Doppler Institute Publications

Here we collect DI publications with the appropriate bibliographical data and url's, both of open access sources and of summaries at the publisher web pages. Publications of the "original" Doppler Institute can be found here.

Research and review papers

  • DI10-009
    Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    On the absence of absolutely continuous spectra for Schrödinger operators on radial tree graphs,
    J. Math. Phys., submitted [mp_arc 10-59; arXiv:1004.1980 [math-ph]]
  • DI10-008
    E. Brian Davies, Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    Non-Weyl asymptotics for quantum graphs with general coupling conditions,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., submitted [mp_arc 10-58; arXiv:1004.0856 [math-ph]]
  • DI10-007
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová, Tomáš Vávra:
    Arithmetics in number systems with negative base
    submitted [arXiv:1002.1009 [math.NT]]
  • DI10-006
    Thomas Brougham, Stephen M. Barnett, Igor Jex:
    Interference of composite bosons
    J. Mod. Phys., to appear
  • DI10-005
    David Krejčiřík, Petr Siegl:
    PT-symmetric models in curved manifolds
    submitted [arXiv:1001.2988 [math-ph]]
  • DI10-004
    Petr Ambrož, Daniel Dombek, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Numbers with integer expansion in the numeration system with negative base
    Acta Arithmetica, submitted [arXiv:0912.4597 [math.NT]]
  • DI10-003
    Martin Fraas, David Krejčiřík, Yehuda Pinchover:
    On some strong ratio limit theorems for heat kernels
    Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, to appear [arXiv:0912.4337 [math.AP]]
  • DI10-002
    Jan Smotlacha, Goce Chadzitaskos, Costas Daskaloyannis:
    Spectra of photon down conversion
    Proceedings of "XXVIII International Workshop on Geometical Methods in Physics" (Bialystok 2009; P. Kielanowski et al, eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1191, Springer 2010; pp. 166-171
  • DI10-001
    Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    Resonances from perturbations of quantum graphs with rationally related edges,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), 105301 [mp_arc 09-216; arXiv:0912.3936 [math-ph]; abs]

  • DI09-051
    Joachim Asch, Tomáš Kalvoda, Pavel Štovíček:
    Resonant cyclotron acceleration of particles by a time periodic singular flux tube
    Physica D, submitted
  • DI09-050
    Petra Koštáková, Pavel Štovíček:
    Noncommutative Bloch analysis of Bochner Laplacians with nonvanishing gauge fields
    J. Geom. Phys., submitted
  • DI09-049
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Topology-controlled spectra of imaginary cubic oscillators in the large-L approach
    Phys. Lett. (2010), to appear [arXiv:0912.1176 [quant-ph]]
  • DI09-048
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Complete set of inner products for a discrete PT-symmetric square-well Hamiltonian
    J. Math. Phys. 50 (2009), 122105 [arXiv:0911.0336 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-047
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Fundamental length in quantum theories with PT-symmetric Hamiltonians II: The case of quantum graphs
    Phys. Rev. D80 (2009), 105004 [arXiv:0910.2560 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI09-046
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Cryptohermitian picture of scattering using quasilocal metric operators
    SIGMA 5 (2009), 085, 21pp. [arXiv:0908.4045 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-045
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Fundamental length in quantum theories with PT-symmetric Hamiltonians
    Phys. Rev. D80 (2009), 045022 [arXiv:0907.2677 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI09-044
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Scattering theory using smeared non-Hermitian potentials
    Phys. Rev. D80 (2009), 045009 [arXiv:0903.1007 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-043
    Miloslav Znojil, Vít Jakubský:
    Supersymmetric quantum mechanics living on topologically nontrivial Riemann surfaces
    PRAMANA - Journal of Physics 73 (2009), 397-404 [arXiv:0904.2294 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-042
    Miloslav Znojil, Hendrik B. Geyer:
    Sturm-Schroedinger equations: formula for metric
    PRAMANA - Journal of Physics 73 (2009), 299-306 [arXiv:0904.2293 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-041
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Three-Hilbert-space formulation of Quantum Mechanics
    SIGMA 5 (2009), 001, 19pp. [arXiv:0901.0700 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-040
    Stanislav Vymětal, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex, Gerd Alber, Aurél Gábris, Táňa Langrová:
    Chaos in the conditional dynamics of two qubits purification protocol
    in Let's Face Chaos through Nonlinear Dynamics AIP Conf. Proc, vol. 1076 (2008), 255-261 [abs]
  • DI09-039
    Hynek Bíla:
    Spectra of PT-symmetric Hamiltonians on tobogganic contours
    PRAMANA - Journal of Physics 73 (2009), 307-314 [arXiv:0905.1498 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-038
    Hynek Bíla:
    Adiabatic time-dependent metrics in PT-symmetric quantum theories
    submitted [arXiv:0902.0474 [quant-ph]]
  • DI09-037
    Daniel Lenz, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Note on powers in three interval exchange transformations
    submitted [arXiv:0909.1109 [math.CO]]
  • DI09-036
    Petr Ambrož, Anna Frid, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    On the number of factors in codings of three interval exchange
    submitted [arXiv:0904.2258 [math.CO]]
  • DI09-035
    Ľubomira Balková, Karel Klouda, Edita Pelantová:
    Repetitions in beta-integers
    Lett. Math. Phys. 87 (2009), 181-195 [abs]
  • DI09-034
    Petr Šeba:
    Parking and the visual perception of space
    J. Stat. Mech. (2009), L10002 [arXiv:0907.1914 [physics.soc-ph]; abs]]
  • DI09-033
    Jaroslav Novotný, Gerd Alber, Igor Jex:
    Asymptotic evolution of random unitary operations
    submitted [arXiv:0908.4534 [quant-ph]]
  • DI09-032
    Thomas Brougham, Goce Chadzitaskos, Igor Jex:
    Transformation design and nonlinear Hamiltonians
    J. Mod. Optics 56 (2009), 1588-1597 [arXiv:0907.4900 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-031
