Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Department 21

Akademie věd České republiky

Optical spectroscopy of crystals, ceramics, thin films, and nanostructures of dielectric and semiconducting materials suitable for application in optic, optoelectronic, microelectronic, acoustooptic, pyroelectric, and piezoelectric devices.

The aim of study of photoluminescence, thermoluminescence and optical absorption in the UV, visible, and IR spectral range is to reveal intrinsic point defects and impurities, to elucidate their electronic structure, and to determine their influence on material properties. Special attention is paid to optical properties of transition metal ions serving as spectroscopic probes for study of phase transitions. The results are used for checking the quality and properties of prepared materials and for optimisation of preparation technology to obtain high quality materials with desired properties for applications.

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