.org/
- 3DEM - TOM software toolbox: Acquisition and Analysis for Electron Tomography 2006 -
TOM software toolbox: Acquisition and Analysis for Electron Tomography (Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy Training Courses)
March 1 to 1, 2006,
date to be determined Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, Department of Structural Biology, Martinsried, Germany,
WWW: http://www.3dem-noe-training.org/
- PITTCON 2006 -
57th Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
March 12 to 17, 2006,
Orlando, Florida, USA,
E-mail: info@pittcon.org
WWW: http://www.pittcon.org
- EGU GA 2006 - Nanoanalysis of Earth Materials -
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2006 - Session GMPV1: Nanoscale analytical and high resolution (S)TEM techniques for the characterisation of environmental and geological processes.
April 2 to 7, 2006,
Vienna, Austria,
Ken Livi
Johns Hopkins University
WWW: http://meetings.copernicus.org/egu2006/
- FOM 2006 -
Focus on Microscopy
April 9 to 12, 2006,
Perth, Western Australia,
Prof. David D. Sampson
Optical+Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, School of Electrical, Electronic & Computer Engineering, The University of Western Australia
M018, 35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009, Australia
Phone: ++61-8-6488 2317 Assistant/ 7112 Direct
Fax: ++61-8-6488 1319
E-mail: dsampson@ee.uwa.edu.au
WWW: http://www.focusonmicroscopy.org/
- DFTEM 2006 -
Conference on Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), dedicated to Karlheinz Schwarz (DFT) and Bernard Jouffrey (TEM)
April 21 to 23, 2006,
Vienna, Austria,
DFTEM 2006, c/o IAST Austria
Wohlmuthgasse 18
A-3003 Gablitz, Austria
Fax: ++43-2231-612544
E-mail: dftem@physics.at
WWW: http://www.physics.at/dftem2006/
- CPI DPDP 2006 -
Third International Conference on Conservation & Preservation Issues Related to Digital Printing and Digital Photography
April 24 to 25, 2006,
Institute of Physics, London, UK,
Professor Bob Thompson
33 Childsbridge Lane
Kemsing, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 6TL, UK
Phone: ++01732 762249
E-mail: r.rcthompson@btopenworld.com
WWW: http://conferences.iop.org/PPP/
- NanoScale 2006 -
7th Seminar on Quantitative Microscopy (QM) and 3rd Seminar on Nanoscale Calibration Standards and Methods (Dimensional and related measurements in the micro- and nanometre range)
April 24 to 25, 2006,
Swiss Federal Office of Metrology and Accreditation (METAS), Wabern, Switzerland,
Dr. Günter Wilkening
NanoScale 2006 office: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Fachbereich Nano- und Mikrometrologie
Bundesallee 100
D-38116 Braunschweig, Germany
Phone: ++49 531 592 5100
Fax: ++49 531 592 5105
E-mail: Guenter.Wilkening@ptb.de
WWW: http://www.nanoscale.de/
- SCANNING 2006 -
The Conference of the Journal of Scanning Microscopies
April 25 to 27, 2006,
The Hotel Washington, Washington, DC, USA,
SCANNING Program Committee
P.O. Box 485
NJ 07430-0485 Mahwah, USA
Phone: ++201 818-1010
Fax: ++201 818-0086
E-mail: scanning@fams.org
WWW: http://www.scanning.org/
- MAAFS Annual Meeting 2006 -
2006 Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists
May 3 to 5, 2006,
Omni Richmond, Richmond, Virginia, USA,
WWW: http://www.maafs.org/annualmtg2006.htm
- Nanotech 2006 -
NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show
May 7 to 11, 2006,
Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA,
WWW: http://www.nanotech2006.com/
- Fatigue 2006 -
9th International Fatigue Congress
May 14 to 19, 2006,
Omni / CNN Center Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia, USA,
Nina Woods
Fatigue 2006 Congress Secretariat, Elsevier
The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington
Oxford OX5 1GB, UK
Phone: ++44 (0) 1865 843297
Fax: ++44 (0) 1865 843958
E-mail: n.woods@elsevier.com
WWW: http://www.fatigue2006.com/
- 3DEM - Cryo Electron Microscopy in Life Science 2006 -
Cryo Electron Microscopy in Life Science (Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy Training Courses)
May 15 to 19, 2006,
FEI Academy, Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
WWW: http://www.3dem-noe-training.org/
- Recent Trends 2006 -
Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation
May 22 to 26, 2006,
Skalský Dvůr, Brno, Czech Republic,
Dr. Ilona Müllerová
Institute of Scientific Instruments, ASCR
Královopolská 147
CZ-61264 Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: ++420-541514300
Fax: ++420-541514402
E-mail: ilona@isibrno.cz
WWW: http://www.trends.isibrno.cz/
- FMMBM 2006 -
Force Measurement and Manipulation in Biological Microscopy 2006 (Learn the theory and techniques of measuring forces in biological samples)
May 22 to 25, 2006,
NIH NIBIB Biotechnology Resource Center, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA,
Fax: ++919-843-7308
E-mail: maggie@physics.unc.edu
WWW: http://www.cs.unc.edu/Research/nano/cismm/ForcesWorkshop.htm
- EUSPEN 2006 -
6Th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology
May 28 to June 1, 2006,
Baden, Austria,
WWW: http://baden2006.euspen.com/
- Introduction SEM & EDS 2006 -
Course: Introduction to SEM and EDS for the New Operator
June 4 to 4, 2006,
Lehigh Microscopy School, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA,
Sharon Coe
Lehigh Microscopy School
5 East Packer Avenue
PA 18015 Bethlehem, USA
Phone: ++610-758-5133
Fax: ++610-758-4244
E-mail: slc6@lehigh.edu
WWW: http://www.lehigh.edu/microscopy/courses/intro_sem.html
- SEM & X-ray Microanalysis 2006 -
Course: Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis
June 5 to 9, 2006,
Lehigh Microscopy School, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA,
Sharon Coe
Lehigh Microscopy School
5 East Packer Avenue
PA 18015 Bethlehem, USA
Phone: ++610-758-5133
Fax: ++610-758-4244
E-mail: slc6@lehigh.edu
WWW: http://www.lehigh.edu/microscopy/courses/sem_xray.html
- Scanning Probe Microscopy 2006 -
Course: Scanning Probe Microscopy: From Fundamentals to Advanced Applications
June 5 to 8, 2006,
Lehigh Microscopy School, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA,
Sharon Coe
Lehigh Microscopy School
5 East Packer Avenue
PA 18015 Bethlehem, USA
Phone: ++610-758-5133
Fax: ++610-758-4244
E-mail: slc6@lehigh.edu
WWW: http://www.lehigh.edu/microscopy/courses/spm.html
- SSKK6 -
6th National Symposium on Health Sciences
June 6 to 7, 2006,
Palace of Golden Horses, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
Dr Nor Fadilah Rajab
The Secretariat of the 6th National Symposium on Health Sciences
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz
50300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
E-mail: sskk6@medic.ukm.my
WWW: http://www.ukm.my/sskk6
- SCUR 2006 -
33rd Annual Meeting of the SCUR (LM and EM Morphology, LM and EM Immunohistochemistry, LM and EM in Situ Hybridization, Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, Scanning Probe Technique, Dermatopathology)
June 8 to 10, 2006,
Warszaw, Poland,
E-mail: kwoznia@amwaw.edu.pl
WWW: http://orgs.dermis.net/content/e04scur/e03meetings/e770/e771/index_ger.html
- NANOTEM School -
HREM of Nanoscructured Materials
June 8 to 9, 2006,
Puerto Real, Cádiz, Spain,
Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Materials Science
Facultad de Ciencias, Campus Universitario Rio San Pedro
Puerto Real
11510 Cadiz, Spain
Phone: ++34 956 016335
Fax: ++34 956 016288
E-mail: cim@merlin.uca.es
WWW: http://www2.uca.es/dept/cmat_qinor/mea/pages/school/home.html
- 3D MLC 2006 -
Eleventh Annual International 12-Day Short Course on 3D Microscopy of Living Cells
June 10 to 26, 2006,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada,
Prof. James B. Pawley
University of Wisconsin, Zoology Research Building, Room 223
Johnson Ave. 1117
WI 53706 Madison, USA
Phone: ++608-263-3147
Fax: ++608-265-5315
E-mail: jbpawley@wisc.edu
WWW: http://www.3dcourse.ubc.ca/brochure.htm
- 3DEM - CEMOVIS:Cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections 2006 -
CEMOVIS:Cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections (Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy Training Courses)
June 11 to 17, 2006,
LAU, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland,
WWW: http://www.3dem-noe-training.org/
- SEM and X-Ray Microanalysis (Problem Solving) 2006 -
Course: Problem Solving with SEM and X-Ray Microanalysis
June 12 to 16, 2006,
Lehigh Microscopy School, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA,
Sharon Coe
Lehigh Microscopy School
5 East Packer Avenue
PA 18015 Bethlehem, USA
Phone: ++610-758-5133
Fax: ++610-758-4244
E-mail: slc6@lehigh.edu
WWW: http://www.lehigh.edu/microscopy/courses/problem_solving.html
- Quantitative X-ray Microanalysis (Bulk Specimens) 2006 -
Course: Quantitative X-ray Microanalysis of Bulk Specimens and Particles
June 12 to 16, 2006,
Lehigh Microscopy School, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA,
Sharon Coe
Lehigh Microscopy School
5 East Packer Avenue
PA 18015 Bethlehem, USA
Phone: ++610-758-5133
Fax: ++610-758-4244
E-mail: slc6@lehigh.edu
WWW: http://www.lehigh.edu/microscopy/courses/quantitative_xray.html
- Analytical Electron Microscopy (Nanometer-Scale) 2006 -
Course: Analytical Electron Microscopy at the Nanometer-Scale
June 12 to 15, 2006,
Lehigh Microscopy School, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA,
Sharon Coe
Lehigh Microscopy School
5 East Packer Avenue
PA 18015 Bethlehem, USA
Phone: ++610-758-5133
Fax: ++610-758-4244
E-mail: slc6@lehigh.edu
WWW: http://www.lehigh.edu/microscopy/courses/aem.html
- FIB Instrumentation and Applications 2006 -
Course: Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Instrumentation and Applications
June 12 to 15, 2006,
Lehigh Microscopy School, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA,
Sharon Coe
Lehigh Microscopy School
5 East Packer Avenue
PA 18015 Bethlehem, USA
Phone: ++610-758-5133
Fax: ++610-758-4244
E-mail: slc6@lehigh.edu
WWW: http://www.lehigh.edu/microscopy/courses/fib.html
- CGIV`2006 -
Third European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision (including: Colour in Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision in the microscopy applications)
June 19 to 22, 2006,
University of Leeds, Leeds, UK,
7003 Kilworth Lane
VA 22151 Springfield, USA
Phone: ++703-642-9090
Fax: ++703-642-9094
E-mail: cgiv@imaging.org
WWW: http://www.imaging.org/conferences/cgiv2006/
- NanoBio 2006 -
International Congress on Nanobiotechnology & Nanomedicine
June 19 to 21, 2006,
Hilton Hotel Financial District, San Francisco, USA,
E-mail: info@nanotechcongresss.net
WWW: http://www.nanobio2006.com
- 3D IP 2006 -
Tenth Post-course Workshop on 3D Image Processing
June 24 to 26, 2006,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada,
Prof. James B. Pawley
University of Wisconsin, Zoology Research Building, Room 223
Johnson Ave. 1117
WI 53706 Madison, USA
Phone: ++608-263-3147
Fax: ++608-265-5315
E-mail: jbpawley@wisc.edu
WWW: http://www.3dcourse.ubc.ca/
- GRC 3D EM 2006 -
Gordon Research Conference on Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy
June 25 to 30, 2006,
Il Ciocco, Barga, Italy,
WWW: http://www.grc.uri.edu/programs/2006/threed.htm
- MicroScience 2006 -
International Conference and Exhibition
June 27 to 27, 2006,
ExCel, London, UK,
The Royal Microscopical Society
37/38 St Clements
Oxford OX4 1AJ, UK
Phone: ++44 (0)1865 248 768
Fax: ++44 (0)1865 791237
E-mail: info@rms.org.uk, exhibitions@rms.org.uk
WWW: http://www.microscience2006.org.uk/
- Telepathology and Virtual Microscopy 2006 -
7th European Congress on Telepathology and 2nd International Congress on Virtual Microscopy
July 6 to 9, 2006,
Budapest, Hungary,
WWW: http://www.diamond-congress.hu/ect2006/
- NC-AFM 2006 -
9th International Conference on Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy
July 16 to 20, 2006,
International Conference Center, Kobe, Japan,
Dr. Masayuki Abe (Secretariat)
Department of Electronic Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Osaka, Japan
Fax: ++81-6-6879-7764
E-mail: ncafm@ele.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
WWW: http://ncafm.ele.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp/
- Biology of Fish 2006 -
7th International Congress on the biology of fish, Symposium: Biomineralisation in Fish Bones and Teeth: from Microscopy to Design of Materials
July 18 to 22, 2006,
St John's, Newfoundland, Canada,
WWW: http://www.mun.ca/biology/icbf7/
- CPO-7 -
Seventh International Conference on Charged Particle Optics
July 24 to 28, 2006,
Trinity College, Cambridge, England, UK,
Eric Munro
E-mail: eric@mebs.co.uk
WWW: http://www.mebs.co.uk/CPO7.htm
- ICN&T 2006 -
International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology
July 30 to August 4, 2006,
Conference centre, Basel, Switzerland,
Administrative Secretariat ICN&T 2006
c/o AKM Congress Service
Clarastrasse 57
CH-4005 Basel, Switzerland
Phone: ++41 61 686 77 11
Fax: ++41 61 686 77 88
E-mail: info@akm.ch
WWW: http://www.icnt2006.ch/
- Microscopy & Microanalysis 2006 -
July 30 to August 3, 2006,
Chicago, Illinois, USA,
Mary Beth Rebedeau
Chicago, USA
Fax: ++1 708 361 6166
E-mail: MSA@tradeshownet.com
WWW: http://mm2006.microscopy.org/
23rd European Crystallographic Meeting ECM23
August 6 to 11, 2006,
Leuven, Belgium,
Organizing Secretariat ECM XXIII
Momentum, Grensstraat 6
B-3010 Leuven, Belgium
Phone: ++32 16 40 45 55
Fax: ++32 16 40 35 51
E-mail: info@momentum-pco.be
WWW: http://www.ecm23.be/
- 3DEM - Cryo-Electron Microscopy and 3-D Image Analysis 2006 -
Cryo-Electron Microscopy and 3-D Image Analysis (Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy Training Courses)
August 13 to 22, 2006,
EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany,
WWW: http://www.3dem-noe-training.org/
- 3DEM - Transmission Electron Microscopy in Life Science 2006 -
Transmission Electron Microscopy in Life Science (Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy Training Courses)
August 21 to 25, 2006,
FEI Academy, Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
WWW: http://www.3dem-noe-training.org/
- ISC 2006 -
17th International Sedimentological Congress
August 27 to September 1, 2006,
Fukuoka International Congress Center, Fukuoka, Japan,
ISC2006 Secretariat Office, c/o Kinki Nippon Tourist Co. Ltd., Event & Convention House, Inc.
