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researchprojectsproject themes reviewProfantová - Early Mediaeval Man in a Light of the Study of Selected Burial Grounds from Central Bohemia

Early Mediaeval Man in a Light of the Study of Selected Burial Grounds from Central Bohemia

Co-ordinator: Naďa Profantová; (GA ČR) 2009-2011

The project is aimed to analyze and present the material from the burial-grounds inside (Klecany II, Levý Hradec) or outside important early medieval hillforts (Roztoky-Žalov I, II-Levý Hradec, Klecany I) and try to find their relations. In this project we will finish texts of 2 books: Klecany, raně středověká pohřebiště (N.Profantová) and Levý Hradec v zrcadle archeologie. Pohřebiště. (ed. K.Tomková).

The Institute of Archaeology Prague
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