Excretion of cytokinins into the cultivation medium by suspension-cultured tobacco cells

Petrášek J., Březinová A., Holík J., Zažímalová E.
PLANT CELL REPORTS 21 : 97-104 , 2002
Klíčová slova: cytokinins, plant cell cultures

Points of regulation for auxin action.

Zažímalová, Eva; Napier, R. M.
PLANT CELL REPORTS 21 [7] : 625-634 , 2003
Klíčová slova: Plant hormone, Homeostasis, Auxin

Rapid detection of aneuploidy in Musa using flow cytometry

Roux, N.; Toloza, A.; Radecki, Z.; Zapata-Arias, F. J.; Doležel, Jaroslav
PLANT CELL REPORTS 21 : 483-490 , 2003
Klíčová slova: banana; flow cytometry; nuclear DNA content

Histological study of embryo-like structures initiated from hypocotyls segments of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)

Salaj, J., Petrovska, B., Obert, B., Pretova, A.
PLANT CELL REPORTS 24 : 590-595 , 2005
Klíčová slova: Embryo-like structure, Flax, Histology, Hypocotyl segments, Organogenesis

Expression of the gene encoding transcription factor PaVP1 differs in Picea abies embryogenic lines depending on their ability to develop somatic embryos.

Fischerová L., Fischer L., Vondráková Z., Vágner M.
PLANT CELL REPORTS 27(3) : 435-441 , 2008
Klíčová slova: somatic embryogenesis, Norway spruce, PaVP1

Excretion of polyamines in alfalfa and tobacco suspension-cultured cells and its possible role in maintenance of intracellular polyamine contents.

Cvikrová M., Gemperlová L., Eder J., Zažímalová E.
PLANT CELL REPORTS 27 : 1147-1156 , 2008
Klíčová slova: Arginine decarboxylase , Diamine oxidase, Ornithine decarboxylase, Extracellular polyamines
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