Seminars / Journal club


Semináře se zpravidla konají každé pondělí v 11 hodin, zasedací místnost
v přízemí budovy D (Fyziologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., Vídeňská 1083)


16.2. (14:30 hod.)

 Guest speaker
Prof. Thomas Hummel, Smell and Taste Clinic, Dresden University Medical School
"Why Two Nostrils?"


 Guest speaker
Dr. Jean-Pierre Rospars, Insect Physiology Unit, INRA Versailles:
"Olfactory Transduction: How Is an Odour Transduced into an Electrical Signal?"


 Guest speaker
Dr. Pavel Němec, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK:
"Neural Mechanisms of Magnetoreception"


 Joint seminar with Dept. 33
Topic: Introduction to electrophysiological and optical recordings
Presented by Jakub Otáhal, Monika Martinková, and Eva Krajčovičová


 Internal seminar
Pavel Šanda
Spike train analysis and population coding of frog olfactory neurons


 Joint seminar with Dept. 33
Topic: Analysis of physiological signals
Presented by Martin Zápotocký and Lubomír Košťál

1.6. (main lecture hall, 11:00)

 Guest speaker
Prof. Peter Mombaerts, Max Planck Institute for Biophysics, Frankfurt
"Olfaction Targeted"

8.7. (Wednesday)

 Guest speaker
Prof. Gerd Kempermann, Center for Regenerative Therapies, Dresden
Genes and environment in the regulation of adult neurogenesis


 Guest speaker
Doc. Petr Maršálek, 1. LF UK
"Consciousness, disorders of consciousness, unconsciousness - incomplete introduction."


7. 4.

 Internal seminar
Luboš Košťál
Hypotéza eficientního kódování

21. 4

 Internal seminar
Martin Zápotocký
Identita čichových neuronů a jejich propojení s bulbus olfactorius

28. 4.

 Internal seminar
Petr Lánský
Journal club (Shlukování - Simon, Radil-Weis, Lánský)

10. 6.

 Guest speakers
Steven Fry (Institute of Neuroinformatics, ETH Zurich)
Neuronal control of flight in Drosophila
Ryota Kobayashi (Kyoto University)
Predicting spike times - Quantitative modelling of cortical neurons

19. 9.

 Guest speaker
David Bouchain (Ulm University)
Associative memories for cortex modeling