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Department of Cellular Neurophysiology


Chvátal, A., Anděrová, M., Žiak, D., Syková, E.: (1999) Glial depolarization evokes a larger potassium accumulation around oligodendrocytes than around astrocytes in gray matter of rat spinal cord slices. J. Neurosci. Res. 56: 493–505.


Chvátal, A., Syková, E.: (2000) Glial influence on neuronal signaling. Prog. Brain. Res. 125: 199–216.
Syková, E., Chvátal, A.: (2000) Glial cells and volume transmission in the CNS. Neurochem. Int. 36: 397–409.


Anděrová, M., Kubinová, Š., Mazel, T., Chvátal, A., Eliasson, C., Pekny, M., Syková, E.: (2001) Effect of elevated K+, hypotonic stress and cortical spreading depression on astrocyte swelling in GFAP-deficient mice. Glia 35: 189–203.
Chvátal, A., Anděrová, M., Žiak, D., Orkand, R. K., Syková, E.: (2001) Membrane currents and morphological properties of neurons and glial cells in the spinal cord and filum terminale of the frog. Neurosci. Res. 40: 23–35.
Vargová, L., Chvátal, A., Anděrová, M., Kubinová, Š., Žiak, D., Syková, E.: (2001) Effect of osmotic stress on potassium accumulation around glial cells and extracellular space volume in rat spinal cord slices. J. Neurosci. Res. 65: 129–138.
Vargová, L., Jendelová, P., Chvátal, A., Syková, E.: (2001) Glutamate, NMDA and AMPA induced changes in extracellular space volume and tortuosity in the rat spinal cord. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 21: 1077–1089.


Syková, E., Vargová, L., Kubinová, Š., Jendelová, P., Chvátal, A.: (2003) The relationship between changes in intrinsic optical signals and cell swelling in rat spinal cord slices. Neuroimage 18: 214–230.


Anděrová, M., Antonova, T., Petřík, D., Neprašová, H., Chvátal, A., Syková, E.: (2004) Voltage-dependent potassium currents in hypertrophied rat astrocytes after a cortical stab wound. Glia 48: 311–326.
Chvátal, A., Anděrová, M., Syková, E.: (2004) Analysis of K(+) accumulation reveals privileged extracellular region in the vicinity of glial cells in situ. J. Neurosci. Res. 78: 668–682.
Jelitai, M., Anděrová, M., Marko, K., Kekesi, K., Koncz, P., Syková, E., Madarasz, E.: (2004) Role of gamma-aminobutyric acid in early neuronal development: studies with an embryonic neuroectodermal stem cell clone. J. Neurosci. Res. 76(6): 801–811.


Anděrová, M., Kubinová, Š., Jelitai, M., Neprašová, H., Glogarová, K., Prajerová, I., Urdzíková, L., Chvátal, A., Syková, E.: (2006) Transplantation of embryonic neuroectodermal progenitor cells into the site of a photochemical lesion: Immunohistochemical and electrophysiological analysis. J. Neurobiol. 66(10): 1084–1100. PDF file (899 kB)
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