Institute of Information Theory and Automation


Structure of the Institute

The research is provided by following scientific departments. They are specialized in individual research areas. Organization structure of the Institute

Useful information for members of UTIA (in Czech only)

Užitečné informace a návody

Návody - seznam Dokumenty

  • Formuláře
    • Protokol o převodu majetku pořízeného zaměstnancem

Ostatní informace

Registrační informace

Registrace: Rejstřík veřejných výzkumných institucí vedený Ministerstvem školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR, spisová značka 17113/2006-34/ÚTIA více zde

IČ: 67985556

DIČ: CZ67985556

General information

Official name: Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v.v.i.

Official abbreviation: ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i.

Translation of name (informative only): Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Public Research Institution

Mailing address:
P.O. BOX 18
182 08 - Praha 8
Czech Republic

GPS coordinates N: 50°07'22.4" E: 14°28'11.9"

Bank info

Bank account: 131003527/0300
IBAN code: CZ22 0300 0000 0001 3100 3527

Branch office of the bank:
CSOB Praha - Ke Stírce,
Ke Stírce 50
CZ-182 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic

Alternative bank account:
payments to the alternative account should only be sent if you are specifically instructed by our personnel to pay to it.


Although UTIA is not a university, it is engaged in undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate education. Many researchers from UTIA give university courses and act as supervisors of Ph.D students.

UTIA provides training for approximately 70 doctoral students in cooperation with the universities below. The Institute has achieved a joint accreditation license for organizing post-graduate study programs with the following faculties:


The Institute is involved in fundamental as well as applied research in computer science, artificial intelligence, stochastic informatics, signal/image processing and pattern recognition, control theory, systems theory, and econometrics (for more about the research topics go to the pages of scientific departments).

Computer Centre

Head of department:
Petr Vaníček

Deputy head of department:
Jaromír Hanuš

Dáša Pomikálková

phone: +420 286 890 299
www: homepage

Name Surname Position Room 26605-
Emilie Kalašová 64 2363
Petr Miláček 70 2928
Jarmila Pánková 78 2275
Martin Papík 71 2363
Dagmar Pomikálková secretary 64, 69 2363
Petr Vaníček head of department 63, 66 2233
Milan Zajíček deputy head of IT 68 2376


Business administration department

Head of department:
Ing. Jaroslava Marešová

Vice-head of department:
Olga Pokorná

more info:

Name Surname Position Room 26605-
Ingrid Bahenská 169 2334
Dana Heřmánková 177
Simona Kejhová 177 2257
Jaroslava Marešová head of department 170 2815
Olga Pokorná 176 2344
Helena Řeřábková 176 2399
Hana Svobodová 171 2261
Daniela Zdeňková 172 2311

Operations and maintenance department

Head of department:
Ing. Hana Králová

Vice-head of department:
Václav Bortlík

Helena Polanová

phone: +420 286 890 311

Name Surname Position Room 26605-
Václav Bortlík 15 2294
Pavel Heral 15 2294
Václav Ilem 15 2294
Hana Králová head of department 12 2059
Helena Polanová secretary 11 2043
Jindřich Smutný 15 2294
Pavel Vinař 19 2811
Zelenková 14 2594
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Institute of Information Theory and Automation