    Andreas Schreiber, Katiuscia Cassemiro, Vašek Potoček, Aurel Gábris, Peter Mosely, Erika Andersson, Igor Jex, Christine Silberhorn:
    Photons walking the line: a quantum walk with adjustable coin operations
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010), 050502 [arXiv:0910.2197 [quant-ph]; abs, see also the press release]
  • DI09-030
    Jiří Hrivnák, Lenka Motlochová, Jiří Patera:
    Two dimensional symmetric and antisymmetric generalizations of sine functions
    submitted [arXiv:0912.0241 [math-ph]]
  • DI09-029
    Takuya Mine:
    Landau levels on the hyperbolic plane in the presence of Aharonov-Bohm fields
    International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, submitted
  • DI09-028
    Daniel Jezbera, David Kordek, Jan Kříž, Petr Šeba, Petr Šroll:
    Walkers on the circle
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, to appear [arXiv:0909.1687 [quant-ph]]
  • DI09-027
    Hynek Lavička, Lin Lin, Jaroslav Novotný:
    Employment, production and consumption model: patterns of phase transitions
    Physica A389 (2010), 1708-1720 [abs]
  • DI09-026
    Miloslav Znojil, Petr Siegl, Géza Lévai:
    Asymptotically vanishing PT-symmetric potentials and negative-mass Schrödinger equations
    Phys. Lett. A373 (2009), 1921-1929 [abs]
  • DI09-025
    Petr Siegl:
    The non-equivalence of pseudo-Hermiticity and presence of antilinear symmetry
    PRAMANA - Journal of Physics 73 (2009), 279-287 [text]
  • DI09-024
    Géza Lévai, Petr Siegl, Miloslav Znojil:
    Scattering in the PT-symmetric Coulomb potential
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 295201 [abs]
  • DI09-023
    Bernhard Burgstaller:
    A KK-theoretical descent homomorphism for semimultiplicative sets
    submitted [text]
  • DI09-022
    Jaroslav Dittrich, Vladimir I. Inozemtsev:
    Towards the proof of complete integrability of quantum elliptic many-body systems with spin degrees of freedom
    Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 14 (2009), 218-222 [abs]
  • DI09-021
    Taksu Cheon, Pavel Exner, Ondřej Turek:
    Spectral filtering in quantum Y-junction
    J. Phys. Soc. Japan 78 (2009), 124004 [arXiv:0908.3717 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-020
    Taksu Cheon, Pavel Exner, Ondřej Turek:
    Approximation of a general singular vertex coupling in quantum graphs
    Ann. Phys. 325 (2010), 548-578 [mp_arc 09-142; arXiv:0908.2679 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-019
    Oleh Hul, Petr Šeba, Leszek Sirko:
    Departure of some parameter-dependent spectral statistics of irregular quantum graphs from random matrix theory predictions
    Phys. Rev. E79 (2009), 066204 [abs]
  • DI09-018
    Pavel Exner, Hagen Neidhardt:
    Trotter-Kato product formula for unitary groups
    Integral Equations and Operator Theory, submitted [mp_arc 09-107; arXiv:0907.1199 [math-ph]]
  • DI09-017
    David Krejčiřík, Enrique Zuazua:
    The Hardy inequality and the heat equation in twisted tubes
    Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, to appear [arXiv:0906.3359 [math.AP]]
  • DI09-016
    T. Brougham, G.M. Nikolopoulos, and I. Jex:
    Communication in quantum networks of logical bus topology
    Phys. Rev. A80 (2009), 052325. [arXiv:0910.3798 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-015
    Petr Siegl:
    Surprising spectra of PT-symmetric point interactions
    submitted [arXiv:0906.0226 [math-phys]]
  • DI09-014
    Petr Šeba:
    Traffic and the visual perception of space
    submitted [arXiv:0904.4835 [physics.soc-ph]]
  • DI09-013
    Jiří Tolar, Goce Chadzitaskos:
    Feynman's path integral and mutually unbiased bases
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 245306 [arXiv:0904.0886 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-012
    Boris Shapiro, Kouichi Takemura, Miloš Tater:
    On spectral polynomials of the Heun equation. II
    submitted [arXiv:0904.0650 [math-ph]]
  • DI09-011
    Jaroslav Novotný, Gerd Alber, Igor Jex:
    Random unitary dynamics of quantum networks
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 282003 [arXiv:0904.0107 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-010
    Martin Štefanák, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex:
    Recurrence of biased quantum walks on a line
    New J. Phys. 11 (2009), 043027 [arXiv:0902.3600 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-008
    Frieder Kleefeld:
    On the dynamical generation of quark-level-linear-sigma-model-like theories beyond one loop
    [arXiv:0805.2703 [hep-ph]]
  • DI09-007
    Frieder Kleefeld:
    On how to complete the dynamical generation of quark-level linear sigma model like theories beyond one loop with positive semi-definite norm
    [arXiv:0802.1540 [hep-ph]]
  • DI09-006
    Raouf Dridi:
    On the geometry of the first and the second Painleve equations
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 125201 [abs]
  • DI09-005
    Jose M. Arrieta, David Krejčiřík:
    Geometric versus spectral convergence for the Neumann Laplacian under exterior perturbations of the domain
    Proceedings of IMSE08, to appear [arXiv:0901.4726 [math.SP]]
  • DI09-004
    Ľubomira Balková, Edita Pelantová, Štepán Starosta:
    Palindromes in infinite ternary words
    RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications 43 (2009), 687-702 [arXiv:0901.4261 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI09-003
    Miloslav Havlíček, Edita Pelantová, Jiří Tolar:
    On representations of Lie algebras compatible with a grading
    SIGMA, to appear [arXiv:0901.2300 [math-ph]]
  • DI09-002
    Pavel Exner, Martin Fraas:
    On geometric perturbations of critical Schrödinger operators with a surface interaction
    J. Math. Phys. 50 (2009), 112101 [mp_arc 09-7; arXiv:0901.1148 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-001
    Pavel Exner, Petr Šeba, Daniel Vašata:
    The distribution of landed property
    Physica A A388 (2009), 4619-4623 [mp_arc 09-5; arXiv:0901.0765 [physics.soc-ph]; abs]

  • DI08-68
    A.M. Grundland, A.M. Hariton, L. Šnobl:
    Invariant solutions of the supersymmetric sine-Gordon equation
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 335203 [arXiv:0812.3862[math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-067
    Boris Shapiro, Miloš Tater:
    On spectral polynomials of the Heun equation I
