Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Research in the field of x-ray crystal optics for synchrotron radiation

   Research is focused on development of dynamical theory of x-ray diffraction on perfect crystals and the utilization of the results for the design and realization of new x-ray optical elements based on Si single crystals. In the collaboration with the Czech company Polovodice a.s. and by utilization of the optical laboratory and the optical work-shop of the Institute we are able to realize these elements (usually the focusing crystal monochromators). The tests are performed at European synchrotron facilities in collaboration with x-ray optics groups of these facilities.
   The diffractive-refractive optics developed by us is based on the utilization of refraction occurring during Bragg diffraction. Synchrotron radiation is diffracted twice on longitudinal groove or inside of cylindrical hole produced into Si single crystal. After the diffraction the radiation is monochromatized and sagittally focused.
   We are working on the improvement of internally cooled Si monochromators for intense synchrotron radiation from wigglers. The monochromator is cooled by water or by liquid Nitrogen.

Cooled Si monochromator

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