Inner bailey of Libice stronghold - possibilities of non-destructive archaeology and modern technology in the proces of study of archaeological sources
Ph.D. Jan Mařík, (GA ČR, 404/08/1696) 2008-2010
Co-operator: Jiří Košta (National Museum)
Project is focused on comprehensive non-destructive archaeological survey of one of the most important Early Medieval sites in Czech Republic, inner bailey of the stronghold in Libice nad Cidlinou. Results of aerial photographs, geophysical survey and surface collection will be included to GIS (geographic information system)together with results already finished archaeological excavations. The GIS will be able to solve the questions connected with development and nature of settlement of this site as well as to define the direction of further research. The proposed method, use of GIS, is a unique solution how to present the results of the project to scientific community as well as consequential cooperation with allied scientific branches.