    J. Approx. Theory 162 (2010), 766-781 [arXiv:0812.2321v1 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-066
    Miloslav Havlíček, Jiří Patera, Edita Pelantová, Jiří Tolar:
    Lie algebras compatible with a grading
    J. Math. Phys., submitted
  • DI08-065
    Denis Borisov, Pedro Freitas:
    Asymptotics of Dirichlet eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplacian in thin domains
    J. Funct. Anal. 258 (2010), 893-912 [abs]
  • DI08-064
    Milan Krbálek, Petr Šeba:
    Spectral rigidity of vehicular streams (Random Matrix Theory approach)
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 345001 [arXiv:0812.1106v1 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-063
    Miloslav Znojil:
    The complete menu of eligible metrics for a family of toy Hamiltonians $H \neq H^\dagger$ with real spectra
    [arXiv:0806.4295v1 [math-ph]]
  • DI08-062
    Miloslav Znojil:
    PT-symmetric Sturmians
    [arXiv:0804.3857v1 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-061
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Two-step identification of observables in PT-symmetric quantum-toboggan models to be revised
    [arXiv:0803.0403v1 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-060
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Conditional observability versus self-duality in a schematic model
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 304027 [arXiv:0710.0457v2 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-059
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantum toboggans: models exhibiting a multisheeted PT symmetry
    J. Phys.: Conf. Series 128 (2008), 012046 [arXiv:0710.1485v1 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-058
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Time-dependent version of cryptohermitian quantum theory
    Phys. Rev. D78 (2008), 085003 [arXiv:0809.2874v1 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-57
    Libor Šnobl, Pavel Winternitz:
    All solvable extensions of a class of nilpotent Lie algebras of dimension n and degree of nilpotency n-1
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 105201 [arXiv:0809.3259[math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-056
    Čestmír Burdík, Severín Pošta, Ondřej Navrátil:
    The adjoint representation of quantum algebra U_q(sl(2))
    J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 16 (2009), 63-75 [abs]
  • DI08-055
    S. Twareque Ali, Ľ. Balková, E.M.F. Curado, J.-P. Gazeau, M.A. Rego-Monteiro, Ligia M.C.S. Rodrigues, K. Sekimoto:
    Non-commutative reading of the complex plane through Delone sequences
    submitted [arXiv:0811.4400 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-054
    Ľubomira Balková, Karel Klouda, Edita Pelantová:
    Repetitions in beta-integers
    Lett. Math. Phys., submitted [arXiv:0812.4006v1 [math.CO]]
  • DI08-053
    Karel Klouda, Edita Pelantová:
    Factor complexity of infinite words associated with non-simple Parry numbers
    Integers - Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 9 (2009), 281-310 [arXiv:0812.0164 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI08-052
    Jan Kříž, Petr Šeba:
    Mechanical monitoring of human cardiovaskular system
    in Analysis of Biomedical Signals Images, Proceedings of Biosignal 2008 (Brno 2008, ISSN 1211-412X), 165
  • DI08-051
    Oleh Hul, Petr Šeba, Leszek Sirko:
    Investigation of parameter-dependent properties of quantum graphs
    Phys. Scripta T135 (2009), 014048 [abs]
  • DI08-050
    Jiří Hrivnák, Petr Novotný:
    Twisted cocycles of Lie algebras and corresponding invariant functions
    Linear Algebra and its Applications 430 (2009), 1384-1403 [arXiv:0905.2599[math-ph];abs]
  • DI08-049
    I. Marzoli, P. Tombesi, G. Ciaramicoli, G. Werth, P. Bushev, S. Stahl, F. Schmidt-Kaler, M. Hellwig, C. Henkel, G. Marx, I. Jex, E. Stachowska, G. Syawiola, A. Walaszyk:
    Experimental and theoretical challenges for the trapped electron quantum computer
    J. Phys. B: Atom. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42 (2009), 154010 [arXiv:0810.4408v1 [quant-ph];abs]
  • DI08-048
    V. Potoček, A. Gabris, T. Kiss, I. Jex:
    Optimized quantum random walk search algorithm on a hypercube
    Phys. Rev. A79 (2009), 012325 [abs]

  • DI08-047
    T. Kiss, L. Kecskes, M. Štefaňák, I. Jex:
    Recurrence in coined quantum walks
    Physica Scripta T135 (2009), 014055 [abs]
  • DI08-046
    S. Vymětal, T. Kiss, I. Jex, G. Alber, A. Gabris, T. Langrová:
    Complex chaos in the conditional dynamics of qubits
    AIP Conference Proceedings, to appear
  • DI08-045
    T. Kiss, I. Jex, G. Alber, E. Kollar:
    Properties of complex chaos in conditional qubit dynamics
    Int. J. Quant. Inf. 6, supp. 1 (2008), 695-700 [abs]
  • DI08-044
    C.S. Hamilton, H. Lavička, E. Andersson, J. Jeffers, I. Jex:
    Quantum public key distribution with imperfect device components
    Phys. Rev. A79 (2009), 023808. [abs]
  • DI08-043
    Petr Ambrož, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Morphisms fixing words associated with exchange of three intervals
    RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications (2009), to appear [arXiv:0811.2147 [math.CO]]
  • DI08-042
    M. Grundland, J. Patera, Z. Masáková, N. Dodgson:
    Image Sampling with Quasicrystals
    SIGMA 5 (2009), 075, 13pp. [preprint; abs]
  • DI08-041
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Relation between powers of factors and recurrence function characterizing Sturmian words
    Theoretical Computer Science 410 (2009), 3589-3596 [arXiv:0809.0603 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI08-040
    M. Štefaňák, D. Haase, W. Merkel, M.S. Zubairy, W.P. Schleich:
    Factorization with exponential sums
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 304024 [abs]
  • DI08-039
    Angela Mestre, Robert Oeckl:
    Hopf algebras and the combinatorics of connected graphs in quantum field theory
    Proc. of the Conference on Combinatorics and Physics (MPIM Bonn, March 2007), to appear [arXiv:0808.1070v1 [math-ph]]
  • DI08-038
    Angela Mestre:
    Generating connected and biconnected graphs
    Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 13 (2009), 251-281 [arXiv:0710.5711v2 [math.CO]; text]
  • DI08-037
    Petr Siegl:
    Supersymmetric quasi-Hermitian Hamiltonians with point interactions on a loop
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 244025 [abs]
