Institute of Information Theory and Automation


Filip Žikeš

    Journal articles

    1. Vošvrda Miloslav, Žikeš Filip: An application of the GARCH-t model on Central European stock returns , Prague Economic Papers vol.12, 1 (2004), p. 26-39 (2004)

    Other publications

    1. Vošvrda Miloslav, Žikeš Filip: Application of the GARCH - t model on stock returns in emerging capital markets , WEHIA 2003. 8th Annual Workshop on Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, p. 1-14, Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, (Kiel 2003) , WEHIA 2003 /8./, (Kiel, DE, 29.05.2003-31.05.2003) (2003)
    2. Žikeš Filip: The Predictability of Asset Returns: An Empirical Analysis of Central-European Stock Markets, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2003) Research Report 2093 (2003)
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    Last modification: 03.09.2008
    Institute of Information Theory and Automation