Shuwa-Okachimachi Bldg. 8F, 4-27-5
Taito, Taito-ku
Tokyo 110-0016, Japan
Fax: ++81-3-5807-3019
E-mail: isc2006-ec@or.knt.co.jp
WWW: http://www.isc2006.com/
- MSI'30 -
30th Microscopical Society of Ireland Annual Meeting
August 30 to September 1, 2006,
National University of Ireland-Galway, Ireland,
E-mail: msi@nuigalway.ie
WWW: http://www.nuigalway.ie/msi/symposium.htm
- IMC16 -
The 16th International Microscopy Congress
September 3 to 8, 2006,
Sapporo Convention Center (SCC), Sapporo, Japan,
Kazuo Furuya, General Secretary of IMC16
National Institute for Materials Science
3-13 Sakura
Tsukuba 305-0003, Japan
Phone: ++81-29-863-5554
Fax: ++81-29-863-5559
E-mail: info@imc16.jp
WWW: http://www.imc16.jp/
Alternative: http://edpex104.bcasj.or.jp/jsm/eng/icem/icemxvi.html
- IISC-16 -
16th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions
September 17 to 22, 2006,
Schloss Hernstein, Hernstein, Austria,
IISC-16 Conference Office, Manuela Marik
Institut f. Allgemeine Physik, TU Wien
Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10/E134
A 1040 Vienna, Austria
Phone: ++43 1 58801 13405
Fax: ++43 1 58801 13499
E-mail: iisc16@iap.tuwien.ac.at
WWW: http://www.iap.tuwien.ac.at/www/iisc16/
- MS&T'06 -
Materials Science & Technology 2006
October 15 to 18, 2006,
Cincinatti, OH, USA,
WWW: http://www.matscitech.org/
- ICNT 2006 -
The 3rd International Congress of Nanotechnology
October 30 to November 2, 2006,
San Francisco, USA,
E-mail: info@nanotechcongresss.net
WWW: http://www.nanotechcongress.com
- Neuroscience 2006 -
SFN 36th annual meeting
November 21 to 25, 2006,
Washington Convention Center, New Orleans, LA, USA,
WWW: http://apu.sfn.org/
Meetings in the year 2005
- APC-2005 -
Fourth Asian Photochemistry Conference
January 5 to 12, 2005,
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan,
WWW: http://www.iams.sinica.edu.tw/introa/conference/apc2005/apc2005.htm
- EMAT TEM 2005 -
EMAT Winter School on Transmission Electron Microscopy 2005
January 10 to February 4, 2005,
University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium,
E-mail: temschool@ua.ac.be
WWW: http://webhost.ua.ac.be/temschool/
- Electronic Imaging 2005 -
Major event for the imaging community, focusing on the complete range of applied and academic research in this large and diverse field
January 16 to 20, 2005,
San Jose Marriott and San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California USA,
Phone: ++1 360 676 3290
E-mail: eicall@imaging.org
WWW: http://electronicimaging.org/call/05/
- Photonics West 2005 -
BiOS 2005 - Biomedical Optics, OPTO 2005 - Integrated Optoelectronic Devices, LASE 2005 - Lasers and Applications in Science and Technology, MOEMS-MEMS 2005 - Micro & Nanofabrication
January 22 to 27, 2005,
San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California, USA,
Marilyn Gorsuch
SPIE's Event Project Manager
E-mail: meetinginfo@spie.org
WWW: http://spie.org/Conferences/calls/05/pw/
- Linz Winter Workshop -
The VII Annual Linz Winter Workshop: Advances in Single-Molecule Research for Biology & Nanoscience.
February 4 to 7, 2005,
Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Linz, Austria,
Peter Hinterdorfer, Ph.D.
Institute for Biophysics, Johannes Kepler University of Linz
Altenbergerstr. 69
A-4040 Linz, Austria
Phone: ++43(732)2468.9265
Fax: ++43(732)2468.9280
E-mail: peter.hinterdorfer@jku.at
WWW: http://www.molec.com/linz.html
The Workshop will focus on biological single-molecule research and nanoscience, and include atomic force and optical microscopy and spectroscopy techniques. It is the aim to provide a common platform for industry and academia.
- Microscopy 2005 -
New Zealand Microscopy Conference
February 6 to 9, 2005,
Dunedin, New Zealand,
Secretary, Bronwyn Smaill
New Zealand
Phone: ++64 3 479 7301
Fax: ++64 3 479 7254
E-mail: bronwyn.smaill@stonebow.otago.ac.nz
WWW: http://microscopy2005.otago.ac.nz/
Network of Excellence Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy Workshop/Course
February 7 to 11, 2005,
Campus Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco., Centro Nacional de biotecnología, CSIC, Madrid, Spain,
Prof. Jose L. Carrascosa
Department of Structure of Macromolecules, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, CSIC.
Calle Darwin 3
28049 Madrid., Spain
Phone: ++34 91 5854509
Fax: ++34 91 5854506
E-mail: jlcarras@cnb.uam.es
WWW: http://biocomp.cnb.uam.es/NoE/Course2005/contacto.htm
- AXAA 2005 -
AXAA National Conference and Exhibition 2005
February 14 to 18, 2005,
Hotel Esplanade Fremantle, Perth, Western Australia,
PO Box 116
NSW 2317 Salamander Bay, Australia
Phone: ++61 2 4984 2554
Fax: ++61 2 4984 2755
E-mail: axaa@pco.com.au
WWW: http://www.pco.com.au/axaa2005/
- IPOT 2005 -
Image Processing, Optical Technology & Machine Vision 2005
February 16 to 17, 2005,
NEC, Birmingham, UK,
WWW: http://www.ipot.com/
- PITTCON 2005 -
The Pittsburgh Conference - "Everything Science Under the Sun"
February 27 to March 4, 2005,
Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, USA,
Phone: ++412 825-3220 or ++800 825-3221
Fax: ++412 825-3224
E-mail: info@pittcon.org
WWW: http://www.appcluster05.com/app/homepage.cfm?appname=351&moduleid=625
- FRET Microscopy Workshop 2005 -
Course on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy
March 8 to 12, 2005,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA,
Mr. Horst Wallrabe
University of Virginia
VA 22904 Charlottesville, USA
Phone: ++434 243-3544
E-mail: hw5m@virginia.edu
WWW: http://www.kcci.virginia.edu/workshop/workshop2005/index.php
- FOM 2005 -
Focus On Microscopy 2005
March 20 to 23, 2005,
Jena, Germany,
WWW: http://www.focusonmicroscopy.org/
- Microscopy of Oxidation 2005 -
6th International Conference on the Microscopy of Oxidation
April 4 to 6, 2005,
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK,
E-mail: mrobin@liv.ac.uk
WWW: http://dbweb.liv.ac.uk/engdept/content/events/moo6/
- Live Cell Imaging for Biomedical Applications -
Time-Lapse Microscopy Short Course
April 26 to 28, 2005,
Villa Orlandi, Capri (NA), Italy,
E-mail: segreteria@www.time-lapse-microscopy.unina.it
WWW: http://www.time-lapse-microscopy.unina.it
- Proteomics in situ: Imaging proteins at work -
First Joint Symposium Histochemical Society (USA) and Society for Histochemistry
April 27 to 30, 2005,
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands,
Prof. Ron Van Noorden
University of Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Fax: ++31 20 6974156
E-mail: c.j.vanNoorden@amc.uva.nl
WWW: http://www.sfh.unizh.ch/society_index.htm
Alternative: http://www.histochemistry2005.org/index.htm
- EELS-2005 -
International EELS-Workshop
May 1 to 5, 2005,
Ferienclub, Grundlsee, Austria,
E-mail: info@energyloss.com
WWW: http://www.energyloss.com/
- SCANNING 2005 -
The Conference of the Journal of Scanning Microscopies
May 7 to 9, 2005,
Monterey, CA, USA,
SCANNING Program Committee
P.O. Box 485
NJ 07430-0485 Mahwah, USA
Phone: ++201 818-1010
Fax: ++201 818-0086
E-mail: scanning@fams.org
WWW: http://www.scanning.org/
- Nanotech 2005 -
NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show
May 8 to 12, 2005,
Anaheim Marriott & Convention Center, Anaheim, California, USA,
WWW: http://www.nanotech2005.com/
- ECSIA 2005 -
9th European Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis
May 10 to 13, 2005,
Zakopane, Poland,
Dr. Leszek Wojnar, President, Polish Society for Stereology
Institute of Materials Science, Cracow University of Technology, A1.
