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researchprojectsproject themes review

projects themes review

2010 | 2009 | 2008 |2007 |2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 and earlier


project name
solving person operating period funding keywords annotation presentation
Ducal and royal Akropolis at Vyšehrad. Archaeological evidence
Nechvátal, B.
Varadzin, L.
2010-20113 GA ČR Prehistory – Early Medieval stronghold – ducal residence anotace projektu  



project name
solving person operating period funding keywords annotation presentation
Excavation of Cemetery at Loretánské Square in Prague – Hradčany - Burial practices during Middle and High Ages in the light of sources from excavations of Dr. I. Borkovský (1934–1935)
Boháčová, I. 2009-2011 GA AVČR Middle Ages – burial customs – Prague project annotation  
Textile fragments preserved on metal items from the early medieval archaeological findings - retrieval, processing, evaluation and specification of interpretational options
Březinová, H. 2009-2011 GA AVČR Early Medieval Age; textile fragments; textile technological analysis; textile production; archaeological findings-metal objects project annotation  
Aeneolithic Settlements and Burial Grounds at Vlíněves. Formation of settlement and funerary ranges in the Aeneolithic
Dobeš, M. 2009-2011 GA AVČR aeneolithic – Bohemia – cemetery – settlement – Funnel Beaker culture – Řivnáč culture – Corded Ware project annotation  
Early Mediaeval Man in a Light of the Study of Selected Burial Grounds from Central Bohemia
Profantová, N. 2009-2011 GA ČR Early Middle Ages, Central Bohemia, burial grounds project annotation  
Glassmaking from prehistory to the Middle Ages: cultural and technological transformations
Venclová, N. 2009-2011 GA AVČR glass, prehistory, Middle Ages, chemical analysis, technology of glass project annotation  



project name
solving person operating period funding keywords annotation presentation
Celts in Europe - Les Celtes en Europe
Venclová, N. - Danielisová, A. 2008-2011 La Tene period, Europe, technology, chronology project annotation  
Who was king? Who was not king? Elites and commoners in the ancient Near East
Charvát, P. 2008-2010 GA AVČR ancient Near East, social hierarchy project annotation  
Inner bailey of Libice stronghold - possibilities of non-destructive archaeology and modern technology in the proces of study of archaeological sources
Mařík, J. 2008-2010 GA AVČR Middle Ages, Inner bailey, stronghold, Libice anotace projektu  
The hinterland of Early Medieval centre – the economical system.
Mařík, J. 2008-2010 GA ČR Middle Ages, hinterland, stronghold, Libice nad Cidlinou anotace projektu  
Migrations by infiltrations and its impact on genetic structure – The population history of nomadic versus sedentary populations of the African Sahel.
Černý, V. 2008-2010 GA ČR migrations, economic orientation, archaeogenetics, anthropology anotace projektu  
Vegetation continuity and landscape dynamic. Presence and historic causes for diversity focus in region with fluctuating kolonization
Meduna, P. 2008-2012 GA AV ČR    
Sázava monastery – the beginnings of monastic culture in Bohemia
Sommer, P. 2008-2012 GA AV ČR monastery, Benedictine, architecture, cult, every-day life, Middle Ages anotace projektu  



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solving person operating period funding keywords annotation presentation
The beginnings of rural church-yards in the Czech Republic
Varadzin, L.
Štefan, I.
2007-2009 GAAV Early Medieval Age – burials – countryside – parish organisation anotace projektu  
Natural Environment and Economy Reconstruction of the Early Medieval Agglomeration of Žatec
Čech, P. 2007-2009 GAAV Early Medieval Age, Žatec agglomeration, enviromental analyses, economy, natural environment  
The First Steps out of Africa – Looking for the Genetic Traces of Late Pleistocene Human Dispersal through South Arabian Peninsula
Cerny, V. 2009-2011 MŠMT Paleolithic expansions, archaeogenetics, human migrations, anthropology anotace projektu  
An Early Bronze Age Human Community.
A Complex Analysis of the Early Bronze Age Únětice Culture Cemetery at Prague 9 - Miškovice.
Ernée, M. 2007-2009 GA ČR Early Bronze Age, Únětice culture, cemetery, anthropology, palaeopathology, DNA-analysis, 14C dating, strontium and oxygen analysis, metal analysis, amber analysis anotace projektu  
Long-term Development of Cultural Landscape of Central Bohemia as a Co-evolution of Human Impacts and Natural Processes.
Pokorný, P. 2007 - 2011 GA ČR palaeoecology, pollen analysis, interdisciplinary approach anotace projektu  