  • DI08-036
    Pavel Štovíček, Matěj Tušek:
    On the spectrum of a quantum dot with impurity in the Lobachevsky plane
    Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 198, 291-304; Birkhauser Verlag, Basel 2009 [arXiv:0811.3825 [math-ph]]
  • DI08-035
    Thomas Brougham, Erika Andersson, Stephen M. Barnett:
    Entropic uncertainties for joint quantum measurements
    Phys. Rev. A80 (2009), 042106. [arXiv:0812.1474v1 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-034
    Taksu Cheon, Pavel Hejčík:
    Anomalous relativistic tunneling and exotic point interactions
    Europhys. Lett. 81 (2008), 50001 [arXiv:0709.3495 [quant-ph], abs]
  • DI08-033
    Pavel Exner, Olaf Post:
    Approximation of quantum graph vertex couplings by scaled Schroedinger operators on thin branched manifolds
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 415305 [mp_arc 08-220; arXiv:0811.3707 [math-ph], abs]
  • DI08-032
    L. Háková, M. Larouche, J. Patera:
    The rings of n-dimensional polytopes
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 495202 [abs]
  • DI08-031
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Discrete PT-symmetric models of scattering
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 292002 [arXiv:0806.2019 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-030
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Scattering theory with localized non-Hermiticities
    Phys. Rev. D78 (2008), 025026 [arXiv:0805.2800 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI08-029
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Identification of observables in quantum toboggans
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 215304 [arXiv:0803.0403 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-028
    Petr Šeba, Daniel Vašata:
    Chaos in a one dimensional integrable quantum system
    Phys. Lett. A373 (2009), 826-831 [arXiv:0808.2930 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-027
    Michal Lawniczak, Oleh Hul, Szymon Bauch, Petr Šeba, Leszek Sirko:
    Experimental and numerical investigation of the reflection coefficient and the distributions of Wigner’s reaction matrix for irregular graphs with absorption
    Phys. Rev. E77 (2008), 056210 [abs]
  • DI08-026
    Claudio Cacciapuoti, Raffaele Carlone, Rodolfo Figari:
    Resonances in models of spin dependent point interactions
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 035202 [arXiv:0807.3924 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-025
    Emil Doležal, Petr Šeba:
    Spectral density of sample covariance matrices of colored noise
    submitted [arXiv:0807.2378 []]
  • DI08-024
    Pierre Duclos, Pavel Exner, Ondřej Turek:
    On the spectrum of a bent chain graph
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 415206 [mp_arc 08-136; arXiv:0807.1419 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-023
    P. Hájíček, J. Tolar:
    Intrinsic properties of quantum systems
    Found. Phys. 39 (2009), 411-432. [arXiv:0806.4437 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-022
    V. Potoček, A. Gabris, T. Kiss, I. Jex:
    Optimized quantum random walk search algorithms
    [arXiv:0805.4347 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-021
    Martin Štefanák, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex:
    Recurrence properties of unbiased coined quantum walks on infinite d-dimensional lattices
    Phys. Rev. A78 (2008), 032306 [arXiv:0805.1322 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-020
    A.M. Grundland, I. Yurdusen:
    On certain geometric aspects of surfaces associated with CP^{N-1} sigma models
    submitted [text]
  • DI08-019
    Petr Šeba:
    Parking in the city: an example of limited resource sharing
    Acta Phys. Polonica A116 (2009), 779-782 [arXiv:0804.1676 [physics.soc-ph]; text]
  • DI08-018
    A.M. Grundland, A.J. Hariton:
    Supersymmetric version of a hydrodynamic system in Riemann invariants and its solutions
    J. Math. Phys. 49 (2008), 043502 [abs]
  • DI08-017
    Claudio Cacciapuoti, Domenico Finco:
    Graph-like models for thin waveguides with Robin boundary conditions
    submitted to Asympt. Anal. [arXiv:0803.4314 [math-ph]]
  • DI08-016
    Petr Novotný, Jiří Hrivnák:
    On the (alpha,beta,gamma)-derivations of Lie algebras and corresponding invariant functions
    J. Geom. Phys. 58 (2008), 208-217 [arXiv:0803.2682 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-015
    Petra Kocábová, Pavel Štovíček:
    Generalized Bloch analysis and propagators on Riemannian manifolds with a discrete symmetry
    J. Math. Phys. 49 (2008), 033518 [arXiv:0802.4235v1 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-014
    Ľubomira Balková, Edita Pelantová:
    Palindromic saturation
    submitted [arXiv:0802.2995 [math-ph]]
  • DI08-013
    Ľubomira Balková, Jean-Pierre Gazeau, Edita Pelantová:
    Asymptotic behavior of beta-integers
    Lett. Math. Phys. 84 (2008), 179-198 [arXiv:0802.2992 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-012
    P. Hájíček, J. Tolar:
    Intrinsic and extrinsic properties of quantum systems
    submitted [arXiv:0802.0750 [math-ph]]
  • DI08-011
    David Krejčiřík:
    Twisting versus bending in quantum waveguides
    Proceedings of the INI programme "Analysis on Graphs and Applications" (Cambridge 2007), AMS "Contemporary Mathematics" Series, vol. 77, Providence, R.I., 2008; pp. 617-636 [arXiv:0712.3371 [math-ph]]
  • DI08-010
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantum knots
    Phys. Lett. A372 (2008), 3591-3596 [arXiv:0802.1318 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-009
    Andreas Fring, Miloslav Znojil:
    PT-symmetric deformations of Calogero models
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 194010 [arXiv:0802.0624 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-008
    Miloslav Znojil:
    PT-symmetric knotting of coordinates: a new, topological mechanism of quantum confinement
    [arXiv:0801.0517 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-007
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Matrix Hamiltonians with an algebraic guarantee of unbroken PT-symmetry
    [arXiv:0801.0359 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-006
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Which operator generates time evolution in Quantum Mechanics?
