Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Working groups of department 27

Experimental equipment:
  1. Absorption and transmission spektrophotometer Shimadzu 3101 PC. Two-beam apparatus, 190-2500 nm. Reflection spectra, integration sphere accessory.
  2. UV-VIS luminescence spectrofluorometer 199S, Edinburgh Instrument. Excitation and emission spectra 200-800 nm. Decay kinetics measurements in the 0.1 ns - 1 s time scale. Excitation by hydrogen and deuterium lamps, X-ray tube.  The whole text >>
Experimental equipment:
  1. Aparatura CPM (constant photocurrent method) Měření spekter optické absorpce v amorfních, nanokrystalických a mikrokrystalických tenkých vrstvách polovodičů (a-Si, μc-Si pro sluneční články, ...)
  2. FTPS (Fourier transform photocurrent spectroscopy) apparatus.  The whole text >>
Core facilities of Laboratory of diamond thin films and carbon nanostructures consist of two unique microwave deposition systems Aixtron P6 and Roth & Rau AK 400. Both deposition systems represent a microwave plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition. At present time, the system Aixtron P6 is routinely used for growth of nanocrystalline diamond thin films (NCD) (Fig. 1).  The whole text >>

Electronic and structural properties of solid surfaces are studied by various electron spectroscopic methods. The basic equipment is angular-resolved photoelectron spectrometer ADES-400 (VG Scientific, UK).

Fig. 1: Photoelectron spectrometer ADES-400

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Research team: Karel Nitsch, Miroslava Rodová, Antonín Cihlář, Robert Král

  • Searching for and preparation of materials - crystals, epitaxial layers, nanostructures and glasses - of high quality and purity with interesting optical properties and with their possible application in laser hosts in near IR range, as neutrons, gama and X-rays radiations detectors in industrial and medical application.
  • Preparation of model crystalline systems for luminescence mechanism study.  The whole text >>
The research program is focused on the study of:
  • Intrinsic, impurity, radiation and light-induced paramagnetic-active defects in solids;
  • Physical properties of thin films and nanomaterials;
  • Local structure and dynamics of relaxors and disordered ferroelectrics;
  • Physical properties of new magnetoelectric materials, multiferroics and materials for spintronics.  The whole text >>

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