Jana Pawla 11 37
31-864 Cracow, Poland
Phone: ++4812 648 0170
Fax: ++4812 413 9657
E-mail: fotobit@fotobitlw.com
WWW: http://ptst.polsl.katowice.pl/
- EMAS 2005 -
9th European Workshop and 3rd Meeting of the International Union of Microbeam Societies
May 22 to 26, 2005,
Convitto della Calza, Florence, Italy,
EMAS Secretariat, attn. Mr. Luc Van’t dack
c/o University of Antwerp (UA), Department of Chemistry
Universiteitsplein 1
BE-2610 Antwerp-Wilrijk, Belgium
Phone: ++32-3-820.23.43
Fax: ++32-3-820.23.43
E-mail: Luc.Vantdack@ua.ac.be
WWW: http://www.emas-web.net/Content/EMAS2005.htm
- SCUR 2005 -
32nd Annual Meeting of the SCUR (LM and EM Morphology, LM and EM Immunohistochemistry, LM and EM in Situ Hybridization, Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, Scanning Probe Technique, Dermatopathology)
June 1 to 4, 2005,
Hamburg, Germany,
E-mail: sonja.staender@uni-muenster.de, Roger.Wepf@beiersdorf.com
WWW: http://orgs.dermis.net/content/e04scur/e03meetings/e121/index_ger.html
- EM 2005 -
12th Intl. Conference on Electron Microscopy of Solids
June 5 to 9, 2005,
Kazimierz Dolny, Poland,
Chairman, Prof. J. Katcki
E-mail: katcki@ite.waw.pl
- Cancun 2005 -
The Seventh International Meeting on Scanning Probe Microscopy, Sensors and Nanostructures
June 5 to 8, 2005,
Omni Cancun Hotel and Villas, Cancun, Mexico,
Dr. David Allison
The University of Tennessee
Dept. of Biochemistry & Cellular &Molecular Biology 10515 Research Drive Suite A10
TN 37932 Knoxville, USA
Phone: ++1 (865) 974-0778
E-mail: allisond@utk.edu
WWW: http://spm.phy.bris.ac.uk/cancun2005/
- 3D MLC 2005 -
Tenth Annual INTERNATIONAL 12-Day Short Course on 3D Microscopy of Living Cells
June 11 to 23, 2005,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada,
Prof. James B. Pawley
University of Wisconsin, Zoology Research Building, Room 223
Johnson Ave. 1117
WI 53706 Madison, USA
Phone: ++608-263-3147
Fax: ++608-265-5315
E-mail: jbpawley@wisc.edu
WWW: http://www.3dcourse.ubc.ca/brochure.htm
- 3DEM 2005 -
Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy (Gordon Research Conferences)
June 12 to 17, 2005,
Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA,
Kenneth H Downing
Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Donner Lab
CA 94720 Berkeley, USA
WWW: http://www.grc.org/05sched.htm
- EMBO 2005 -
The EMBO practical course on Electron Microscopy and Stereology in Cell Biology
June 20 to 30, 2005,
Faculty of Biological Sciences and Institute of Parasitology, České Budějovice, Czech Republic,
Jana Nebesářová
Institute of Parasitology
Branisovska 31
CZ-37005 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Phone: ++420 387 775 402
Fax: ++420 385 300 388
E-mail: nebe@paru.cas.cz
WWW: http://www.paru.cas.cz/embocourse/
- EMABM'10 -
10th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials
June 22 to 26, 2005,
University of Paisley, Scotland,
WWW: http://www.paisley.ac.uk/es/emabm/
- 3D IP 2005 -
Ninth, Post-course Workshop on 3D Image Processing
June 25 to 27, 2005,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada,
Prof. James B. Pawley
University of Wisconsin, Zoology Research Building, Room 223
Johnson Ave. 1117
WI 53706 Madison, USA
Phone: ++608-263-3147
Fax: ++608-265-5315
E-mail: jbpawley@wisc.edu
WWW: http://www.3dcourse.ubc.ca/
- MCM'7 -
7th Multinational Congress on Microscopy
June 26 to 30, 2005,
Portoroz, Slovenia,
Miran Ceh
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
E-mail: mcm2005@ijs.si
WWW: http://mcm2005.ijs.si/
- ECHEMS'1 -
1st ECHEMS Meeting on Electrochemistry in Nanosciences
June 30 to July 3, 2005,
Venice, Italy,
Prof. Flavio Maran
Università di Padova, Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche
Via Marzolo 1
I-35131 Padova,, Italy
Phone: ++39-049-8275147
Fax: ++39-049-8275135
E-mail: echems@chfi.unipd.it
WWW: http://www.chfi.unipd.it/%7Eechems/index.html
- EPS-13 -
13th General Meeting of the European Physical Society
July 11 to 15, 2005,
Universty of Bern, Bern, Switzerland,
WWW: http://www.eps13.org/
- INTER/MICRO 2005 -
INTER/MICRO Conference 2005 - Presentations on all aspects of microscopy, methods and materials
July 11 to 15, 2005,
Talbott Hotel, Chicago, IL, USA,
Christine Weaver
McCrone Research Institute
South MIchigan Avenue 2820
IL 60616 Chicago, USA
Phone: ++312-842-7100
Fax: ++312-842-1078
E-mail: intermicro@mcri.org
WWW: http://www.mcri.org/IM_info_page.html
- BioScience2005 -
from genes to systems
July 17 to 21, 2005,
SECC, Glasgow, UK,
Head Office: Biochemical Society/Portland Press
59 Portland Place
W1B 1QW London, UK
Phone: ++44 (0) 20 7580 3481
Fax: ++44 (0) 20 7637 7626
E-mail: meetings@BioScience2005.org
WWW: http://www.bioscience2005.org/
- Microscopy & Microanalysis 2005 -
19th International Congress on Microscopy
August 1 to 5, 2005,
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,
Mary Beth Rebedeau
Chicago, USA
Fax: ++1 708 361 6166
E-mail: MSA@tradeshownet.com
WWW: http://www.msa.microscopy.com/
- NC-AFM 2005 -
8th International Conference on Non-Contact Atomic Force Microscopy
August 15 to 18, 2005,
Bad Essen, Germany,
Wolfgang Mikosch
Universität Osnabrück
Barbarastrasse 7
49076 Osnabrück, Germany
E-mail: ncafm2005@ncafm.info
WWW: http://www.ncafm.info/
- DMC 2005 -
Dreiländertagung Microscopy Conference 2005
August 28 to September 2, 2005,
Davos, Switzerland,
Kurt Pulfer, President SSOM
E-mail: kurt.pulfer@solvias.com
WWW: http://www.davos2005.unibas.ch/
Alternative: http://www.ssom.ch/davos2005/davos.html
- ICMRM 2005 -
The 8th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy
September 4 to 8, 2005,
Rihga Royal Hotel, Kyoto, Japan,
WWW: http://mrlab.bk.tsukuba.ac.jp/nmrmicro/8thicmrm/8thicmrm.html
- EUROMAT 2005 -
European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes
September 5 to 8, 2005,
Prague, Czech Republic,
Euromat 2005 Congress Office
c/o Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde
Hamburger Allee 26
D-60486 Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: ++49 -69-7917 747
Fax: ++49 -69-7917 733
E-mail: euromat@fems.org
WWW: http://www.euromat2005.fems.org/
- MSI'29 -
29th Annual MSI Meeting
September 7 to 9, 2005,
Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland,
WWW: http://www.nuigalway.ie/msi/symposium.htm
- APICA 2005 -
4th Asian Pacific International Congress of Anatomists
September 7 to 10, 2005,
Kusadasi, Turkey,
Prof. Nedim Şimşek Cankur, M.D. (Chairman of the Organizing Committee)
Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy
16059 Bursa, Turkey
Phone: ++90-(224) 442 92 42
Fax: ++90-(224) 442 92 42
E-mail: cankur@uludag.edu.tr
WWW: http://www.apica2005.org
- Materialica 2005 -
The trade fair for product engineering and the use of all materials in all sectors
September 20 to 22, 2005,
Munich, Germany,
WWW: http://www.materialica.com/materialica_2005.html
- FEMMS 2005 -
10th Conference on Frontiers of Electron Microscopy in Materials Science
September 25 to 30, 2005,
Kasteel Vaalsbroek near Aachen, Aachen, Germany,
Joachim Mayer
GFE, RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstrasse 55
52074 Aachen, Germany
Phone: +++49 241 80 24350
E-mail: mayer@gfe.rwth-aachen.de
WWW: http://www.er-c.org/femms2005
- IACEM 2005 -
8th Inter American Congress of Electron Microscopy
September 25 to 30, 2005,
Havana, Cuba,
Viviana Falcon, MD, PhD
Head, Electron Microscopy Laboratory, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
P.O.Box 6162. Ave. 31
La Habana 10600, Cubanacán, Playa, entre 158 y 190, Cuba
Phone: ++537-271 6022 ext 1127
Fax: ++537-271 4764
E-mail: ciasem2005@cigb.edu.cu
WWW: http://ciasem2005.cigb.edu.cu/
- QEM 2005 -
Quantitative Electron Microscopy: European Microscopy School
September 25 to October 7, 2005,
“La Gaillarde” St Aygulf, French Riviera between St Tropez and Antibes, France,
QEM 2005 European School
29, rue J. Marvig
31055 Toulouse, Cedex 04, France
Phone: ++33 5.62 25.78.91
Fax: ++33
E-mail: QEM2005@cemes.fr
WWW: http://www.cemes.fr/QEM2005/contact.htm
- Cytology 2005 -
31st European Congress of Cytology
October 2 to 5, 2005,
Palais des Congres, Paris, France,
MCI France
11 rue de Solférino
75007 Paris, France
Phone: ++33 (0)1 53 85 82 52
Fax: ++33 (0)1 53 85 82 83
E-mail: cytology2005@mci-group.com
WWW: http://www.cytologyparis2005.com/
Alternative: http://www.stratumcorneum2004.com
- ECCLS'1 -
The First European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences
October 4 to 8, 2005,
Palacongressi, Rimini, Italy,
Phone: ++39 0547 382348
E-mail: lifescience@unibo.it
WWW: http://www.lifescience-fecs.org/
- SPM Workshop 2005 -
Scanning Probe Microscopy in Life Sciences - 4th International Workshop
October 13 to 13, 2005,
University Clinic Charité, Berlin, Germany,
Ms. Zsuzsa Konczos
JPK Instruments AG
Bouchéstr. 12
D-12435 Berlin, Germany
Phone: ++49 (0)30 5331 12070
Fax: ++49 (0)30 5331 22555
E-mail: konczos@jpk.com
WWW: http://www.spm-workshop.jpk.com
- NANO'3 -
3rd NANO Seefeld Cryo-Workshop
October 24 to 28, 2005,
Australian Key Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia,
Ms Anne Simpson
Australian Key Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, The University of Sydney
Phone: ++61 (0)2 9351 7525
Fax: ++61 (0)2 9351 7682
E-mail: seefeld.cryo@emu.usyd.edu.au
WWW: http://www.nano.org.au/workshops.htm
- SMGS 2005 -
33rd Scottish Microscopy Group Symposium, University of Glasgow
November 9 to 9, 2005,
Glasgow, Scotland,
WWW: http://www.gla.ac.uk/ibls/II/em/SMG/programme.html
- Neuroscience 2005 -
SFN 35th annual meeting
November 12 to 16, 2005,
Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC, USA,
WWW: http://apu.sfn.org/am2005/
- SPM&UM 2005 -
Veeco Instruments Scanning Probe Microscopy Conference and Users Meeting 2005
November 22 to 23, 2005,
The Oxford Centre, 333 Banbury Road, Oxford, UK,
WWW: http://www.veeco-europe.com/public.divers.news.list.screen?p_groupe=others.news.users-meetings
- CMGAM 2005 -
Cryo-Microscopy Group Annual Meeting
November 23 to 23, 2005,
The EM Centre, Materials and Metallurgy Department, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK,
Dr Roger Angold
Pyxis CSB Ltd
61 North Street, Fritwell, Bicester
Oxon OX27 7QR, UK
Fax: ++44 (0)7092 383978
E-mail: roger.angold@btinternet.com
WWW: http://www.cryomicroscopygroup.org.uk/meet05.htm
- ASEAN'5 -
5th ASEAN Microscopy Conference:
November 24 to 25, 2005,
Holiday Inn Galleria, One Asian Development Bank Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig City, Philippines,
The Organizing Committee 5th ASEAN Microscopy Conference
Department of Mining, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, University of the Philippines
Quezon City, Philippines 1101
Fax: ++632 925-8205
E-mail: avamorsolo@up.edu.ph
WWW: http://www.microsphil.org.ph
- Microscopy in Motion -
XLth Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Electron Microscopy and Cell Biology
December 8 to 9, 2005,
Dental Medical School, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Spain,
WWW: http://www.demat.ist.utl.pt./crio/
Meetings in the year 2004
- WCPS 2004 -
2004 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry
January 5 to 10, 2004,
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA,
Dr. Ramon Barnes, Conference Chairman,
Phone: ++413 256-8942
Fax: ++413 256-3746
E-mail: wc2004@chemistry.umass.edu
WWW: http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~wc2004/
- Linz Winter Wokshop 2004 -
IV Annual Linz Winter Wokshop on Single Molecule Techniques
January 30 to February 2, 2004,
Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria,
Peter Hinterdorfer:
Johannes Kepler University
Altenbergerstraße 69, A-4040
Linz, Austria
Phone: ++43 732 2468 9268
Fax: ++43 732 2468 9280
E-mail: peter.hinterdorfer@jku.at
WWW: http://www.molec.com/linz.html
- Microscopy By The Bay (ACMM18) -
Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis 18
February 2 to 6, 2004,
Geelong, Victoria, Australia,
Lynne Lucas (Event Management Services)
Deakin University
Gheringhap Street 1
Victoria, 3217 Geelong, Australia
Phone: ++61 3 5227 8121
Fax: ++61 3 5227 8188
E-mail: luco@deakin.edu.au
WWW: http://www.deakin.edu.au/events/acmm18/
- IPOT 2004 -
Image Processing, Optical Technology & Machine Vision 2004
February 11 to 12, 2004,
NEC, Birmingham, UK,
WWW: http://www.ipot.com/
- PITTCON 2004 -
The Pittsburgh Conference 2004
March 7 to 12, 2004,
Chicago, Illinois, USA,
Phone: ++412 825 3220
Fax: ++412 825 3224
E-mail: info@pittcon.org
WWW: http://www.pittcon.org/
- PATRFS'04 -
Short Course on Principles and Applications of Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy
March 22 to 26, 2004,
University of Maryland Medical School, Baltimore, Maryland, USA,
Joseph R. Lakowicz
Center for Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Maryland Medical School
725 West Lombard Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201, USA
Phone: ++410 706-8409
Fax: ++410 706-8408
E-mail: cfs@cfs.umbi.umd.edu
WWW: http://cfs.umbi.umd.edu/course/
- NanoScale 2004 -
6th Seminar on Quantitative Microscopy (QM) and 2nd Seminar on Nanoscale Calibration Standards and Methods
March 25 to 26, 2004,
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany,
Dr. Günter Wilkening
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Fachbereich Nano- und Mikrometrologie
Bundesallee 100
D-38116 Braunschweig, Germany
Phone: ++49 531 592 5100
Fax: ++49 531 592 5105
E-mail: Guenter.Wilkening@ptb
WWW: http://www.nanoscale.de/
- CSD'04 -
Cell Structure and Dynamics Annual Spring Meeting, British Society for Cell Biology
March 31 to April 3, 2004,
University of Kent at Canterbury, UK,
Vicky Milner
Procon Conferences Ltd
Tattersall House, East Parade
Harrogate, HG1 5LT, UK
Phone: ++44 (0) 1423 564488
Fax: ++44 (0) 1423 701433
E-mail: vickym@procon-conferences.co.uk
WWW: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/kis/schools/life_sciences/biomed/bscb/meetings/kent2004_info.html
- MicroMat 2004 -
4th International Conference on Micro Materials and Nano Materials
April 4 to 7, 2004,
Berlin, Germany,
Prof. Dr. B. Michel
Secretariat Micro Materials 2004, Fraunhofer Institute IZM Berlin
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25
D-13355 Berlin, Germany
Phone: ++49 (0) 30 - 46403 - 200
Fax: ++49 (0) 30 - 46403 - 211
E-mail: michel@izm.fhg.de
WWW: http://www.micromaterials.com/
- FOM 2004 -
Focus On Microscopy 2004
April 4 to 7, 2004,
Drexel University, Sheraton University City, Philadelphia, USA,
Susan Sullivan
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health Systems, Drexel University
3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
Phone: ++215-895-2044
Fax: ++215-895-4983
E-mail: susan.sullivan@drexel.edu
WWW: http://www.focusonmicroscopy.org/
- SCANNING 2004 -
The Conference of the Journal of Scanning Microscopies
April 27 to 29, 2004,
Hotel Washington, Washington, USA,
SCANNING Program Committee
P.O. Box 485
NJ 07430-0485 Mahwah, USA
Phone: ++201 818-1010
Fax: ++201 818-0086
E-mail: scanning@fams.org
WWW: http://www.scanning.org/
- EMAS 2004 -
6th EMAS Regional Workshop on Electron Probe Microanalysis Today - Practical Aspects
May 8 to 11, 2004,
Bled, Slovenia,
Jozef Stefan Institute, Department for Nanostructured Materials, EMAS 2004 secretariat
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: ++386 1 4773 821 or 386 1 4773 353
Fax: ++386 1 4263 126
E-mail: goran.drazic@ijs.si, sanja.fidler@ijs.si
WWW: http://emas2004.ijs.si/
- Analytica 2004 -
19th International Trade Fair and Analytica Conference
May 11 to 14, 2004,
Neue Messe, München, Germany,
WWW: http://www.analytica-world.com/?id=22336
- China Med 2004 -
Medical Instruments and Equipment
May 17 to 20, 2004,
Beijing, China,
WWW: http://www.chinamed.net.cn/
- Biosensors 2004 -
Eighth World Congress on Biosensors
May 24 to 26, 2004,
Granada Conference and Exhibition Centre, Granada, Spain,
April Williams
Biosensors 2004 Congress Secretariat, Elsevier
The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington
OX5 1GB Oxford, UK
Phone: ++44 (0) 1865 843089
Fax: ++44 (0) 1865 843958
E-mail: a.williams@elsevier.