    [arXiv:0711.0535 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-005
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Reply to Comment on &qout;Time-dependent quasi-Hermitian Hamiltonians and the unitary quantum evolution"
    [arXiv:0711.0514 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-004
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Time-dependent quasi-Hermitian Hamiltonians and the unitarity of quantum evolution
    [arXiv:0710.5653 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-003
    Miloslav Znojil:
    On the role of the normalization factors kappa_n and of the pseudo-metric P\neq P^+ in crypto-Hermitian quantum models
    SIGMA 4 (2008), 001 [arXiv:arXiv:0710.4432v3 [math-ph]; text]
  • DI08-002
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Horizons of stability
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 244027 [arXiv:0710.1501 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-001
    Pavel Exner, Martin Fraas:
    Interlaced dense point and absolutely continuous spectra for Hamiltonians with concentric-shell singular interactions
    Proceedings of the QMath10 Conference (Moeciu 2007), World Scientific, Singapore 2008; pp. 48-65 [mp_arc 08-19; arXiv:0801.4306 [math-ph]]

  • DI07-063
    Denis Kochan:
    Quantization of Non-Lagrangian systems
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 24 (2009), 5319-5340 [abs]
  • DI07-062
    Denis Kochan:
    Quantization of Non-Lagrangian systems: some irresponsible speculations
    in AIP Conf. Proc. 956 (2007), 3-8
  • DI07-061
    Pavel Exner, Sylwia Kondej:
    Hiatus perturbation for a singular Schr\"odinger operator with an interaction supported by a curve in $\mathbb{R}^3$
    J. Math. Phys. 49 (2008), 032111 [mp_arc 07-301; arXiv:0712.0313 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-060
    Daniel Gebert, Oliver Kern, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex:
    Stabilization of quantum information by combined dynamical decoupling and detected-jump error correction
    Eur. Phys. J. D46 (2008), 381-394 [arXiv:0712.1480v1 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-059
    David Krejčiřík:
    Spectrum of the Laplacian in a narrow curved strip with combined Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions
    ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 15 (2009), 555-568 [arXiv:0803.0937 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI07-058
    David Krejčiřík, Miloš Tater:
    Non-Hermitian spectral effects in a PT-symmetric waveguide
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 244013 [arXiv:0802.0921 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-057
    Boris Shapiro, Miloš Tater:
    Root asymptotics of spectral polynomials
    Acta Polytechnica 47 (2007), 32-36 [abs]
  • DI07-056
    Goce Chadzitaskos:
    Coherent states on open finite chains
    Proceedings of "XXVI International Workshop on Geometical Methods in Physics" (Bialowieza 2007; P. Kielanowski et al, eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 956, Springer 2007; pp. 240-244
  • DI07-055
    Jaroslav Dittrich, Vladimir I. Inozemtsev:
    The commutativity of integrals of motion for quantum spin chains and elliptic functions identities
    Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 13 (2008), 19-26 [arXiv:0711.1973v1 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-054
    Pedro Freitas, David Krejčiřík:
    A sharp upper bound for the first Dirichlet eigenvalue and the growth of the isoperimetric constant of convex domains
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 136 (2008), 2997-3006 [arXiv:0710.5475 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI07-053
    Vít Jakubský:
    Thermodynamics of Pseudo-Hermitian systems in equilibrium
    Mod. Phys. Lett. A22 (2007), 1075-1084 [quant-ph/0703092; abs]
  • DI07-052
    Vít Jakubský:
    Pseudo-Hermitian operators in description of physical systems
    Acta Polytechnica 47 (2007), 47-50 [abs]
  • DI07-051
    Pavel Exner, Andrea Mantile:
    On the optimization of the principal eigenvalue for single-centre point-interaction operators in a bounded region
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 065305 [mp_arc 07-297; arXiv:0711.4247 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-050
    Jun-Hua Chen, Edita Pelantová, Miloslav Znojil:
    Classification of the conditionally observable spectra exhibiting central symmetry
    Phys. Lett. A372 (2008), 1986-1989 [arXiv:0711.3947 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-049
    Petr Šeba:
    Markov chain of distances between parked cars
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 122003 [arXiv:0707.3924v3 [nlin.AO]; abs]
  • DI07-048
    Mark Harmer:
    Two particles on a star graph II
    submitted [arXiv:0711.3117 [math-ph]]
  • DI07-047
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Tridiagonal PT-symmetric N by N Hamiltonians and a fine-tuning of their observability domains in the strongly non-Hermitian regime
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 13131-13148 [0709.1569v1 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-046
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantum toboggans with two branch points
    Phys. Lett. A372 (2008), 584-590 [0708.0087v1 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-045
    Miloslav Znojil:
    PT-symmetric quantum chain models
    Acta Polytechnica 47 (2007), 9-14 [abs]
  • DI07-044
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Conditional observability
    Phys. Lett. B650 (2007), 440-446 [0704.3812v1 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI07-043
    Miloslav Znojil, Uwe Guenther:
    Dynamics of charged fluids and 1/L perturbation expansions
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 7375-7388 [math-ph/0610055v2; abs]
  • DI07-042
    Jaroslav Smejkal, Vít Jakubský, Miloslav Znojil:
    Relativistic vector bosons and PT-symmetry
    Journal of Physical Studies 11 (2007), 45-54 [hep-th/0611287]
  • DI07-041
    Jan Kříž, Petr Šeba:
    Force plate monitoring of human hemodynamics
    Nonlinear Biomedical Physics 2 (2008), 1 [physics/0507135v2; abs]
