Astronomický ústav AV ČR   Ondřejov

Fričova 298
251 65 Ondřejov
Czech Republic

Tel. +420 323649201
Fax: +420 323620 110, 117

Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic


Department of galaxies and planetary systems

The department Galaxies and Planetary Systems (GPS) studies evolution of isolated galaxies or galaxies in groups or clusters, formation of stars and star clusters. The infrared, UV and X-ray observations are compared to analytical models and computer simulations of gravitational and MHD processes. Properties of high enegry X-ray radiation from  active galactic nuclei and galactic black hole candidates are analysed and modelled in the framework of general relativity. Earth rotation and its gravity field and the gravity field of other bodies of the solar system are studied. We analyse the dynamics of asteroids and Trans Neptunian Objects (TNO) and also compose an astrometric star catalogue.



Physics of galaxies
leader: Jan Palouš

The group studies the dynamics, formation and evolution of galaxies as well as of stars and star clusters contained within. We investigate dynamics of interstellar gas and its ram-pressure stripping due to interaction with intracluster medium. We are also interested in spatially-resolved spectroscopy of active galactic nuclei, and in interactions in the local system Milky Way – Magellanic clouds.

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Relativistic astrophysics
leader: Vladimír Karas

The relativistic group investigates compact objects (neutron stars or black holes) and studies processes, which take place in their vicinity. Based on our calculations and numerical simulations, we model properties of produced X-ray radiation, its spectra, polarization and temporal variability. We also perform theoretical calculations in the field of electrodynamics of black holes and accretion discs.

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Planetary systems
leader: Cyril Ron

The Planetary systems group studies the dynamics of natural and artificial bodies in our solar system, and the dynamics of extra-solar planetary systems at nearby stars. We investigate gravitational and other effects on motion of Earth satellites. We use observational data from our zenith tube telescope to determine non-tidal variations of the local gravity vector and to refine on astrometric positions of observed stars. We also prepare an extremly accurate star catalogue.

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Department head: Jan Palouš
Deputy: Cyril Ron
Secretary: Zuzana Dienstbierová
tel.: +420 267103038
fax: +420 272769023

Postal address:
Bocni II 1401/1a
CZ-141 31 Praha 4
Czech Republic