WWW: http://www.biosensors-congress.com/
- IC-BITE'04 -
International Conference on Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
May 24 to 26, 2004,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
WWW: http://www.ortho-iium.edu.my/ic-bite04/
- 8APEM -
8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Electron Microscopy
June 7 to 11, 2004,
Kanazawa, Japan,
Department of Anatomy, Kanazawa Medical University
Ishikawa 920-0293, Japan
E-mail: apem-inf@kanazawa-med.ac.jp
WWW: http://www.kanazawa-med.ac.jp/~8apem/
- Electron Crystallography 2004 -
Novel Approaches for Structure Determination of Nanosized Materials (36th International Crystallographic Course)
June 9 to 20, 2004,
Erice, Italy,
Lodovico Riva di Sanseverino
International School of Crystallography, Dept Earth Sciences
Piazza PortaSan Donato 1
40126 Bologna, Italy
Phone: ++39 051 209 4912
Fax: ++39 051 209 4904
E-mail: lodovico.riva@unibo.it
WWW: http://www.crystalerice.org/Erice2004/electron.htm
- 3D MLC 2004 -
Ninth Annual INTERNATIONAL 12-Day Short Course on 3D Microscopy of Living Cells
June 12 to 24, 2004,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada,
Prof. James B. Pawley
University of Wisconsin, Zoology Research Building, Room 223
Johnson Ave. 1117
WI 53706 Madison, USA
Phone: ++608-263-3147
Fax: ++608-265-5315
E-mail: jbpawley@wisc.edu
WWW: http://www.3dcourse.ubc.ca/brochure.htm
- IFBLS'26 -
(formerly IAMLT) 26th World Congress of the International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science
June 13 to 18, 2004,
Stockholm, Sweden,
Birgitta Svensson
Congress secretariat, c/o The Swedish Association of Health Professionals (Vĺrdförbundet)
Box 3260
SE-103 65 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: ++46-8-14 78 09
E-mail: birgitta.svensson@vardforbundet.se
WWW: http://www.vardforbundet.se/ifbls2004/
- Nano2004 -
7th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials
June 20 to 24, 2004,
Wiesbaden, Germany,
Ms. Barbara Feißt
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25
DE-60486 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Phone: ++49 69 7564-333
Fax: ++49 69 7564-441
E-mail: nano@nano2004.org
WWW: http://www.nano2004.org/
- 3D IP 2004 -
Eighth, Post-course Workshop on 3D Image Processing
June 26 to 28, 2004,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada,
Prof. James B. Pawley
University of Wisconsin, Zoology Research Building, Room 223
Johnson Ave. 1117
WI 53706 Madison, USA
Phone: ++608-263-3147
Fax: ++608-265-5315
E-mail: jbpawley@wisc.edu
WWW: http://www.3dcourse.ubc.ca/
- ECM V. -
The Cell Biomaterial Reaction, ECM - European Cells & Materials Conferences
June 28 to 30, 2004,
Congress Centre, Davos, Switzerland,
Miss Sonia Wahl
AOI Research Institute
Davos, Switzerland
Phone: ++41814142541
E-mail: sonia.wahl@aofoundation.org
WWW: http://www.ecmjournal.org/ecm_meetings/index.shtml
- SSB 10. -
10th General Meeting of the Swiss Society for Biomaterials
July 1 to 1, 2004,
Congress Center, Davos, Switzerland,
Dr. Geoff Richards
AO Research Institute
CH-7270 Davos, Switzerland
Phone: ++41 (0)81/ 414 23 97
Fax: ++41 (0)81/ 414 22 99
E-mail: geoff.richards@ao-asif.ch
WWW: http://ssb.biomaterials.ch/10thGM
- MicroScience 2004 -
Events for science, microscopy and in-situ analysis
July 6 to 8, 2004,
ExCel, London, UK,
The Royal Microscopical Society
37/38 St Clements
Oxford OX4 1AJ, UK
Phone: ++44 (0)1865 248 768
Fax: ++44 (0)1865 791237
E-mail: info@rms.org.uk, exhibitions@rms.org.uk
WWW: http://www.microscience2004.org.uk/
Conference on Diagnostic EM, with related Surgical, Clinical, and Molecular Pathology
July 11 to 16, 2004,
Barcelona, Spain,
TILESA OPC CATALUNA, Gran Via de les Corts, Catalanes
555 Pral 2a
08011 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: ++34 93 453 7389
Fax: ++34 93 323 0812
E-mail: ultrapath2004@tilesa.es
WWW: http://www.tilesa.es/ultrapath04/
- Recent Trends 2004 -
Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation
July 12 to 16, 2004,
Skalský Dvůr, Brno, Czech Republic,
Dr. Ilona Müllerová
Institute of Scientific Instruments, ASCR
Královopolská 147
CZ-61264 Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: ++420-541514300
Fax: ++420-541514402
E-mail: ilona@isibrno.cz
WWW: http://www.trends.isibrno.cz/
- ICHC 2004 -
12th International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
July 24 to 29, 2004,
University of California San Diego at La Jolla, California, USA,
Dr. William L. Stahl, Executive Director
The Histochemical Society
Seattle, WA, USA
Fax: ++206-764-2164
E-mail: wlstahl@u.washington.edu
WWW: http://www.ifshc.org/index2004.html
- Microscopy & Microanalysis 2004 -
18th International Congress on Microscopy
August 1 to 5, 2004,
Savannah, Georgia, USA,
Mary Beth Rebedeau
Chicago, USA
Fax: ++1 708 361 6166
E-mail: MSA@tradeshownet.com
WWW: http://www.msa.microscopy.com/
- EMC 2004 -
The thirteenth European Microscopy Congress (former EUREM)
August 22 to 27, 2004,
University of Antwerp, RUCA campus, Antwerp, Belgium,
WWW: http://www.emc2004.be/
- MSI 2004 -
28th Annual MSI Meeting
September 1 to 3, 2004,
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland,
Dr. T.S. Perova
Dept. of Electronic & Electrical engineering, Trinity College Dublin
Dublin, Ireland
- NCAFM'04 -
Seventh International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy
September 12 to 16, 2004,
Seattle, USA,
E-mail: ncafm04@phys.washington.edu
WWW: http://www.phys.washington.edu/~ncafm04/
- EMBO Course -
EMBO Practical Course in Immunocytochemistry and Stereology
September 12 to 22, 2004,
Pasteur Institute, Paris, France,
Pasteur Institute
Paris, France
WWW: http://www.embl-heidelberg.de/courses/ElectronMicroscopy04/
See the web site for details and the on-line registration.
- ICNMTA 2004 -
9th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications
September 13 to 17, 2004,
Cavtat, Dubrovnik, Croatia,
WWW: http://icnmta.irb.hr/
- CMHC 2004 -
Confocal Microscopy Hands-on Course
September 14 to 17, 2004,
Technology Facility, Dept. Biology, University of York, York, UK,
WWW: http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/biol/tf/imaging_course
- PicoQuant (Single Molecule Workshops) 2004 -
10th International Workshop on Single Molecule Detection and Ultra Sensitive Analysis in the Life Sciences
September 22 to 24, 2004,
WWW: http://www.picoquant.com/_workshop.htm
- OMIBS 2004 -
Optical Microscopy & Imaging in the Biomedical Sciences
October 5 to 14, 2004,
Woods Hole, MA, USA,
Carol Hamel
E-mail: admissions@mbl.edu
WWW: http://www.mbl.edu/education/courses/special_topics/om.html
- SPM Workshop 2004 -
Scanning Probe Microscopy in Life Sciences - 3rd International Workshop
October 13 to 13, 2004,
University Clinic Charité, Berlin, Germany,
Ms. Zsuzsa Konczos
JPK Instruments AG
Bouchéstr. 12
D-12435 Berlin, Germany
Phone: ++49 (0)30 5331 12073
Fax: ++49 (0)30 5331 1202
E-mail: konczos@jpk.com
WWW: http://www.spm-workshop.jpk.com
- SEMT 2004 -
Half Day Meeting of the Society of Electron Microscope Technology
October 29 to 29, 2004,
The School of Pharmacy, London, UK,
WWW: http://www.semt.org.uk/nextmeet.html#half_day_meeting
- PicoQuant (Fluorescence Courses) 2004 -
European Short Course on Principles and Applications of Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy
November 1 to 5, 2004,
Berlin Adlershof, Berlin, Germany,
WWW: http://www.picoquant.com/_trfcourse.htm
XXXIX Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Electron Microscopy and Cell Biology
November 4 to 6, 2004,
University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal,
Maria de Lourdes Pereira
University of Aveiro
Department of Biology
Aveiro, Portugal
Phone: ++351 234 370 770
Fax: ++351 234 426408
E-mail: spmebc@bio.ua.pt
WWW: http://www.spme-bc.pt/P%E1gina%20da%20Net%20-%20Reuni%E3o%20da%20SPMEBC/Home%202.html
- Modeling Electron Transport -
Workshop on Modeling Electron Transport for Applications in Electron and X-ray Analysis and Metrology
November 8 to 10, 2004,
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA,
WWW: http://www.nist.gov/electron
- Structures in Biology 2004 -
EMBO Conference on Structures in Biology
November 10 to 13, 2004,
EMBL-Heidelberg, Germany,
Course and Conference Office, Room V306
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Meyerhofstr. 1
D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Phone: ++49-6221-387 106/625
Fax: ++49-6221-387 158
E-mail: courses@embl.de,conferences@embl.de
WWW: http://www.embl-heidelberg.de/conferences/StructBiol04/
- CMG 2004 -
16th Annual Meeting of Cryo-Microscopy Group
November 24 to 24, 2004,
Centre for Electron Microscopy, Materials and Metallurgy Department, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK,
Sharon Brookes
CMG Secretary, Virology Dept, Veterinary Laboratories Agency
Woodham Lane, New Haw
Surrey KT15 3NB UK
Phone: ++01932 357722
E-mail: s.brookes@vla.defra.gsi.gov.uk
WWW: http://www.cryomicroscopygroup.org.uk/meet04.htm
- OWLS 8 -
VIII International Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences
November 28 to December 1, 2004,
Eden on the Park Hotel, Melbourne, Australia,
Ms. Benita Hutchinson-Reade
Centre for Micro-Photonics, School of Biophysical Sciences and Electrical Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology
PO Box 218, Hawthorn
Victoria 3122, Melbourne, Australia
Phone: ++61-3-92145273
Fax: ++61-3-92145435
E-mail: OWLS8@swin.edu.au
WWW: http://www.swin.edu.au/optics/cmp/owls8/
- AM ASCB'44 -
44th Annual Meeting of American Society for Cell Biology
December 4 to 8, 2004,
Washington, DC, USA,
WWW: http://www.ascb.org/meetings/am2004/main04mtg.htm
Meetings in the year 2003
- AREMS 2003 -
Recent Developments and Applications of Atomic Resolution Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy
January 7 to 10, 2003,
Old Main, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA,
- Veeco 2003 -
Veeco SPM Conference and Users Meeting 2003
January 9 to 9, 2003,
John’s College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK,
Hannah Rimmer
E-mail: hrimmer@veeco.co.uk
WWW: http://www.veeco-europe.com/uk/inscriptionseminaire.htm
- LMU Forum 2003 -
Forum on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2003
January 16 to 17, 2003,
Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich, Germany,
Michael Reichling
Universität München, Department Chemie
Butenandtstr 5-13 Haus E
D-81377 München, Germany
Phone: ++49 89 2180-77597
Fax: ++49 89 2180-77598
E-mail: reichling@cup.uni-muenchen.de
WWW: http://www.phys.chemie.uni-muenchen.de/NanoForum/
- BiOS 2003 -
Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences III (BO24)
January 25 to 31, 2003,
San Jose, California, USA,
SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
WA 98227-0010 Bellingham, USA
Phone: ++1 360 676-3290
Fax: ++1 360 647-1445
E-mail: spie@spie.org
WWW: http://www.spie.org/Conferences/Calls/03/pw/confs/BO24.html
- Microscopy 2003 -
21st New Zealand Microscopy Conference
February 7 to 12, 2003,
Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand,
Peter Smith
PO Box 40063
Upper Hutt, New Zealand
Phone: ++64 4 922 1512
Fax: ++64 4 922 1380
E-mail: peter.smith@agresearch.co.nz
- IPOT 2003 -
Image Processing & Optical Technology 2003
February 12 to 13, 2003,
NEC, Birmingham, UK,
- SPM 2003 -
Scanning Probe Microscopy 2003
March 2 to 5, 2003,
Institute for Physics of Microstructures of the Russian Academy of Sciences., Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,
Elena Gribkova, Victor Mironov
Institute for physics of microstructures RAS
603950 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Phone: ++7 8312-675120
Fax: ++7 8312-675553
E-mail: micro@ipm.sci-nnov.ru
WWW: http://www.ipm.sci-nnov.ru/ENG/CONFERENCES/MICRO/index.html
- PITTCON 2003 -
The Pittsburgh Conference 2003
March 9 to 14, 2003,
Orlando, Florida, USA,
The Pittsburgh Conference
Phone: ++412 825 3220
E-mail: expo@pittcon.org
WWW: http://www.pittcon.org
- IAMIS 2003 -
Symposium of International Acoustic Micro Imaging Society
March 27 to 28, 2003,
Sheraton Suites San Diego, 701 A Street, San Diego, CA 92101, USA,
IAMIS Corporate Headquarters
2149 E. Pratt Boulevard
IL 60007 Elk Grove Village, USA
Phone: ++1-847-437-6400
Fax: ++1-847-437-1550
E-mail: info@iamis.org
WWW: http://www.iamis.org/
Thirteenth International Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials
March 31 to April 3, 2003,
Churchill College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK,
Claire Pantlin
E-mail: claire.pantlin@iop.org
WWW: http://physics.iop.org/IOP/Confs/MSM/
- ESCI 2003 Workshop -
New Trends in Light Microscopy
April 2 to 5, 2003,
Verona, Italy,
WWW: http://www.esci.eu.com/default.asp?page=meetings
- ESCI 2003 -
37th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation
April 2 to 5, 2003,
Verona, Italy,
Giovanni Ricevuti, M.D.
Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics, University of Pavia IRCCS Policlinico san Matteo
P.le Golgi 2
Pavia I-27100, Italy
Phone: ++390382502499
Fax: ++390382526950
E-mail: g.ricevuti@smatteo.pv.it, giovanni.ricevuti@unipv.it
WWW: http://www.esci.eu.com/default.asp?page=meetings
- TSM SM 2003 -
Texas Society for Microscopy Spring Meeting 2003
April 3 to 5, 2003,
TWU Campus, Denton, TX, USA,
Texas USA
E-mail: pamela.neill@alconlabs.com
WWW: http://www.texasmicroscopy.org/Meetings/meetings.html
- CCMSRT'25 -
25th Conference on Cement Microscopy and Symposium on Rietveld Techniques
April 6 to 10, 2003,
Omni Richmond Hotel, Richmond, Virginia, USA,
Dr. Juniper
ICMA, 2809
IL 62960 Metropolis, USA
Fax: ++618 524-5841
- UK SPM 2003 -
UK Scanning Probe Microscopy Meeting 2003
April 7 to 8, 2003,
University of Wales Swansea, UK,
Rebecca Morden
Phone: ++1865 248768
Fax: ++1865 791237
E-mail: rebecca@rms.org.uk
WWW: http://pyweb.swan.ac.uk/~ukspm/
- Gatan TEM DM 2003 -
Gatan TEM Digital Microscopy Training School
April 9 to 11, 2003,
Pleasanton, California, USA,
E-mail: mritter@gatan.com
WWW: http://www.gatan.com/training
- ESEM UserClub 2003 -
4th Annual UK-Nordic ESEM UserClub Meeting
April 9 to 11, 2003,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
Dr Debbie
Stokes Polymers & Colloids Group, Cavendish Lab
Madingley Road
CB3 0HE Cambridge, UK
E-mail: djs49@phy.cam.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.feic.com/esem/clubs.htm
- FOM 2003 - Focus On Microscopy -
15th International Conference on Confocal Microscopy, 16th International Conference on 3D Image processing in Microscopy
April 13 to 16, 2003,
Genoa, Italy,
Alberto Diaspro
University of Genoa
Genoa, Italy
WWW: http://focusonmicroscopy.org/
- SCUR 2003 -
30th Annual Meeting of the Society For Cutaneous Ultrastructure Research
April 24 to 26, 2003,
ST. VIRGIL Conference Center and Seminar Hotel, Salzburg, Austria,
I.Bogensperger, H.Sattler
Department of Dermatology, General Hospital Salzburg
Muellner Hauptstrasse 48
A-5020 Salzburg, Austria
Phone: ++43-662-4482-3001
Fax: ++43-662-4482-3003
E-mail: I.Bogensperger@lks.at, H.Sattler@lks.at
WWW: http://www.dermatologie-lks.at/SCUR2003-Salzburg
- Scanning 2003 -
The Conference of the Journal of Scanning Microscopies
May 3 to 5, 2003,
Doubletree hotel, San Diego Mission Valley, California, USA,
Phone: ++201-818-1010
Fax: ++201-818-0086
E-mail: scanning@fams.org
WWW: http://www.scanning.org/scanning_meeting.html
- MSC Meeting 2003 -
Microscopical Society of Canada 30th Annual General Meeting
May 4 to 6, 2003,
Vancouver, Canada,
Dr Elaine Humphrey
E-mail: ech@unixg.ubc.ca
- FSFFS 2003 -
Food Structure & Functionality Forum Symposium 2003
May 4 to 7, 2003,
Kansas City Convention Centre, Kansas City, Missouri, USA,
Paula Allan-Wojtas
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Kentville, Nova Scotia B4N 1J5, Canada
Phone: ++902 679-5566
Fax: ++902 679-2311
E-mail: allanwojtasp@agr.gc.ca
- Gatan TEM SP 2003 -
Gatan TEM Specimen Preparation Training School
May 5 to 7, 2003,
Pleasanton, California, USA,
E-mail: mritter@gatan.com
WWW: http://www.gatan.com/training
- EMAS 2003 -
8th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis
May 18 to 22, 2003,
Hotel Monasterio San Miguel, El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz), Spain,
EMAS Secretariat, attn. Mr. Luc Van’t dack
University of Antwerp (UIA), Department of Chemistry
Universiteitsplein 1
BE-2610 Antwerp-Wilrijk, Belgium
Phone: ++32-3-8202343
Fax: ++32-3-8202343
E-mail: vantdack@uia.ua.ac.be
- BIAMS 2003 -
7th International Workshop on Beam Injection Assessment of Microstructures in Semiconductors
May 25 to 29, 2003,
Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France,
BIAMS 2003, Brigitte Sieber
Laboratoire de Structure et Propriétés de l’Etat Solide Bâtiment C6, Université des Sciences et Technologies
de Lille 59655
Villeneuve d’Ascq Cédex, France
Fax: ++33 (0)3 20 43 65 91
E-mail: biams03@univ-lille1.fr
WWW: http://www.univ-lille1.fr/biams03/home_page.htm
- ISU 2003 -
14th World Congress of International Stereoscopic Union
May 28 to June 2, 2003,
Kursaal, Besançon, France,
WWW: http://stereoscopy.com/isu-2003/index.html
- SBI'2 -
The 2nd Symposium on Biological Imaging - New Dimensions in In Vivo Imaging
May 30 to 30, 2003,
Biopharmaceutical Technology Center, East Cheryl Parkway, Madison, WI 53711, USA,
Ms. Wendy Gelking
Registrar Promega Corporation
2800 Woods Hollow Road
WI 53711 Madison, USA
Fax: ++608-277-2601
E-mail: wgelking@promega.com
WWW: http://www.promega-rd.info/bioimage2003/default.asp
- VI. MCM -
6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy
June 1 to 5, 2003,
Hotel Histria, Pula, Croatia,
Dr. Ognjen Milat
Institute of Physics of the University of Zagreb
Bijenicka 46, PO Box 304
HR 10001 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: ++385.1.469.8841
Fax: ++385.1.469.8889
E-mail: milat@ifs.hr
WWW: http://www.6mcm.kbsm.hr/
- MSC'30 -
Microscopical Society of Canada 30th Annual General Meeting
June 4 to 6, 2003,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,
WWW: http://www.emlab.ubc.ca/msc_meet.htm
- SCANDEM 2003 -
The 54th Annual Meeting of The Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy
June 10 to 13, 2003,
Oslo, Norway,
Phone: ++47 63 80 65 10
Fax: ++47 63 80 65 11
E-mail: renate@fjellogfjord-konferanser.no
WWW: http://scandem2003.uio.no/
- 3D MLC 2003 -
Eighth Annual INTERNATIONAL 12-Day Short Course on 3D Microscopy of Living Cells
June 15 to 26, 2003,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada,
Prof. James B. Pawley
University of Wisconsin, Zoology Research Building, Room 223
Johnson Ave. 1117
WI 53706 Madison, USA
Phone: ++608-263-3147
Fax: ++608-265-5315
E-mail: jbpawley@wisc.edu
WWW: http://www.3dcourse.ubc.ca/brochure.htm
- NANOCOM 2003 -
1st International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Construction
June 23 to 25, 2003,
Scottish Centre for Nanotechnology in Construction Materials (NANOCOM), University of Paisley, Paisley, Scotland,
Dr Pavel Trtik
NANOCOM, University of Paisley
Paisley, UK
Phone: ++44-141-848-3279
Fax: ++44-141-848-3275
E-mail: pavel.trtik@paisley.ac.uk, margaret.nocher@paisley.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.nanocom.org/
- ECBO 2003 -
The European Conference on Biomedical Optics
June 23 to 27, 2003,
Munich, Germany,
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Phone: ++1 360/676-3290
Fax: ++1 360/647-1445
E-mail: spie@spie.org
WWW: http://www.spie.org/Conferences/Calls/03/ebo/
- MiMeA 2003 -
Microscopies in Mediterranean Area, 8 th congress of the French society of Microscopies
June 23 to 26, 2003,
University of Toulon, Toulon, France,
Christine Leroux
L2MP, bat R
University of Toulon
F-83957 La Garde, France
Phone: ++33494142507
Fax: ++33494142168
E-mail: leroux@univ-tln.fr
WWW: http://mimea.univ-tln.fr/mimea.html
- 3D IP 2003 -
Seventh, Post-course Workshop on 3D Image Processing
June 28 to 30, 2003,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada,
Prof. James B. Pawley
University of Wisconsin, Zoology Research Building, Room 223
Johnson Ave. 1117
WI 53706 Madison, USA
Phone: ++608-263-3147
Fax: ++608-265-5315
E-mail: jbpawley@wisc.edu
WWW: http://www.3dcourse.ubc.ca/
- FEMS 2003 -
1st FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists
June 29 to July 3, 2003,
Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
Congress Secretariat, Mr. Gorazd Čad
CANKARJEV DOM, Cultural and Congress Centre
Prešernova 10
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: ++386 -1-241-7134
Fax: ++386 -1-241-7296
E-mail: gorazd.cad@cd-cc.si
WWW: http://www.fems-microbiology.org/fems/events/design/congress.htm
- SG Summer School'1 -
1st Stanislaw Gorczyca Summer School on Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy
June 30 to July 5, 2003,
University of Mining and Metallurgy (AGH), Kraków, Poland,
University of Mining and Metallurgy (AGH), Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Science
Al. Mickiewicza 30 (building A2)
30-059 Kraków, Poland
Phone: ++48 12 617 2929 or ++48 12 617 2
Fax: ++48 12 617 3190
E-mail: gmichta@uci.agh.edu.pl
WWW: http://www.agh.edu.pl/agh/dep/ME/Summer_School_2003/
- IBRO 2003 -
Sixth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience
July 10 to 15, 2003,
Prague Congress Center, Prague, Czech Republic,
Scientific secretariat IBRO2003
Institute of Experimental Medicine
Videnska 1083
142 20 Prague, Czech Republic
E-mail: ibro2003@biomed.cas.cz, dutt@biomed.cas.cz
- ICE-2003 -
International Conference on Electroceramics
August 3 to 7, 2003,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA,
Conference Coordinator, ICE-2003
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Room 13-3118
Massachusetts Avenue 77
MA 02139 Cambridge, USA
E-mail: ice-2003@mit.edu
WWW: http://ice-2003.mit.edu/
- Microscopy & Microanalysis 2003 -
The VII InterAmerican Congress on Electron Microscopy. Organized by the Microscopy Society of America, the Microbeam Analysis Society, the Congress of InterAmerican Societies for Electron Microscopy, and the International Metallographic Society.