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solving person operating period funding keywords annotation presentation
Czech castles - rescue of evidence
Durdík, T. 2006-2011 MK ČR castle, Bohemia, Middle Ages, castellology, medieval archaeology, architecture, material culture anotace projektu  
Techniques of Early Medieval Cutlery Production. The variability in Technologies and Quality of a Selected Part of an Archaeological Assemblage from the Viewpoint of Metallographical Investigation
Hošek, J. 2006-2008 GA ČR Cutlery; Early Middle Age; iron archaeometallurgy anotace projektu  



project name
solving person operating period funding keywords annotation presentation
Annotated Digital Database of Iconographic and Geodetic Sources for the Structural History of Bohemian Monastic Foundations
Sommer, P. 2005-2007 GA ČR Middle Ages, monastery, Bohemia anotace projektu  
Baden Culture in Bohemia
Zápotocký, M. 2005-2007 GA ČR Prehistory, Aeneolithic, Bohemia anotace projektu  
Non-residential Areas of Early Medieval Central Agglomerations in Bohemia and Moravia in Archeaological Sources
Boháčová, I. 2005-2007 GA ČR Early Middle Ages, hillforts, Bohemia, Moravia anotace projektu prezentace projektu
Transformation of Elite in the Period of Emergence Přemyslid-dynasty State (10th c.). Relations between Selected Burial Grounds from the End of 9th and 10th c. to the Hillforts
Profantová, N. 2005-2007 GA ČR Early Middle Ages, cemetery, Přemyslid state anotace projektu  
Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Settlement of Abandoned Ohře (Eger) River Basin Area in Lower and Middle Pleistocene (NW Bohemia)
Fridrich, J. 2005-2007 GA ČR   anotace projektu  
Internal and External Relationships of a Neolithic site
Šumberová, R. 2005-2007 GA ČR Neolithic, residential area, Bohemia anotace projektu  
Hill-top Sites Slánská hora and Vraný-Čertovka in Central Bohemia
Moucha, V. 2005-2007 GA ČR Prehistory, hill-top sites, Bohemia anotace projektu  


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solving person operating period funding keywords annotation presentation
Ditital Archive of Czech Archaeology
Kuna, M. 2004-2008 GA ČR methodology, digitalization, data archives, Bohemia anotace projektu  
Germanic Settlements of Migration Period in Bohemia
Pleinerová, I. 2004-2005 GA ČR Protohistory, settlement, Bohemia anotace projektu  
Hořešovičky – a New Site of the Lower Acheulian in Bohemia
Sýkorová, I. 2004-2006 GA ČR Prehistory, materials, Bohemia, Paleolithic anotace projektu  
The nearest Hinterland of Great Moravian Centre Mikulčice - Development and Social Economic Structure
Poláček, L. 2004-2006 GA ČR Early Middle Ages, hillfort, Moravia anotace projektu  
The Earliest Settlement of South Bohemia
Vencl, S. 2004-2005 GA ČR Prehistory, settlement, South Bohemia, Paleolithic, Mesolithic anotace projektu  
Settlement Development of the Early Medieval Hillfort of Budeč
Bartošková, A. 2004-2006 GA ČR Early Middle Age, hillfort, Bohemia anotace projektu  
Structure of the Settlement Waste. Functional and Behavioral Analysis of a Bronze Age Settlement
Kuna, M. 2004-2006 GA ČR Prehistory, settlement range, functional and behavioral analysis anotace projektu  
Origin of the Stroke Ornamented Pottery culture in the North Czech Labe Region and Beginning of the Late Neolithic in Centrale Europe.
Zápotocká, M. 2004-2006 GA ČR Prehistory, Neolithic, Elbe region anotace projektu  



