Institute of Information Theory and Automation


Stanislav Mikeš

Books and chapters

  1. Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav: Unsupervised Texture Segmentation , Pattern Recognition , Eds: Yin Peng-Yeng (2008) Download

Journal articles

  1. Haindl Michal, Grim Jiří, Mikeš Stanislav: Texture Defect Detection , Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.2007, p. 987-994, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, (Vienna, AT, 27.08.2007-29.08.2007) (2007) Download
  2. Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav, Scarpa G.: Unsupervised Detection of Mammogram Regions of Interest , Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.2007, p. 33-40, Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, (Vietri sul Mare, IT, 12.09.2007-14.09.2007) (2007) Download
  3. Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav: Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Multiple Segmenters Strategy , Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.2007, 4472 (2007), p. 210-219, Multiple Classifier Systems, (Prague, CZ, 23.05.2007-25.05.2007) (2007)
  4. Mikeš Stanislav, Haindl Michal: Prague texture segmentation data generator and benchmark , ERCIM News vol.2006, 64 (2006), p. 67-68 (2006)
  5. Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav: Colour texture segmentation using modelling approach , Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis vol.3687, - (2005), p. 484-491, International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition /3./, (Bath, GB, 22.08.2005-25.08.2005) (2005)

Other publications

  1. Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav, Vácha Pavel: Illumination Invariant Unsupervised Segmenter , Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2009, ICIP 2009, (Cairo, EG, 07.11.2009-11.11.2009) (2009) Download
  2. Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav, Pudil Pavel: Unsupervised Hierarchical Weighted Multi-Segmenter , Multiple Classifier Systems, LNCS 5519 , Eds: Benediktsson J.A., Kittler J., Roli F., Multiple Classifier Systems, (Reykjavik, IS, 10.06.2009-12.06.2009) (2009) Download
  3. Mikeš Stanislav, Haindl Michal, Holub Radek: Navigation in Virtual Environment , 2nd International Conference EVA , Eds: R. Sablatnig and J. Hemsley and P. Krammerer and E. Zolda and J. Stockinger , 2nd International Conference EVA, (Vienna, AT, 25.08.2008-28.08.2008) (2008) Download
  4. Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav: Texture Segmentation Benchmark , Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, (Tampa, US, 07.12.2008-11.12.2008) (2008) Download
  5. Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav: Unsupervised Mammograms Segmentation , Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, (Tampa, US, 07.12.2008-11.12.2008) (2008) Download
  6. Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav: Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Multispectral Modelling Approach , Proceedings of ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 203-206 , Eds: Tang Y.Y., Wang S.P., Yeung D.S., Yan H., Lorette G., ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, (Hong Kong, CN, 20.08.2006-24.08.2006) (2006) Download
  7. Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav: Model-based texture segmentation , Image Analysis and Recognition. Proceedings, p. 306-313, International Conference ICIAR 2004, (Porto, PT, 29.09.2004-01.10.2004) (2004)
  8. Mikeš Stanislav, Haindl Michal: Multispectral texture segmentation , WDS '03 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, p. 221-225 , Eds: Šafránková J., MFF UK, (Praha 2003) , Week of Doctoral Students 2003. WDS'03, (Praha, CZ, 10.06.2003-13.06.2003) (2003)
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