Petra Rakušanová and Barbora Stašková: Organized Civil Society in the Czech Republic

This study explores why the third sector is an important agent for promoting civic participation and interest representation.

Four key themes are addressed in this research: i) the role and character of the non-governmental sector; ii) membership in non-governmental organizations and the financing of the non-governmental sector; iii) citizen perceptions and evaluations of civil society and iv) evaluating the attitudes and opinions of experts working in non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The empirical evidence presented is organized using an analytical typology based on two key criteria: (a) type of organizational structure evident within specific non-governmental actors and (b) the organisational composition of the entire third sector in the Czech Republic. By using this methodological approach this research maps organisational structures within Czech civil society, and outlines fruitful lines of future inquiry. Some of the key innovations stemming from this unique research approach are: the elaboration of an NGO sustainability index, the creation of an organisational typology for the examination of civil society, and presentation of a macro-analysis of Czech attitudes toward civil society. In summary, the nature and scope of this work facilitates a systematic evaluation of the role of the third sector in the transformation of Czech society.


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