August 3 to 7, 2003,
San Antonio, Texas, USA,
Microscopy & Microanalysis 2003, c/o MSA Meeting Manager
Phone: ++877 672-6271
Fax: ++708 361-6166
E-mail: MSAMeetingManager@MSA.Microscopy.Com
WWW: http://www.msa.microscopy.org/MSAMeetings/MM03/MMHomePage.html
- ICSMA-13 -
Thirteenth International Conference on the Strength of Materials
August 25 to 30, 2003,
Faculty of Science of the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary,
Prof. T. Ungár
Department of General Physics, Eötvös University Budapest
P.O.Box 32
H-1518 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: ++36-1-372-2801
Fax: ++36-1-372-2811
E-mail: ungar@ludens.elte.hu
WWW: http://www.icsma13.elte.hu/
- EUROMAT 2003 -
European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes
September 1 to 5, 2003,
Lausanne, Switzerland,
Euromat 2003 Congress Office
c/o Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde
Hamburger Allee 26
D-60486 Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: ++49 -69-7917 747
Fax: ++49 -69-7917 733
E-mail: euromat@fems.org
WWW: http://www.euromat2003.fems.org/
- EMAG 2003 -
Electron Microscopy and Analysis Conference 2003
September 3 to 5, 2003,
The University of Oxford, Oxford, UK,
Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani
E-mail: jasmina.bolfek-radovani@iop.org
WWW: http://physics.iop.org/IOP/Confs/EMG/
- MC 2003 -
31st Microscopy Conference - International Forum for Advanced Microscopy
September 7 to 12, 2003,
New Lecture Hall Center of Dresden University, Dresden, Germany,
Prof. Dr. Hannes Lichte
Institute of Applied Physics, Dresden University
01062 Dresden, Germany
Phone: ++49 351 2150 8910
Fax: ++49 351 2150 8920
E-mail: hannes.lichte@triebenberg.de
WWW: http://www.mc2003.tu-dresden.de
- EMABM'9 -
9th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials
September 9 to 12, 2003,
Trondheim, Norway,
Kristin Sande
P.O. Box 2312
N-0201 Solli OSLO, Norway
Phone: ++47 2294 7500
Fax: ++47 2294 7502
E-mail: kristin.sande@nif.no
WWW: http://this.is/ergo/efarin/
- SPMLF 2003 -
Scanning Probe Microscopy in Life Sciences - 2nd International Workshop
September 18 to 18, 2003,
University Clinic Charité, Berlin, Germany,
Ms. Zsuzsa Konczos
JPK Instruments AG
Bouchéstrasse 12
D-12435 Berlin, Germany
Phone: ++49 30 5331 12073
Fax: ++49 30 5331 1202
E-mail: konczos@jpk.com
WWW: http://www.spm-workshop.jpk.com/
17th International Congress on X-ray Optics and Microanalysis
September 22 to 26, 2003,
Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France,
Ute Ramseger
B.O. Box 220
F-38043 Grenoble, France
Phone: ++33 476 882 438
Fax: ++33 476 882542
E-mail: icxom@esrf.fr
WWW: http://www.esrf.fr/conferences/ICXOM/congressmain.html
- THERMINIC 2003 -
9th International Workshop on THERMAL INVESTIGATIONS of ICs and Systems
September 24 to 26, 2003,
Aix-en-Provence, France,
Bernard Courtois
TIMA Laboratory
Grenoble, France
E-mail: THERMINIC@imag.fr
WWW: http://tima.imag.fr/conferences/therminic/therminic03/index.html
- FEMMS2003 -
Frontiers of Electron Microscopy in Materials Science
October 5 to 10, 2003,
Claremont Resort and Spa, Berkeley, CA, USA,
Wayne E. King
Organizer FEMMS2003, Chemistry and Materials Science Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
P.O. Box 808
CA 94550 L-356, Livermore, USA
E-mail: femms2003@llnl.gov
- OMIBS 2003 -
Optical Microscopy & Imaging in the Biomedical Sciences
October 7 to 16, 2003,
Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA,
Carol Hamel
Marine Biological Laboratory
Woods Hole, MA, USA
E-mail: admissions@mbl.edu
WWW: http://www.mbl.edu/education/courses/special_topics/om.html
- BCEIA 2003 -
Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis
October 14 to 17, 2003,
Beijing, China,
BCEIA General Services Office
Sanlihe Road 54, P.O.Box 2143
100045 Beijing, China
Phone: ++86-10-68512208
Fax: ++86-10-68511814
E-mail: conf@bceia.org
WWW: http://www.instrument.com.cn/bceia/
3rd International IEEE Conference on Polymers and Adhesives in Microelectronics and Photonics
October 20 to 23, 2003,
Hotel Eden au Lac, Montreux, Switzerland,
E-mail: polytronic2003@imag.fr
WWW: http://tima.imag.fr/conferences/polytronic/
Meetings in the year 2002
- 3rd ASEAN MC & 19th AC of EMST -
3rd ASEAN Microscopy Conference 2002 and 19th Annual Conference of EMST
January 30 to February 1, 2002,
Lotus Hotel Pang Saun Kaew, Chiang Mai, Thailand,
Dr. Torranin Chairuangsri
Department of Industrial Chemistry , Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University
50200 Chiang Mai, Thailand
Phone: ++66-53 943405
Fax: ++66-55 892262
E-mail: torra@chmai.loxi
WWW: http://www.science.cmu.ac.th/meeting/emst-main.html
- ACEM 17 -
The 17th Australian Conference on Electron Microscopy
February 4 to 8, 2002,
Adelaide, South Australia,
Mr John Terlet
Adelaide University
Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: ++61 8 8303 5855
E-mail: john.terlet@adelaide.edu.au
WWW: http://www.adelaide.edu.au/CEMMSA/acem17/
- AXAA 2002 -
Conference on XRF, XRD and Surface Analysis
February 11 to 15, 2002,
Newcastle, NSW, Australia,
Jane Yeaman
AXAA 2002 Conference, Tulips Meetings Management
PO Box 116, Salamander Bay
2317 NSW, Australia
Phone: ++02 4984 2554
Fax: ++02 4984 2755
E-mail: axaa@pco.com.au
WWW: http://www.pco.com.au/axaa2002/
- IPOT 2002 -
Image Processing and Optical Technology
February 13 to 14, 2002,
Hall 11, NEC, Birmingham, UK,
Trident Exhibition Ltd.
Phone: ++1822 614 671
- EMSI 2002 -
25th Annual Conference of the Electron Microscope Society of India on Electron Microscopy and Allied Fields
February 19 to 22, 2002,
Bombay, India,
Jayesh R. Bellare
IIT Bombay, Department of Chemical Engineering
Mumbai-400076 Bombay, India
Phone: ++91 22 5767207
Fax: ++91 22 5726895 or ++91 22 5723480
E-mail: emsi@cc.iitb.ac.in
WWW: http://www.che.iitb.ac.in/faculty/jb/emsi/
- PITTCON 2002 -
The Pittsburgh Conference
March 17 to 22, 2002,
New Orleans, LA, USA,
The Pittsburgh Conference
Penn Center Blvd. 300
PA 15235 Pittsburgh, USA
Phone: ++412 825 3220
Fax: ++412 825 3224
E-mail: pittconinfo@pittcon.org
WWW: http://www.pittcon.org/
- MCM VI -
Microscopy of Composite Materials VI
March 25 to 26, 2002,
St John's College, Oxford, UK,
Conference Office
Royal Microscopical Society
St Clements 37/38
OX4 1AJ Oxford, UK
Phone: ++44-1865-248768
Fax: ++44-1865-791237
E-mail: liz@rms.org.uk
- FOM2002 -
Focus On Microscopy 2002
April 7 to 10, 2002,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan,
A/Professor Fu-Jen Kao
National Sun Yat-sen University, Department of Physics, Modern Optics Laboratory
Lien Hai Road 70
80424 Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Phone: ++886-7-5253700
Fax: ++886-7-5253709
E-mail: fom2002@microscopytaiwan.org
WWW: http://master.microscopytaiwan.org/
- UK SPM 2002 -
UK Scanning Probe Microscopy Meeting 2002
April 9 to 10, 2002,
University of Lancaster, Lancaster, UK,
Rebecca Morden
The Royal Microscopical Society
St Clements 37/38
OX4 1AJ Oxford, UK
Phone: ++44 (0) 1865 248768
Fax: ++44 (0) 1865 791237
E-mail: Rebecca@rms.org.uk
WWW: http://www.lancs.ac.uk/users/spc/conf/ukspm/
- MC 2002 -
Materials Congress 2002 (3rd)
April 9 to 11, 2002,
Carlton House Terrace, London, UK,
Institute of Materials
1 Carlton House Terrace
SW1Y 5DB London, UK
E-mail: Conferences@materials.org.uk
- TEM DM -
TEM Digital Microscopy Training Course
April 10 to 12, 2002,
Pleasanton, CA, USA,
Miriam Ritter
E-mail: mritter@gatan.com
WWW: http://www.gatan.com/training/ca_training_dm.html
EELS Imaging & Analysis Training Course
April 16 to 19, 2002,
Pleasanton, CA, USA,
Miriam Ritter
E-mail: mritter@gatan.com
WWW: http://www.gatan.com/training/ca_training_eels.html
- WAM 2002 -
8th Wessex Applied Microbiologists Symposium
April 19 to 21, 2002,
Novotel, Southampton, UK,
Andrew Barber
Fax: ++01202 665780
E-mail: andybarber@btinternet.com
- FSFFS 2002 -
Food Structure & Functionality Forum Symposium 2002
May 5 to 8, 2002,
Palais des Congres de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
Paula Allan-Wojtas
Atlantic Food and Horticulture Research Centre
Kentville, Nova Scotia B4N 1J5, Canada
Phone: ++902 679-5566
Fax: ++902 679-2311
E-mail: allanwojtasp@em.agr.ca
- SALSA 2002 -
Strategies and Advances in Atomic Level Spectroscopy and Analysis Workshop
May 5 to 9, 2002,
hotels Le Clipper and Salako, Guadeloupe, French West Indies,
Dr. Richard Leapman
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD, USA
Phone: ++301-496-2599
E-mail: info@energyloss.com
WWW: http://www.energyloss.com/
- TEM SP -
TEM Specimen Preparation Training Course
May 6 to 8, 2002,
Pleasanton, CA, USA,
Miriam Ritter
E-mail: mritter@gatan.com
WWW: http://www.gatan.com/training/ca_training_temprep.html
- SEM SP -
SEM Specimen Preparation Training Course
May 9 to 10, 2002,
Pleasanton, CA, USA,
Miriam Ritter
E-mail: mritter@gatan.com
WWW: http://www.gatan.com/training/ca_training_semprep.html
- SEMS 2002 -
Southeastern Microscopy Society Meeting
May 15 to 17, 2002,
Athens, GA, USA,
John Shields
Southeastern Microscopy Society (#46793), Georgia Center for Continuing Education, The University of Georgia
GA 30602-3603 Athens, USA
E-mail: jshields@cb.uga.edu
XI International Conference on Electron Microscopy of Solids
May 19 to 23, 2002,
Krynica, Kraków, Poland,
Jan Dutkiewicz and Pawel Zieba
Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Reymonta 25
PL-30059 Kraków, Poland
Phone: ++48 12 6374200 ext. 249
Fax: ++48 12 6372192
E-mail: emc2002@imim-pan.krakow.pl
- EMAS 2002 -
5th Regional Workshop of EMAS
May 22 to 25, 2002,
hotels Jontek and Cis, Szczyrk, Poland,
Dr. Michal Żelechower
Silesian University of Technology, Department of Materials Science
Krasinskiego 8
PL-40-019 Katowice, Poland
Phone: ++48 32 256 31 97
Fax: ++48 32 256 31 97
E-mail: mizel@polsl.katowice.pl
WWW: http://student.polsl.katowice.pl/~mizel/news_gb.htm
- EMBO -
Practical Course on Electron Microscopy, Immunocytochemistry and Stereology for Cell Biology
May 22 to June 1, 2002,
EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory), Heidelberg, Germany,
Dr. Gareth Griffiths
EMBL Heidelberg
Meyerhofstrasse 1
D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Phone: ++49 6221 387 330
Fax: ++49 6221 387 512
E-mail: griffith@embl-heidelberg.de
WWW: http://www.embl-heidelberg.de/courses/ElectronMicroscopy02/
- ACA 2002 -
American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting
May 25 to 30, 2002,
San Antonio, Texas, USA,
ACA Meeting
P. O. Box 96 Ellicott Station
NY 14205-0096 Buffalo, USA
Phone: ++1 716 856 9600 ext.379
Fax: ++1 716 852 4846
E-mail: aca@hwi.buffalo.edu
WWW: http://www.hwi.buffalo.edu/aca/ACA-Annual/San%20Antonio-02/SA2002Home.htm
- OMBS -
Optical Microscopy in the Biological Sciences
June 5 to 12, 2002,
University of Texas, San Antonio, Texas, USA,
Dr. Victoria Centomze Frohlich
Department of Cellurar & Structural Biology
UTHSCSA, Mail Code 7762
TX 78229-3900 San Antonio, USA
Fax: ++1 210 567 3803
E-mail: frohlich@uthscsa.edu
WWW: http://www.uthscsa.edu/csb/imaging-course.html
- ESSEC'8 -
The 8th Euro Summer School on Electron Crystallography (Electron Crystallography and Cryo-Electron Microscopy on Inorganic Materials and Organic and Biological Molecules)
June 7 to 12, 2002,
Tampere, Finland,
Minnamari Vippola
Tampere University of Technology, Centre for Electron Microscopy
P.O. Box 589
33101 Tampere, Finland
Phone: ++358 3 3115 2350
Fax: ++358 3 3115 2330
E-mail: minnamari.vippola@tut.fi
WWW: http://www.conferences.tut.fi/ecschool2002/
- 3D MLC -
Short Course on 3D Microscopy of Living Cells
June 10 to 20, 2002,
UBC Brain Research Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada,
Prof. James Pawley
Zoology Department, University of Wisconsin
1117 W. Johnson Drive
WI 53706 Madison, USA
Phone: ++608-263-3147
Fax: ++608-265-5315
E-mail: jbpawley@facstaff.wisc.edu
WWW: http://www.3dcourse.ubc.ca/
- EWQIA'10 -
10th European Workshop on Quantitative Image Analysis, Lectured by: Dr. John C. Russ, USA - a world expert in the field!
