Distribution of a juvenogen and its metabolites in a laboratory system during juvenogen-induced caste differentiation in a termite Reticulitermes santonensis (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae).

Tykva R., Černý B., Wimmer Z., Hanus R.

Klíčová slova: juvenogen; termite control; radiotracing; Reticulitermes santonensis
Abstrakt: BACKGROUND: Juvenoids and juvenogens have been formany years considered promising candidates for control of pest insect species including termites. Their use as termite pest management agents requires the generation of knowledge concerning their degradation and distribution in time and space. Groups of 40 Reticulitermes santonensis de Feytaud workers were provided with wood impregnated with a juvenogen, ethyl cis-N-{2-[4- (2-butyryloxycyclohexylmethyl)phenoxy]ethyl}carbamate, labelled with tritium in the benzene ring (305 GBq mmol−1). After 14 days the radioactivity was determined in all elements of the experimental system. RESULTS: The majority of the input activity was detected in the wood, only about 1% in the bodies of surviving termites and 1% in the substrate. A considerable part of the input activity was probably lost as gaseous termite metabolites. The activity in workers was significantly higher than in presoldiers, which had differentiated under the influence of the labelled juvenogen. A stable value of radioactivity was detected on the body surfaces. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest good stability of the compound in the wooden carrier and low contamination of the environment with non-gaseous residuals, together with the desired biological impact on termite caste differentiation.
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Autoři z ÚEB: Zdeněk Wimmer