Nucleation and growth of oxygen precipitates in silicon
Co-investigator: RNDr. Jiří Buršík, CSc., DSc.
Number of Project: 202/09/1013
Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 01. 01. 2009 - 31. 12. 2011
The project is devoted to a complex study of nucleation and growth of oxygen precipitates in Czochralskigrown
silicon crystals. A broad range of experimental methods will be applied: x-ray scattering, infrared
absorption spectroscopy, wet etching, optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy; their results
will be compared in detail. These methods will allow us to characterize both globally and locally the
distribution of precipitates (size, density of clusters) and of the associated defects (crystal lattice deformation)
in samples subjected to controlled annealing processes. The experimental results will be compared with
theoretical modeling based on theories of nucleation and growth, going beyond the classical theory of
nucleation. The numerical analysis will further allow us to determine the associated material constants needed
for appropriate numerical modeling of the precipitate growth. The prediction and understanding of precipitation
processes kinetics will lead to development of recipes for annealing treatments with controlled sample
Last update
11. 11. 2009