June 10 to 12, 2002,
Danish Technological Institute, Taastrup, Denmark,
Leif H. Christensen
Phone: ++45 7220 3300
E-mail: sem@teknologisk.dk
WWW: http://www.teknologisk.dk/368
- SCANDEM 2002 -
The 53th annual Meeting of The Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy
June 12 to 15, 2002,
Tampere Hall, Tampere, Finland,
Ms. Annamaija Paunu-Virtanen, Conference Secretary Treasurer
TAVI Congress Bureau
Papinkatu 21
33200 Tampere, Finland
Phone: ++358 3 233 0450
Fax: ++358 3 233 0444
E-mail: annamaija.paunu-virtanen@tavicon.fi
WWW: http://www.scandem2002.tut.fi/
- 3D IP -
3-D Image Processing Workshop
June 22 to 24, 2002,
UBC Brain Research Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada,
Prof. James Pawley
Zoology Department, University of Wisconsin
1117 W. Johnson Drive
WI 53706 Madison, USA
Phone: ++608-263-3147
Fax: ++608-265-5315
E-mail: jbpawley@facstaff.wisc.edu
- JMM 2002 -
Joint Microscopy Meeting of the French, Belgian, Dutch and Swiss Societies of Microscopy
June 24 to 28, 2002,
EUDIL, Lille, France,
J. P. Morniroli
Ecole Universitaire D'Ingénieurs de Lille
Lille, France
E-mail: Jean-Paul.Morniroli@univ-lille1.fr
WWW: http://www.eudil.fr/sfmu
- JMM Lille 2002 -
Joint Microscopy Meeting Lille 2002
June 24 to 28, 2002,
Ecole Universitaire d'Ingénieurs de Lille, Lille, France,
Société Française des Microscopies
Case 243, 9 Quai Saint Bernard, Bâtiment C, 6eme étage
F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
Phone: ++33 (0)1 44 27 26 21
Fax: ++33 (0)1 44 27 26 22
E-mail: sfme@snv.jussieu.fr
WWW: http://www.eudil.fr/sfmu/
- School on LACBED -
Satellite school of the Joint Microscopy Meeting, Lille 2002
June 29 to July 4, 2002,
Bouvines (Lille), France,
J. P. Morniroli
LMPGM, UMR CNRS 8517, Bâtiment C6, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
59 655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cédex, France
WWW: http://www.eudil.fr/sfmu/lacbed/
- QSnA - 12 -
12th International Conference on Quantitative Surface Analysis - Techniques & Applications
July 8 to 11, 2002,
Univ Surrey, Guildford, UK,
P. Briggs
University of Surrey
GU2 7XH Guildford, UK
Phone: ++44(0) 1483 686293
Fax: ++44(0) 1483 686291
E-mail: p.briggs@surrey.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.surrey.ac.uk/mme/qsa
- Recent Trends 2002 -
Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation
July 8 to 12, 2002,
Skalský Dvůr, Brno, Czech Republic,
Dr. Ilona Müllerová
Institute of Scientific Instruments, ASCR
Královopolská 147
CZ-61264 Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: ++420-5-41514300
Fax: ++420-5-41514402
E-mail: ilona@isibrno.cz
WWW: http://www.trends.isibrno.cz/
- MicroScience 2002 -
International Microscopy Conference and Exhibition
July 9 to 11, 2002,
ExCeL, London, UK,
Allison Winton
Royal Microscopical Society
37/38 St Clements
OX4 1AJ Oxford, UK
Phone: ++1865 248768
Fax: ++1865 791237
E-mail: allison@rms.org.uk
- DPW -
Digital Photomicrography Workshop
July 24 to 24, 2002,
University of Leeds, Leeds, UK,
Liz Howe
Phone: ++1865 248768
Fax: ++1865 791237
E-mail: liz@rms.org.uk
- XRM 2002 -
Seventh International Conference on X-Ray Microscopy
July 29 to August 2, 2002,
ESRF, Grenoble, France,
France Grenoble,
E-mail: xrm@esrf.fr
WWW: http://www.esrf.fr/conferences/XRM2002/index.html
- Microscopy & Microanalysis 2002 -
XVIth International Congress on Microscopy
August 4 to 9, 2002,
Québec City, Canada,
Dr. Pierre M. Charest
Département de phytologie, Pavillon C.-E. Marchand, Université Laval
G1K 7P4 Québec City, Canada
Phone: ++418 656-7792
Fax: ++418 656-7176
E-mail: pcharest@rsvs.ulaval.ca
WWW: http://www.msa.microscopy.org/MSAMeetings/MM02/MMHomePage.html
- NFO7 -
7th International Conference on Near-Field Optics and Related Techniques
August 11 to 15, 2002,
Rochester, NY, USA,
NFO-7 Conference
University of Rochester, Conference & Events Office
33A Wallis Hall
NY 14627 Rochester, USA
Phone: ++(716) 275-4111
Fax: ++(716) 275-8531
E-mail: nfo7@services.rochester.edu
WWW: http://www.optics.rochester.edu:8080/workgroups/novotny/nfo7.html
- 19th ICO -
19th Congress of the International Commission for Optics - Optics for the Quality of Life
August 25 to 30, 2002,
Firenze, Florence, Italy,
Mrs. Silvia Pasquinelli, Mr. Lorenzo Vanni
Viale Matteotti 7
50121 Florence, Italy
Phone: ++39 055 5035324
Fax: ++39 055 5001912
E-mail: s.pasquinelli@oic.it
- MSI 2002 -
The Microscopical Society of Ireland annual meeting
August 28 to 30, 2002,
National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland,
E-mail: msi@nuigalway.ie
WWW: http://www.nuigalway.ie/msi/symposium.htm
- ICEM15 -
XVth International Congress on Microscopy
September 1 to 6, 2002,
Durban, South Africa,
Robin Cross
Electron Microscopy Unit, Rhodes University
Grahamstown 6140
South Africa
Phone: ++27 46 603 8168
Fax: ++27 46 622 4377
E-mail: R.Cross@ru.ac.za
WWW: http://www.icem15.com/
- MNE 2002 -
28th International Conference on Micro- and NanoEngineering
September 16 to 19, 2002,
Lugano, Switzerland,
c/o IBM Research Laboratory
Säumerstrasse 4
8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland
E-mail: info@mne02.org
WWW: http://www.mne02.org
- P 2002 -
Polymeric Materials 2002
September 25 to 27, 2002,
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany,
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
E-mail: p2002@iw.uni-halle.de
WWW: http://matsci.iw.uni-halle.de/p2002/index_e.htm
- MateriaIs Week 2002 -
European Congress on Advanced Materials, their Processes and Applications
September 30 to October 2, 2002,
International Congress Centre, Munich, Germany,
Werkstoffwoche-Partnerschaft GbR
Hamburger Allee 26
60486 Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: ++49-69-7917 747
Fax: ++49-69-7917 733
E-mail: materialsweek@dgm.de
WWW: http://www.materialsweek.org/
- SPM 2002 -
NATO Advanced Study Institute: Scanning Probe Microscopy
October 1 to 13, 2002,
Hotel Real Bellavista, Albufeira, Algarve, Portugal,
Prof. Paula Maria Vilarinho
Department of Ceramics and Glass Engineering, University of Aveiro
3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Phone: ++351-234-370354/259
Fax: ++351-234-425300
E-mail: paulas@cv.ua.pt
- EFUG2002 -
6th European FIB Users Group Meeting
October 7 to 7, 2002,
Bellaria, Rimini, Italy,
Hugo Bender
Kapeldreef 75
B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Phone: ++32 16 281304
Fax: ++32 16 281706
E-mail: hugo.bender@imec.be
WWW: http://www.imec.be/efug/
- AFC 2002 -
8th congress of the French Association on Cytometry
October 8 to 11, 2002,
Bordeaux, France,
E-mail: afc2002@alphavisa.com
WWW: http://www.afc.asso.fr/actu/congres/congres.html
- SEM 2002 -
5th Chalmers Microscopy School: Scanning Electron Microscopy Course
October 22 to 24, 2002,
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden,
Dr. Lena Falk
Microscopy and Microanalysis, Experimental Physics, Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
Phone: ++4631 772 3321
Fax: ++4631 772 3224
E-mail: lklfalk@fy.chalmers.se
WWW: http://fy.chalmers.se/microscopy/SEM2002/index.html
- EWQIA'10 -
10th European Workshop on Quantitative Image Analysis, Lectured by: Dr. John C. Russ, USA - a world expert in the field!
October 29 to November 1, 2002,
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA,
Leif H. Christensen
Phone: ++45 7220 3300
E-mail: sem@teknologisk.dk
WWW: http://www.teknologisk.dk/368
- Neuroscience 2002 -
32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
November 2 to 7, 2002,
Orlando, FL, USA,
WWW: http://web.sfn.org/AM2002Splash.cfm
- EAS 2002 -
Eastern Analytical Symposium
November 18 to 21, 2002,
Somerset, NJ, USA,
Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exposition, Inc.
3830 Marsh Road
PA 19061 Boothwyn, USA
Phone: ++1 610 485-4633
Fax: ++1 610 485-9467
E-mail: easinfo@aol.com
WWW: http://www.eas.org/
- Cryomicroscopy 2002 -
Cryomicroscopy Group Annual Meeting
November 20 to 30, 2002,
University of Birmingham, UK,
Pradeep Luther
E-mail: p.luther@ic.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.cryomicroscopygroup.org.uk/meet02.htm
- ASCB 2002 -
42nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology
December 14 to 18, 2002,
San Francisco, CA, USA,
E-mail: ascbinfo@ascb.org
WWW: http://www.ascb.org/meetings/am2002/main02mtg.htm
Meetings in the year 2001
- FOM 2001 -
Focus On Microscopy
April 1 to 4, 2001,
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
Mrs. M.P.A. Beunk-Timmers
Nicolaes Tulp Institute
P.O. Box 23213
1100 DS Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: ++31-20-5668585
Fax: ++31-20-6963228
E-mail: info@FocusOnMicroscopy.org
WWW: http://www.focusonmicroscopy.org/
- SCANDEM2001 -
Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy Meeting
June 12 to 15, 2001,
Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden,
PO Box 5619
SE-11486 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: ++46 8 459 66 00
Fax: ++46 8 661 91 25
E-mail: scandem@congrex.se
WWW: http://www.biosci.ki.se/scandem2001/
- ECMM'01 -
European Cells & Materials Meeting
June 25 to 28, 2001,
Congress Center, Davos, Switzerland,
Dr Geoff Richards, Head of Interface Biology Group
AO ASIF Research Institute
CH-7270 Davos Platz, Switzerland
Phone: ++41 414 23 97
Fax: ++41 414 28 88
E-mail: geoff.richards@aofoundation.org
- Microscopy & Microanalysis-2001 -
Microscopy Society of America
August 5 to 9, 2001,
Long Beach, Ca., USA,
MSA Meeting Managers
7000 West Southwest Highway
Chicago Ridge
IL 60415 USA
E-mail: MSAMeetingManager@MSA.Microsco
WWW: http://www.microscopy.com/MSAMeetings/MM01/MMHomePage.html
- EMABM'01 -
8th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials
September 4 to 7, 2001,
Hotel Divani Apollon Palace, Athens, Greece,
Triaena Tours & Congress S.A.