  • DI07-040
    Ľubomira Balková, Edita Pelantová:
    A note on symmetries in the Rauzy graph and factor frequencies
    Theor. Comp. Sci. 410 (2009), 2779-2783 [arXiv:0902.0632 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI07-039
    P. Arnoux, V. Berthé, Z. Masáková, E. Pelantová:
    Sturm numbers and substitution invariance of 3iet words
    Integers - Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 8 (2008), no. A14, 17pp [arXiv:0710.5845v1 [math.CO]; text]
  • DI07-038
    Petr Baláži, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Characterization of substitution invariant 3iet words
    Integers - Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 8 (2008), no. A20, 21pp [arXiv:0709.2638 [math.CO]; text]
  • DI07-037
    Milena Svobodová:
    Fine gradings of low-rank complex Lie algebras and their real form
    SIGMA, Proceedings of the Conference "Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics" 4 (2008), 039 (13 pp.) [abs]
  • DI07-036
    Petr Ambrož:
    Matrices associated to 3-interval exchange transformation and their spectra
    Acta Polytechnica 47 (2007), 68-70 [abs]
  • DI07-035
    Ľubomira Balková, Edita Pelantová, Wolfgang Steiner:
    Sequences with constant number of return words
    Monatshefte fur Mathematik 155 (2008), 251-263 [math.CO/0608603; abs]
  • DI07-034
    Ondřej Turek:
    Balance properties of the fixed point of the substitution associated to quadratic simple Pisot numbers
    RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications 41 (2007), 123-135 [abs]
  • DI07-033
    Pavel Exner, Petr Šeba:
    A Markov process associated with plot-size distribution in Czech Land Registry and its number-theoretic properties
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 045004 [arXiv:0711.1836 [physics.soc-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-032
    Pavel Exner:
    Leaky quantum graphs: a review
    Proceedings of the INI programme "Analysis on Graphs and Applications" (Cambridge 2007), AMS "Contemporary Mathematics" Series, vol. 77, Providence, R.I., 2008; pp. 523-564 [mp_arc 07-261; arXiv:0710.5903 [math-ph]]
  • DI07-031
    Pierre Duclos, Ondřej Lev, Pavel Štovíček:
    On the energy growth of some periodically driven quantum systems with shrinking gaps in the spectrum
    J. Stat. Phys. 130 (2008), 169-193 [arXiv:0710.2331 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-030
    V. Geyler, P. Štovíček, M. Tušek:
    A quantum dot with impurity in the Lobachevsky plane
    Proceedings of the 6th Workshop Operator Theory, Birkhaeuser OT series, to appear [arXiv:0709.2790 [math-ph]]
  • DI07-029
    P. Šulc, J. Tolar:
    Group theoretical construction of mutually unbiased bases in Hilbert spaces of prime dimensions
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 15099-15111 [arXiv:0708.4114 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-028
    Mark Harmer:
    Two particles on a star graph I
    Russ. J. Math. Phys. 14 (2007), 4350-439 [arXiv:0708.0915 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-027
    Tamás Fülöp:
    Singular potentials in quantum mechanics and ambiguity in the self-adjoint Hamiltonian
    SIGMA 3 (2007), 107 [arXiv:0708.0866 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-026
    Denis Borisov, David Krejčiřík:
    PT-symmetric waveguide
    Integral Equations and Operator Theory 62 (2008), 489-515 [arXiv:0707.3039 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-025
    David Krejčiřík:
    Calculation of the metric in the Hilbert space of PT-symmetric model via the spectral theorem
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 244012 [arXiv:0707.1781 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-024
    P. Exner, O. Post:
    Quantum networks modelled by graphs
    Proceedings of the Joint Mathematics/Physics Workshop "Quantum Few-Body System" (Aarhus 2007), AIP Conf. Proc., vol. 998; Melville, NY, 2008, pp. 1-17. [arXiv:0706.0481 [math-ph]]
  • DI07-023
    C. Frougny, Z. Masáková, E. Pelantová:
    Infinite special branches in words associated with beta-expansions
    Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 9 (2007), 125-144 [abs]
  • DI07-022
    P. Kocábová, Z. Masáková, E. Pelantová:
    Ambiguity in the m-bonacci numeration system
    Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 9 (2007), 109-124 [abs]
  • DI07-021
    P. Ambrož, Z. Masáková, E. Pelantová:
    Addition and multiplication of beta-expansions in generalized Tribonacci base
    Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 9 (2007), 73-88 [abs]
  • DI07-020
    Pavel Exner, Petr Šeba:
    A "hybrid plane" with spin-orbit interaction
    Russ. J. Math. Phys. 14 (2007), 430-434 [mp_arc 07-121; arXiv:0705.2487 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-019
    Martin Štefanák, Igor Jex, Tamás Kiss:
    Recurrence and Pólya number of quantum walks
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008), 020501 [arXiv:0705.1991 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-018
    Pavel Exner, Martin Fraas:
    On the dense point and absolutely continuous spectrum for Hamiltonians with concentric $\delta$ shells
    Lett. Math. Phys. 82 (2007), 25-37 [mp_arc 07-117; arXiv:0705.1407 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-017
    Claudio Cacciapuoti, Pavel Exner:
    Nontrivial edge coupling from a Dirichlet network squeezing: the case of a bent waveguide
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), L511-L523 [mp_arc 07-99; arXiv:0704.2912 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-016
    Pavel Exner, Martin Fraas:
    A remark on helical waveguides
    Phys. Lett. A369 (2007), 393-399 [mp_arc 07-96; arXiv:0704.2770 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-015
    Petr Ambrož, Lenka Háková, Edita Pelantová:
    A note on 3iet preserving morphisms
    Proceedings WORDS 2007(Marseille) (P. Arnoux, N. Bedaride, J. Cassaigne, eds.), Institut de Mathematiques de Luminy 2007; pp. 18-24 [math.CO/0703792]
  • DI07-014
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Maximal couplings in PT-symmetric chain-models with the real spectrum of energies
