Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Research subjects of department 53

We aim to reach power up to a petawatt level (1015 Watt) in laser pulses with duration of tens femtoseconds (10-14s). The pulses will be used for a study of new effects in ultra-high electromagnetical fields. We concentrate on an ultra-short pulse propagation in media and a technique of pulse amplification up to 30 terawatts (30×1012 W).

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Our hybrid lasers are set up by an association of proper solid-state and gas laser media in a single laser system, which can exploit advantages of both media. The solid-state laser can provide an easier control of pulse shape or a higher energy extraction to the amplified pulse, for example. The gaseous iodine laser could have a narrower gain linewidth and, particularly, a more homogenous beam profile, which is important for the ultra-high-power pulse generation.  The full text >>

We prepare a system for optical parametric amplification of femtosecond pulses by the technique of optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA). We also develop a model of Raman laser, which is an efficient convertor of laser wavelength. We plan to expand the research of laser interaction with matter in the future.

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