Marek Tomáš, Tichavský Petr:
On the Estimation of Mutual Information
, ROBUST 2008
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Koldovský Zbyněk, Málek J., Tichavský Petr, Deville Y., Hosseini S.:
Extension of EFICA Algorithm for Blind Separation of Piecewise Stationary Non-Gaussian Sources
, ICASSP 2008: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2008, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech adn Signal Processing,
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Gómez-Herrero G., Koldovský Zbyněk, Tichavský Petr, Egiazarian K.:
A fast algorithm for blind separation of non-Gaussian and time-correlated signals
, Proccedings of the 15th European Signal Processing Conference. EUSIPCO 2007, EUSIPCO 2007: The 15th European Signal Processing Conference,
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Koldovský Z., Tichavský Petr:
Time-Domain Blind Audio Source Separation using Advanced ICA Methods
, Proccedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association. Interspeech 2007, Interspeech 2007 /8./,
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Koldovský Zbyněk, Tichavský Petr, Erkki O.:
Cramer-Rao lower bound for linear independent component analysis
, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, p. 581-584, IEEE,
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Darbellay G. A., Tichavský Petr:
Independent component analysis through direct estimation of the mutual information
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Nehorai A., Tichavský Petr:
Cross-product algorithms for source tracking using an EM vector sensor
, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, p. 2781-2784, IEEE,
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, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,
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Tichavský Petr:
Measuring performances of nonlinear filtering techniques
, Proceedings of the 3rd Japan-Central Europe Joint Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Non-linear Engineering Systems and Related Phenomena, p. 327-330
, Eds: Mahel' M., Uesaka M., Ušák E., Comenius University,
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Šimandl M., Královec J., Tichavský Petr:
Predictive and filtering lower bounds for nonlinear filters
, IFAC World Congress 1999. Proceedings, p. 43-48, Pergamon,
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(Beijing, CN, 05.07.1999-09.07.1999) (1999)
Tichavský Petr, Händel P.:
Estimating parameters of polynomial phase signals by tracking algorithms
, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing, p. 348-351
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Tichavský Petr, Muravchik C., Nehorai A.:
Posterior C-R bounds for performance of adaptive parameter estimation
, Proceedings of the First European Conference on Signal Analysis and Prediction, p. 153-156
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Padmanabhan M., Tichavský Petr:
Extension of a hyperstable adaptive line enhancer for tracking of multiple cisoids
, Signal Processing VIII: Theories and Applications, p. 1271-1274
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, European Signal Processing Conference,
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Händel P., Tichavský Petr:
Frequency rate estimation based on fourth order sample moments
, IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing. Proceedings, p. 391-394, IEEE,
(Los Alamitos 1996)
, IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing /8./,
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Tichavský Petr, Händel P.:
Performance analysis of two algorithms for tracking of multiple noisy cisoids
, Signal Processing, p. 1720-1723
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