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 4863-4875 [math-ph/0703070, abs]
  • DI07-013
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Determination of the domain of the admissible matrix elements in the four-dimensional PT-symmetric anharmonic model
    Phys. Lett. A367 (2007), 300-306 [quant-ph/0703168, abs]
  • DI07-012
    Miloslav Znojil:
    A return to observability near exceptional points in a schematic PT-symmetric model
    Phys. Lett. B647 (2007), 225-230 [quant-ph/0701232, abs]
  • DI07-011
    Pavel Exner, Ondřej Turek:
    Approximations of singular vertex couplings in quantum graphs
    Rev. Math. Phys. 19 (2007), 571-606 [mp_arc 07-62; math-ph/0703051; abs]
  • DI07-010
    Pavel Exner, Martin Fraas, Evans M. Harrell:
    On the critical exponent in an isoperimetric inequality for chords
    Phys. Lett. A368 (2007), 1-6 [mp_arc 07-53; math-ph/0703020; abs]
  • DI07-009
    Pavel Exner, Olaf Post:
    Convergence of resonances on thin branched quantum wave guides
    J. Math. Phys. 48 (2007), 092104 [mp_arc 07-46; math-ph/0702075; abs]
  • DI07-008
    Petr Luft, Goce Chadzitaskos, Jiří Tolar:
    Dihedral symmetry of periodic chain: quantization and coherent states
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 4833-4845 [quant-ph/0702180, abs]
  • DI07-007
    Petr Ambrož, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Matrices of 3iet preserving morphisms
    Theoret. Comp. Sci. 400 (2008), 113-136 [math.CO/0702336]
  • DI07-006
    Julien Bernat, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    On a class of infinite words with affine factor complexity
    Theoret. Comp. Sci. 389 (2007), 12-25 [math.CO/0612466]
  • DI07-005
    A. Gabris, T. Kiss, I. Jex:
    Scattering quantum random-walk search with errors
    Phys. Rev. A76 (2007), 062315 [quant-ph/0701150v3; abs]
  • DI07-004
    Jaroslav Novotný, Gerd Alber, Igor Jex:
    Network implementation of covariant two-qubit quantum operations
    Phys. Rev. A75 (2007), 042309 [quant-ph/0701048; abs]
  • DI07-003
    Čestmír Burdík, Severín Pošta, Ondřej Navrátil:
    Two-dimensional matrix Calogero models of the BC_2 type
    Yad. Fiz. 70 (2007), 491-495 [abs]
  • DI07-002
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Mass-sign duality of cubic oscillators
    Adv. Studies Theor. Phys. 1 (2007), 405-408 [math-ph/0612073; text]]
  • DI07-001
    Pavel Exner, Mario Helm, Peter Stollmann:
    Localization on a quantum graph with a random potential on the edges
    Rev. Math. Phys. 19 (2007), 923-939 [mp_arc 06-371; math-ph/0612087; abs]

  • DI06-054
    Pedro Freitas, David Krejčiřík:
    Location of the nodal set for thin curved tubes
    Indiana Univ. Math. J. 57 (2008), 343-376 [math.SP/0602470; abs]
  • DI06-053
    Pedro Freitas, David Krejčiřík:
    Unbounded planar domains whose second nodal line does not touch the boundary
    Math. Res. Lett. 14 (2007), 107-111 [abs]
  • DI06-052
    Tomas Ekholm, Hynek Kovařík, David Krejčiřík:
    A Hardy inequality in twisted waveguides
    Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 188 (2008), 245-164. [math-ph/0512050; abs]
  • DI06-051
    V.B. Belyaev, M. Tater, E. Truhlík:
    Influence of protons on the capture of electrons by the nuclei of 7Be in the Sun
    Phys. Rev. C75 (2007), 034608 [astro-ph/0606679; abs]
  • DI06-050
    Jeremy M. Hutson, Pavel Soldán:
    Molecular collisions in ultracold atomic gases
    Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 26 (2007), 1-28 [physics/0610219; abs]
  • DI06-049
    Denis Kochan:
    How to quantize forces: an academic essay how the strings could enter classical mechanics
    J. Geom. Phys., to appear [hep-th/0612115; abs]
  • DI06-048
    Joachim Asch, Pavel Štovíček:
    On the dynamics created by a time dependent Aharonov-Bohm flux
    Rep. Math. Phys. 59 (2007), 299-303 [abs]
  • DI06-047
    Joachim Asch, Pavel Štovíček:
    Dynamics of a classical Hall system driven by a time dependent Aharonov-Bohm flux
    J. Math. Phys. 48 (2007), 052901 [math-ph/0609039]
  • DI06-046
    Pavel Exner:
    Unstable system dynamics: do we understand it fully?
    Rep. Math. Phys. 59 (2007), 351-363 [abs]
  • DI06-045
    Denis Borisov:
    Distant perturbations of the Laplacian in a multi-dimensional space
    Ann. H. Poincaré 8 (2007), 1371-1399 [math-ph/0608006; abs]
  • DI06-044
    Denis Borisov:
    Asymptotic behaviour of the spectrum of a waveguide with distant perturbation
    Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 10 (2007), 155-196 [math-ph/0606011; abs]
  • DI06-043
    Milan Krbálek, Petr Šeba:
    Statistical variances in traffic data
    submitted [physics/0611049]
  • DI06-042
    Milan Krbálek:
    Equilibrium distributions in thermodynamical traffic gas
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 5813-5821 [cond-mat/0603375; abs]
  • DI06-041
    Tamás Fülöp, Izumi Tsutsui:
    Boundary effect of a partition in a quantum well
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 4585-4608 [quant-ph/0612011; abs]
  • DI06-040
    Ladislav Hlavatý, Libor Šnobl:
    Poisson-Lie T-plurality as canonical transformation
    Nucl. Phys. B768 (2007), 209-218 [hep-th/0608133; abs]
  • DI06-039
    V. Košták, G. Nikolopoulos, I. Jex:
    Perfect state transfer in networks of arbitrary topology and coupling configuration
    Phys. Rev. A75 (2007), 042319 [abs]
  • DI06-038
    A. Tereszkiewicz, A. Odzijewicz, M. Horowski, I, Jex, G. Chadzitaskos:
    Explicitly solvable models of two-mode coupler in Kerr-media
    Phys. Rev. A75 (2007), 063817 [abs]
  • DI06-037
    Ondřej Lev, Pavel Štovíček:
    On a semiclassical formula for non-diagonal matrix elements
    Int. J. Theor. Phys. 46 (2007), 2688-2707 [hep-th/0611109; abs]
  • DI06-036
    R.D. Benguria, R. Brummelhuis, P. Duclos, S. Perez-Oyarzun, P. Vytřas:
    Asymptotic behaviour of the equilibrium nuclear separation for the H_2^+ molecule in a strong magnetic field
    J. Phys. A39 (2006), 13325-13336 [abs]
  • DI06-035
    Pedro Freitas, David Krejčiřík:
    Waveguides with combined Dirichlet and Robin boundary conditions
    Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 9 (2006), 335-352 [math-ph/0701075; abs]
  • DI06-034