project name
solving person operating period funding keywords annotation presentation
Anthropological and Epidemiological Characterization of Great-Moravian Population in Connection with the Social and Economic Structure
Stránská, P. 2003 GA ČR natural sciences, antropology, Great Moravia anotace projektu  
Archeogeography of the Neolithic Settlement Ranges. Microaerial Analysis of Artefacts
Pavlů, I. 2003-2005 GA ČR Prehistory, settlement range, microaereal analysis, Neolithic anotace projektu  
Areal Approach in Archaeogenetics an Linguistics: Population and Language Structure of the Chad Basin
Černý, V. 2003 GA ČR natural sciences, Antropology, Chad Basin anotace projektu  
The Geophysical Surveys in Archaeologically Non-excavated Areas of Czech Oppids
Křivánek, R. 2003-2007 GA MK ČR natural sciences, geophysics, oppids, Bohemia anotace projektu  
Early Bronze Age Hoard Finds in Bohemia
Moucha, V. 2003 – 2004 GA ČR Prehistory, material culture anotace projektu  
Paleodemography and Paleoepidemiology of Historical Populations of Central and Western Europe. Project Barrande together with the Laboratoire d'Anthropologie, Université Bordeaux I,
Černý, V. 2003 GA ČR natural sciences, Antropology, Europe anotace projektu  
Renaissance-age Glass at Prague Castle. Finds from Archaeological Excavations 1925-1989
Frolík, J. 2003-2004 GA ČR Modern Age, material culture, glass, waste collector anotace projektu  
Stará Boleslav. Přemyslid Stronghold in the Early Middle Ages.
Boháčová, I. 2003 GA ČR Early Midlle Ages, stronghold, Bohemia anotace projektu  
Areal Approach in Archaeogenetics and Linguistics: Population and Language Structure of the Chad basin.
Brdička, Zima 2003-2005 GA ČR Chad, Africa, Archaeogenetic anotace projektu  
The Týn Court and Medieval Prague – edition
Hrdlička, L. 2003-2004 GA ČR Middle Ages, town, Prague's bailey transformation anotace projektu  


project name
solving person operating period funding keywords annotation presentation
Acropolis of the Závist Hillfort in the 6th - 4th century BC
Drda, P. 2002-2004 GA ČR Prehistory, hillfort, Celts anotace projektu  
The Black Monks and the beginnings of the Czech Sacral Architecture
Sommer, P. 2002-2004 GA ČR Middle Ages, architecture, Bohemia anotace projektu  
Czech Castles - Making a List
Durdík, T. 2002-2005 GA MK ČR Middle Ages, castles, Bohemia anotace projektu  
Evaluation of Prehistoric Pottery by Means of Mathematical Models
Salač, V. 2002-2005 GA MK ČR material culture, Prehistory, pottery analysis anotace projektu  
Early Medieval Settlement in Hrdlovka
Meduna, P. 2002-2004 GA ČR Early Middle Ages, settlement range, settlement structure dynamics anotace projektu  
Settlement Structures at the Turn of the Bronze and Iron Age, as a Reflection of Broader Changes within the Historical Development
Chytráček, M. 2002-2006 GA ČR Prehistory, settlement structure, Bronze Age, Iron Age anotace projektu  
Synthesis of Czech Prehistory
Jiráň, L. 2002-2004 GA ČR Prehistory, synthesis, Bohemia anotace projektu  
Technology of a Blacksmith's Work as in Mediaeval Town, Stronghold and Village of Bohemia 
Hošek, J. 2002-2003 GA ČR technology, Middle Ages, blacksmith, Bohemia anotace projektu  
Hilltop Sites and Hillforts of the Middle Eneolithic in Bohemia (3400-2800 B.C.)
Zápotocký, M. 2002-2004 GA ČR Prehistory, hillfort sites, Bohemia, Aeneolithic anotace projektu  
Settlement Structures at the Turn of the Bronze and Iron Age, as a Reflection of Broader Changes within the Historical Development 
Chytráček, M. 2002-2003 GA ČR Prehistory, hillfort sites, Bohemia anotace projektu  
Settlement and Iron in the Říčany Region
Venclová, N. 2002-2004 GA ČR prehistoric technologies, settlement archaeology, La Tene period, Roman period, Central Bohemia anotace projektu  
Iron in Archaeology: Early European Blacksmiths 
Pleiner, R. 2002-2004 GA ČR technology, Europe, blacksmiths anotace projektu  


