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researchprojectsproject themes reviewKřivánek - The Identification of Destroyed Fortifications and Internal Structure of Settlement of Hillforts

The identification of destroyed fortifications and internal structure of settlement of hillforts

RNDr. Roman Krivánek (PK99P04OPP007) 1999-2000

The two years project financed by Ministry of Culture of Czech republic and Institute of Archaeology of Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague was concentrated on detailed field survey of choosen hillforts by non-destructive archaeological survey methods. The main method of project was geophysical survey of wide inner and outer areas of hillforts by very sensitive, quick and efficient caesium magnetometers Smartmag SM-4g (Scintrex, Canada). The another methods of project were intensive systematic field walking together within study of present and historical maps and also aerial photographs of surveyed sites. The main aim of this project was to identify in terrain unpreserved and destroyed parts of fortifications and another subsurface relicts of settlement of hillforts. The results of these wide area detailed surveys brought the new view on the real structure and anthropogenous activities of the whole hillforts and also on the present state of preservation of archaeological situations beneath the soil. The results will be possible to use also as a base for documentation (revision) of real areas, divisions or dimensions and importance of hillforts – potential or present protected archaeological monuments. During 1999-2000 surveys were realised on 6 choosen sites, the total area approx. 22,6 ha has been surveyed during approx. 29 days in the field. The results of magnetometric prospection (approx. 3,5 ha) of Early Medieval hillfort Lštění, distr. Benešov changed previous idea about real extent of hillfort (newly idetified outer fortification, ploughed out internal divisions, possible another flat burials in central part, new extent of hillfort 7-8 ha). The results of magnetometric survey (approx. 1,9 ha) of new by aerial photography dicsovered hillfort Vepřek, distr. Mělník confirmed two on the surface non-visible systems of fortification of preview uknown hillfort (extent of new hillfort approx. 4,5 ha). The results of magnetometric prospection (approx. 1,2 ha) of supposed Early Medieval hillfort Ždánice, distr. Kolín brought new identification of fortification of large headland (new verified hillfort extent approx. 10 ha). The results of magnetometric survey (approx. 3 ha) of supposed and new by aerial photography discovered Early Medieval hillfort Přívory, distr. Mělník confirmed on the surface non-visible triple ditch fortification of inner part of hillfort (new verified hillfort extent approx. 5 ha). The results of large magnetometric prospection (approx. 11 ha) of outer parts of Early Medieval hillfort Přistoupim, distr. Kolín changed previous idea about real extent and structure of important Slavic hillfort (newly identified more ploughed out systems of fortification, fortification of another part of different headland, large features and ditch enclosure inside, new extent of hillfort approx. 20 ha). The first magnetometric prospection (approx. 2 ha) of new site has been realised on site Obodř, distr. Mladá Boleslav (possible new fortification). This pioneer project was one from the first applications of wide area geophysical surveys in Czech republic and then it could demonstrate wide possibilities of efficient application of modern magnetic method (cesium magnetometers) in detailed surveys and documentations of the whole archaeological sites (abandoned and ploughed hillforts). The results showed this method could be in the future used not only for the new tasks of archaeology but also for more precize and adequate protection of archaeological monuments.

The Institute of Archaeology Prague
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