WWW: http://www.triaenatours.gr/html/congress/athens/congress/micros.html
- V. MCEM -
Fifth Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy
September 20 to 25, 2001,
Lecce, Italy,
Dr Massimo Catalano
Laboratory of Comparative Anatomy and Cytology, Dept. of Biology, University of Lecce
Via per Monteroni
73100 Lecce, Italy
Phone: ++39 0832 320657 (855)
Fax: ++39 0832 320654
E-mail: mcem5@ime.le.cnr.it
WWW: http://www.mcem5.unile.it/
- MDM2001 -
Multi-dimensional Microscopy 2001, 3rd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Confocal Microscopy and Related Technologies
November 25 to 28, 2001,
Melbourne, Australia,
Professor Min Gu
Centre for Micro-Photonics, School of Biological Sciences and Electrical Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology
PO Box 218 Hawthorn
Victoria 3122 Melbourne, Australia
Phone: ++61-3-92148776
Fax: ++61-3-92145435
E-mail: mdm2001@swin.edu.au
WWW: http://www.swin.edu.au/optics/cmp/aps2001/
- mssa2001 -
Microscopy Society of Southern Africa Annual Conference
December 5 to 7, 2001,
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa,
MSSA 2001
c/o School of Animal, Plant & Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand
Private Bag 3, WITS
2050 Johannesburg, South Africa
Phone: ++011-7176423
Fax: ++011-4031429
E-mail: mssa2001@gecko.biol.wits.ac.za
WWW: http://www.wits.ac.za/mssa2001/
Meetings in the year 2000
- 7APEM -
7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Electron Microscopy
June 26 to 30, 2000,
Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre, SUNTEC City, Singapore,
c/o Electron Microscopy Unit
Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore
Kent Ridge Cresent 10
119260 Singapore
Phone: ++65 874 3216
Fax: ++65 776 4971
E-mail: micngml@nus.edu.sg
- EUREM 12 -
July 9 to 14, 2000,
Brno, Czech Republic,
Královopolská 147
CZ-61264 Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: ++420 5 41514 336
Fax: ++420 5 41514 337
E-mail: eurem2000@isibrno.cz
WWW: http://www.eurem2000.isibrno.cz/
- Electron Crystallography -
Euro Summer School on Electron Crystallography
July 31 to August 4, 2000,
Aachen, Germany,
H.-J. Klaar, J. Mayer and S. Hovmoeller
Aachen, Germany
E-mail: mayer@gfe.rwth-aachen.de
- M&M -
Microscopy & Microanalysis-2000 (Microscopy Society of America)
August 13 to 17, 2000,
Philadelphia, PA, USA,
Microscopy & Microanalysis '00
c/o MSA Meeting Managers
West Southwest Highway 7000
IL 60415 Chicago Ridge, USA
E-mail: MSAMeetingManager@MSA.Microscopy.Com
WWW: http://www.microscopy.com/MSAMeetings/MMMeeting.html
- IWBS'2000 -
International Workshop on Bone Substitutes
October 8 to 10, 2000,
Congress Center, Davos, Switzerland,
Prof. S. Gogolewski, Head of Polymer Research Group
AO ASIF Research Institute
CH-7270 Davos Platz, Switzerland
Phone: ++41 414 2480
Fax: ++41 414 2888
E-mail: sylwester.goglewski@ao-asif.ch
WWW: http://www.ao-asif.ch/events/other/wbs/index.shtml
Meetings in the year 1999
- Focus on Microscopy 1999
12th International Conference on 3D Image Processing in Microscopy &
11th International Conference on Confocal Microscopy
April 11 - 15, 1999,
EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
Contact: Focus on Microscopy 1999
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Meyerhofstrasse 1
69117 Heidelberg
Phone: +49-6221-387354
Fax: +49-6221-387306
E-mail: focus99@embl-heidelberg.de
- Microscopy & Microanalysis-1999
Microscopy Society of America
Aug. 1-5, 1999
Portland, Or., USA
Contact: MSA Business Office
Tel:1 508-540-5594 / 800-538-3672
Fax:1 508-548-9053
Email: lmaser@mbl.edu
September 5-8, 1999,
Veszprem, Hungary
Contact: IV. MCEM, Central Laboratory
University of Veszprem, P.O.Box 158
Veszprem, Hungary H-8201
Phone: ++36 88 421684
Fax: ++36 88 328643
E-mail: mcem@almos.vein.hu
Meetings in the year 1998
- FEMMS 98
The Seventh Conference on Frontiers of Electron Microscopy in Materials Science
April 19-24, 1998,
Kloster Irsee Irsee, Germany
Contact: Klosterring 4, 87660 Irsee, Germany
Phone: 0 83 41/9 06 00
Fax: 0 83 41/7 42 78
Tenth Annual International Meeting on Scanning Microscopies
May 9 - 12, 1998,
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Contact: David C. Joy
University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Walters Life Sciences Building
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-0810
Phone: (423) 984-3642,
Fax: (423) 984-9449
E-mail: djoy@utk.edu
- EMAS 98
Electron probe microanalysis today
May 13 - 16, 1998,
Barcelona, Spain
Contact: W. Ultramar Express,
Diputacio 238 3r, E-08007 Barcelona Spain
Tel: +34 3 482 71 40
Fax 482 71 58
- Microinjection Techniques in Cell Biology
May 19 - 26, 1998,
Marine Biological Lab, MA, USA
Contact: Marine Biological Lab,
Tel: 508 298 7401
The 50th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy
June 7-10, 1998,
Helsinki University of Technology in Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland
E-mail: scandem-98@hut.fi
Microscopy & Microanalysis-1998
Microscopy Society of America/MicroBeam Analysis Society (Joint Annual Meeting)
July 12-16, 1998,
Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, USA
Contact: MSA Business Office
Tel:1 508-540-5594 / 800-538-3672
Fax:1 508-548-9053
Email: lmaser@mbl.edu
- ICEM-14
31 August - 4 September, 1998
Cancún, México
Contact: ICEM-14 Secretariat
Amsterdam 46-202, Col. Hipodromo Condesa,
C.P.06100, Mexico, D.F., MEXICO
Tel: +525 553-4507
Fax: +525 553-4500
E-mail: icem@icem.inin.mx
- TARA 98
Towards Atomic Resolution Analysis (TARA 98)
September 6-11, 1998
Port Ludlow Resort and Conference Center Olympic Peninsula, Washington State, USA
Contact: TARA 98,
MSE Dept., Roberts Hall, U. of Washington,
Seattle WA 98195, USA.
Fax: +1 206 543 7869,
E-mail: krivanek@u.washington.edu
Scientists needing an official letter of invitation should request one at this address.
- MRS Fall 1998 Meeting
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting
Nov. 30 - Dec. 4, 1998,
Boston, MA, USA
Contact: Dick Stevens
E-mail: stevens@mrs.org
Meetings in the year 1997
- AMAS 97- Australian Microscopy Symposium and Workshops
Fourth Biennial Symposium on SEM Imaging and Analysis: Applications and Techniques, Sponsor: Australian Microbeam Analysis Society (AMAS)
3 - 7 February, 1997, Melbourne, NSW, Australia
Contact: Colin MacRae
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.
PO Box 124, Port Melbourne 3207
Tel: 61 3 9647 0296
Fax: 61 3 9646 3223
E-mail: cmac@minerals.csiro.au
Photonics West '97
Optoelectronics '97, High Power Lasers (LASE) '97, International Biomedical Optics (BiOS '97),
Electronic Imaging Science and Technology (EI '97)
8 - 14 February, 1997 San Jose, California USA
Contact: Marlyn E.Gorusch
P.O. Box 10
1000-20th Street
Bellingam, WA 98225
USA Tel: 360 676 3290
Tel: 360 676 3290
Fax: 360 647 1445
E-mail: PW97@spie.org
- WSCG'97
Fifth International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization 97
10 February, 1997, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Contact: Vaclav Skala, Computer Science Dept.,
Univ.of West Bohemia
Univerzitni 22, Box 314, Plzen, Czech Republic
Tel: +42-19-2171-212 (secretary)
+42-19-2171-188 (direct)
Fax: +42-19-2171-188
E-mail :wscg97@kiv.zcu.cz
First International Conference
12 - 14 March, 1997, Crans-Montana, Switzerland
Contact: Mr. Benoit Duc
EPFL DE-LTS, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Fax: +41 21 693 7600
E-mail: duc@ltssg3.epfl.ch
- Materials Research Society Spring 1997 Meeting
Workshop On Specimen Preparation for Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials -- IV
31 March - 4 April, 1997, San Francisco, California, USA
Contact: Ron Anderson, Chair
East Fishkill Facility
Hopewell Jct., NY 12533, USA
Tel: *(914)892-2225
Fax: *(914)892-2003
2nd Erlangen Symposium
25 April 1997, Telecommunications Institute, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Girod
Telecommunications Institute, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Cauerstrasse 7, D-91058 Erlangen, GERMANY
Tel: +49-9131-857100
Fax: +49-9131-303840
- Focus on Multi-dimensional Microscopy '97
A joint meeting of 10th International Conference on 3D Image Processing in Microscopy and 9th International Conference on Confocal Microscopy (Royal Microscopical Society, UK;
State University of New York at Buffalo, USA; Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, ROC)
27 - 30 April, 1997, Hilton Hotel, Buffalo-Niagara Falls, New York, USA
Contact: Dr. P. C. Cheng
Advanced Microscopy and Imaging Laboratory,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
201 Bell Hall, State University of New York at Buffalo,
Buffalo, NY 14260 USA
Tel.: 716-645-3868
FAX: 716-645-3868
e-mail: elepcc@corn.eng.buffalo.edu
- Deauville CONFERENCE 97
5th Symposium on Analytical Sciences
2 - 4 June 1997 - Nice, France
Contact: D'C 97 - SAS - 5th Symposium on Analytical Sciences
7, rue d'Argout - 75002 PARIS - France
Tel: 33 01 - 42 33 47 66
Fax: 33 01 - 40 41 92 41
Email: dc-ja@worldnet.fr
- IPMI97
Information Processing in Medical Imaging
9 - 13 June, 1997, Poultney, Vermont, USA
Contact: James S. Duncan,Ph.D., Image Processing and Analysis Group,
Departments of Diagnostic Radiology and Electrical Engineering
Yale University, 333 Cedar Street, New Haven, CT 06520-8042, USA
Tel: +1-(203)785-6322
Fax: +1-(203)737-4273
- Non-rigid and articulated motion
IEEE PAMI workshop
15 - 16 June, 1997, Puerto-Rico, US virgin islands
Contact: D. N. Metaxas, Center for Human Modeling and Simulation
Dept. of Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania
200 South 33rd St,
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6389
Tel: (215) 898-0945
Fax: (215) 898-0587
E-mail: dnm@central.cis.upenn.edu
- Sampling Theory and Applications
1997 International Workshop
23 - 26 June, 1997, Aveiro, Portugal
Contact: Prof. Paulo J. S. G. Ferreira, Program Chair,
SampTA-97, Dep. de Electr\'onica e Telecomunicacoes
Universidade de Aveiro
3810 Aveiro PORTUGAL
E=mail :pjf@inesca.pt
- ULTRA '97
Post-graduate course "Comprehensive Review of Abdominal, Genitourinary, Musculoskeletal and Vascular Ultrasound"
24 - 28 June, 1997 , Tampere, Finland
Contact: ULTRA '97/E Koivisto, MD
Univ. of Tampere, Medical School/BIO
POB 607, FIN-33101 TAMPERE, Finland
Fax: international + 358 31 2156 170
E-mail: ultrasound@uta.fi
- Cryo 97
7 - 10 July, 1997, York, UK
Contact: the Royal Microscopical Society,
37/38 St. Clements, Oxford OX4 1AJ, UK
Tel. +44 1865 248768
Fax +44 1865 791237
E-mail rms@vax.ox.ac.uk
- Image Processing and its Applications
Sixth International Conference
14 - 17 July, 1997, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Contact: IPA'97 Secretariat, IEE Conference Department
Savoy Place, London WC2R OBL, UK
Tel: + 44 (0)171 344 5477/8
Fax: + 44 (0)171 240 8830
E-mail: sgriffiths@iee.org.uk (quote IPA'97 in message)
- EMAG '97
Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group, Institute of Physics, UK
2 - 5 September 1997,
Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge
Contact: Institute of Physics, Conferences Department
76 Portland Place
London W1N 4AA, UK
Tel: +44 (0)171 470 4800
Fax: +44 (0)171 470 4848
E-mail: conferences@iop.org
- MCEM '97
Slovenian Society for Electron Microscopy, Austrian Society for Electron Microscopy,
Croatian Society for Electron Microscopy, Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy,
Microscopy Society of Hungaria, Italian Society for Electron Microscopy
5 - 8 October 1997
Portoroz, Slovenia
Contact: MCEM’97, Ceramics Department,
“Jozef Stefan” Institute
Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 61 1773341
Fax.: +386 61 1263126
E-mail: mcem97@ijs.si
- Image Processing
IEEE 1997 International Conference
26 -29 October, 1997, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Contact: Professor B. S. Manjunath
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9560
Tel: (805) 893-7112
Fax: (805) 893-3262
E-mail: manj@ece.ucsb.edu
Meetings in the year 1996
June 2-5, 1996
Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy
University of Aarhus, Denmark
Contact: Jens Dorup, Department of Cell Biology, Institute of Anatomy, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Tel: (45) 89423058
Fax: (45) 86198664
E-mail: JD@ana.aau.dk
- Micro 96
2-4 July, 1996
London, UK
Contact: The Royal Microscopical Society, 37/38 St. Clements, Oxford OX4 1AJ, UK
Tel: (44) 1865 248768
Fax: (44) 1865 791237
- 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Electron Microscopy, APEM 6
August 1996
Hong Kong
Contact: Dr. EC Chew, Department of Anatomy, University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 609 6845
Fax: (852) 603 5031
- 17th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union for Crystallography
8-17 August,1996
Seattle, USA
Contact: Prof. RF Bryan, Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA 22903, USA
- Microscopy & Microanalysis-1996
Microscopy Society of America/MicroBeam Analysis Society/Microscopial Society of Canada (Joint Annual Meeting)
Aug 11-15, 1996
Minneapolis, MN, USA
Contact: MSA Business Office
Tel:1-508-540-5594 / 800-538-3672
Email: lmaser@mbl.edu
- EUREM 96
26-30 August,1996
University College Dublin, Ireland
Contact: Prof. Martin Steer, EUREM 96 Office, Botany Department, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Tel: 353 1 7062254
Fax: 353 1 7061153
Page updated on: February 18, 2010, 17:29 Page compiled by: Petr Schauer,