In our laboratory, we use cold cylindrical Langmuir probe for precise spatial and temporal measurements of basic plasma parameters i.e. plasma potential, floating potential, plasma density and mean electron energy. Besides, we developed the calorimeter probe suitable for application in all the plasma systems. Since the calorimeter probe enables to measure absolute value of the total energy flux density, this probe is utilized for measurements of energy conditions on the substrate during deposition process. Celý text >>
The research deals with the design of the so-called hierarchic multi-layers systems with the assumed final functionality utilized for microelectronics and/or photovoltaics. The individual components of such organization will be ordinarily formed from thin layers with highly ordered nano-particles, which ensure a partial function inevitable for the functionality of the whole system. The concrete arrangement primarily consists of titanium dioxide photoactive layer. Celý text >>
At present time we are preparing a ferroelectrics thin films of BaxSr1-xTiO3 (BSTO) on a silicon substrate by a low pressure UHV plasma jet system with a hollow cathode and plasma jet channel. Celý text >>
CZ 17135 U1 , Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví, Zápis užitného vzoru ze dne 8.1.2007
The system falls into the area of technological methods of deposition thin ferroelectric films with the aid of plasmochemical reactions. The system involves the design for realisation of deposition of perovskite layers, especially thin films' structures of the BaxSr1-xTiO3 type. Celý text >>
CZ 17139 U1, Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví, Zápis užitného vzoru ze dne 8. ledna 2007.
Solution comes under field of plasma-chemical multi-jet systems for realization of thin films deposition, in particular InxOy, SnOx and ZnO transparent conductive optical thin films (TCO), at atmospheric pressure. Celý text >>
CZ 19386 U1, Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví, Zápis užitného vzoru ze dne 2. března 2009.
The technical solution is about description of a measuring system for time-resolved laser absorption spectroscopy in the pulsed plasma, which system is aimed particularly for use in basic research of plasma and plasma technologies. Celý text >>
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