Czech Castles - Making a List
doc. dr. T. Durdík, DrSc. (PK 00 PO 40 PP 001) 2000-2004
Topic of this project is made by complex castellological surveys, rescue researches, documentations, evaluations and interpretations (including working out older ones) of czech mediaeval castles as well as presentation of czech results and keeping active contacts and relations with the europaean castle research. Czech castles are representing badly damaged and hardly attacked part of the czech national heritage. In wiew of the fact that the stage of elementary evidence and documentation is not satisfactory and that the losts of quality of czech castles as historical resource are dissastrous, is the project not to be substtitutet and presents the only possibility of saving part of informations from rapidly disappearing sources. The project has large impact into more historical disciplines, monument care and making a national cultural feeling.