project name
solving person operating period funding keywords annotation presentation
Archaeology of Mediaeval Towns in Area of the Czech Republik 
Klápště, J. 2001-2003 GA ČR Middle Ages, town, Bohemia, Moravia anotace projektu  
Basilica S. Viti, Wenceslai, Adalberti et Sanctae Mariae et monasterium ecclesiae pragensis
Maříková-Kubková, J. 2001-2004 GA ČR Prague Castle, architecture, documentation   prezentace projektu
Bečov IV - A Settlement Area of Middle Palaeolithic Man in North-West Bohemia
Fridrich, J. 2001-2003 GA MK ČR Prehistory, settlement range, Bohemia, Paleolithic anotace projektu  
The Cultural Landscape of Prácheňsko
Dreslerová, D. 2001-2003 EU Prehistory, cultural landscape, Bohemia   prezentace projektu
The Ancient Germanic Settlement Site of the 6th Century AD at Březno (NW Bohemia)
Pleinerová, I. 2001-2002 GA ČR Prehistory, settlement, German tribes, Bohemia anotace projektu  
The Chapter Temple of St.Peter and St.Paul at Vyšehrad Castle.
Nechvátal, B. 2001-2003 GA MK ČR Early Middle Ages, architecture, Bohemia, Prague anotace projektu  
Beginnings of Anthropogenic Activity within the Doubrava River Alluvium
Pavlů, I. 2001-2004 GA ČR Early Middle Ages, settlement range, settlement structure dynamics anotace projektu  
The Prehistoric Hillfort Plešivec. Methods of Documentation of Site Damaged by Illegal Use of Metal Detectors
Korený, R. 2001-2004 GA MK ČR monument care, hillfort, detector, Bohemia anotace projektu prezentace projektu
The Prague Castle, centre of Czech State, in the Mirror of Cemeteries and Tombs in the Time of Přemyslid´s and Luxembourg´s Dynasties  
Tomková, K. 2001-2003 GA ČR Middle Ages, cemeteries anotace projektu  
Structure of the Late Bronze Age Settlement Area
Jiráň, L. 2001-2002 GA ČR Prehistory, settlement structure, Knoviz culture, Bohemia anotace projektu  

2000 and earlier

project name
solving preson operating period funding keyword annotation presentation
Culture 2000 - Bauska
Durdík, T. 2000 EU Middle Ages, castle, Latvia anotace projektu  
History of the Cistercian Order in Bohemia (1142-1420)
Charvátová, K. 2000-2002 GA ČR monasteries, Middle Ages, Cistercian Order, Bohemia anotace projektu  
Pre-Neolithic Settlement in South Bohemia
Vencl, S. 2000-2002 GA ČR Prehistory, flint industry, South Bohemia, Paleolithic, Mesolithic anotace projektu  
The Relationship between Mortality Pattern and the State of Health of the Early Medieval Population from Žatec
Černý, V. 2000-2002 GA ČR natural sciences, cemeteries, Bohemia anotace projektu  
Enlargement of possibilities of the Geophysical Laboratory of the Archaeological Institute, Prague
Křivánek, R. 2000-2001 GA ČR natural sciences, geophysics, non-destructive archaeology anotace projektu  
Velké Přítočno - a Lower Palaeolithic Settlement in Central Bohemia
Sýkorová, I. 2000-2002 GA MK ČR Prehistory, settlement range, Bohemia, Paleolithic anotace projektu  
A Great Moravian Enclosure in Uherské Hradiště and the Floods in 9th and 20th Century
Frolíková, D. 2000-2002 GA MK ČR Early Middle Ages, stronghold, Moravia, floods anotace projektu  
Transitional Type Castles in Bohemia
Durdík, T. 1999-2004 GA ČR Middle Ages, castle, Bohemia anotace projektu  
The Identification of Destroyed Fortifications and Internal Structure of Settlement of Hillforts
Křivánek, R. 1999-2000 GA MK ČR natural sciences, geophysics, hillforts, Bohemia anotace projektu  
The Relationship between Social Organisation and Biological Variabilitry of Fali Population from North Cameroun
Černý, V. 1999-2002 GA ČR natural sciences, antropology, Camerun anotace projektu  
Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in Bohemia. The Potential of non-destructive Methods in Archaeology
Gojda, M. 1997-2002 GA ČR Prehistory, cultural landscape, non-destructive methods anotace projektu prezentace projektu
Non-destructive methods of Aerial Archaeology and their Usage in Research, Documentation and Preservarion of the Historical Landscape in Bohemia
Gojda, M. 1994-1996 GA ČR   anotace projektu  
Structure of the La Tene Settlement in Central Bohemia
Venclová, N. 1993-95 GA ČR surface survey, settlement, specialized production, industrial zone, Iron Age, Bohemia anotace projektu  
A Celtic Industrial Region: the Loděnice Project
Venclová, N. 1991-92 GA ČR La Tene period, settlement, industrial activity, central Bohemia anotace projektu  



The Institute of Archaeology Prague
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