    David Krejčiřík, Hynek Kovařík:
    A Hardy inequality in a twisted Dirichlet-Neumann waveguide
    Math. Nachr. 281 (2008), 1159-1168 [math-ph/0603076; abs]
  • DI06-033
    Denis Kochan:
    Noncommutative Lagrange mechanics
    SIGMA 4 (2008), 028 [hep-th/0610061; abs]
  • DI06-032
    Miloslav Znojil:
    On a few new quantization recipes using PT-symmetry
    Czech. J. Phys 56 (2006), 977-984 [abs]
  • DI06-031
    M. Znojil, H.B. Geyer:
    Construction of a unique metric in quasi-Hermitian quantum mechanics: non-existence of the charge operator in a 2x2 matrix model
    Phys. Lett. B640 (2006), 52-56 [quant-ph/0607104; abs]; erratum B649 (2007), 494 [doi]
  • DI06-030
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Spiked potentials and quantum toboggans
    J. Phys. A39 (2006), 13325-13336 [quant-ph/0606166, abs]
  • DI06-029
    Čestmír Burdík, Severín Pošta, Ondřej Navrátil:
    On the matrix 3x3 exactly solvable models of the type G_2
    J. Nonlin. Math. Phys. 13, Suppl. (2006), 27-36 [text]
  • DI06-028
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Self-matching properties of Beatty sequences
    Acta Polytechnica 47 (2007), 21-24 [math.CO/0609631; abs]
  • DI06-027
    Ľubomira Balková, Zuzana Masáková:
    Palindromic complexity of infinite words associated with non-simple Parry numbers
    RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications 43 (2009), 145-163 [math.CO/0611508; abs]
  • DI06-026
    Vít Jakubský, Jaroslav Smejkal:
    A positive-definite scalar product for free Proca particle,
    Czech. J. Phys. 56 (2006), 985-998 [hep-th/0610290; abs]
  • DI06-025
    Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    Equivalence of resolvent and scattering resonances on quantum graphs,
    in "Adventures in Mathematical Physics" (Proceedings, Cergy-Pontoise 2006), AMS "Contemporary Mathematics" Series, vol. 447, Providence, R.I., 2007; pp. 73-81. [mp_arc 06-302; math-ph/0610065]
  • DI06-024
    Manuel Lara, John L. Bohn, Daniel E. Potter, Pavel Soldán, Jeremy M. Hutson:
    Cold collisions between OH and Rb: The field-free case,
    Phys. Rev. A75 (2007), 012704 [physics/0608200, abs]
  • DI06-023
    Manuel Lara, John L. Bohn, Daniel E. Potter, Pavel Soldán, Jeremy M. Hutson:
    Ultracold Rb-OH collisions and prospects for sympathetic cooling
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006), 183201 [physics/0607084, abs]
  • DI06-022
    Jeremy M. Hutson, Pavel Soldán:
    Molecular formation in ultracold atomic gases
    Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 25 (2006), 497-596 [physics/0607234, abs]
  • DI06-021
    Jiří Patera, Edita Pelantová, Milena Svobodová:
    Fine group gradings of the real forms of sl(4,C), sp(4,C), and o(4,C)
    J. Math. Phys. 48 (2007), 093503 [math-ph/0608032]
  • DI06-020
    Ľubomira Balková, Edita Pelantová, Ondřej Turek:
    Combinatorial and arithmetical properties of infinite words associated with non-simple quadratic Parry numbers
    RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications 41 (2007), 307-328 [cs.DM/0608065; abs]
  • DI06-019
    Ľubomira Balková, Edita Pelantová, Wolfgang Steiner:
    Return words in the Thue-Morse and other sequences
    submitted [math.CO/0608603]
  • DI06-018
    T. Probst-Schendzielorz, A. Wolf, M. Freyberger, J. Bergou, I. Jex, Bing He:
    Unambiguous discriminator for unknown quantum states: An implementation
    Phys. Rev. A75 (2007), 052116 [abs]
  • DI06-017
    M. Štefaňák, T. Kiss, I. Jex, G. Mohring:
    The meeting problem in the quantum random walk
    J. Phys. A39 (2006) 14965-14983 [abs]
  • DI06-016
    Frieder Kleefeld:
    On some meaningful inner product for real Klein-Gordon fields with positive semi-definite norm
    Czech. J. Phys. 56 (2006), 999-1006 [quant-ph/0606070, abs]
  • DI06-015
    Denis Borisov, Pavel Exner:
    Distant perturbation asymptotics in window-coupled waveguides. I. The non-threshold case
    J. Math. Phys. 47 (2006), 113502 [mp_arc 06-177; math-ph/0606022, abs]
  • DI06-014
    Pavel Exner, Martin Fraas:
    Resonance asymptotics in the generalized Winter model
    Phys. Lett. A360 (2006), 57-61 [quant-ph/0606020, abs]
  • DI06-013
    David Krejčiřík, Hynek Bíla, Miloslav Znojil:
    Closed formula for the metric in the Hilbert space of a PT-symmetric model
    J. Phys. A39 (2006), 10143-10153 [math-ph/0604055, abs]
  • DI06-012
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Matching method and exact solvability of discrete PT-symmetric square wells
    J. Phys. A39 (2006), 10247-10261 [quant-ph/0605209, abs]
  • DI06-011
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quasi-exact minus-quartic oscillators in strong-core regime
    Phys. Lett. A359 (2006), 21-25 [quant-ph/0602231, abs]
  • DI06-010
    T. Kiss, I. Jex, G. Alber, S. Vymětal:
    Complex chaos in the conditional dynamics of qubits
    Phys. Rev. A74 (2006), 040301 [quant-ph/0511208, abs]
  • DI06-009
    E. Andersson, M. Curty, I. Jex
    Experimentally realizable quantum comparison of coherent states and its applications
    Phys. Rev. A74 (2006), 022304 [quant-ph/0601130, abs]
  • DI06-008
    Pavel Exner, Pavel Hejčík, Petr Šeba:
    Approximations by graphs and emergence of global structures
    Rep. Math. Phys. 57 (2006), 445-455 [quant-ph/0508226, abs]
  • DI06-007
    Jaroslav Novotný, Gerd Alber, Igor Jex:
    Completely positive covariant two-qubit quantum processes and optimal quantum NOT operations for entangled qubit pairs
    Phys. Rev. A73 (2006), 062311 [quant-ph/0603184, abs]
  • DI06-006
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Quasicrystals: algebraic, combinatorial and geometrical aspects
    Proceedings of NATO School "Physics and Computer Science - From Numbers and Languages to (Quantum) Cryptography", Security through Science Series: Information and Communication Security, vol. 7, J.-P. Gazeau, J. Nešetřil, B. Rovan (eds.), IOS Press (2007), 113-131 [math-ph/0603065]
  • DI06-005
    Petr Baláži, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Factor versus palindromic complexity of uniformly recurrent infinite words
    Theoret. Comp. Sci. 380 (2007), 266-275 [math.CO/0603607; abs]
  • DI06-004
    Petr Ambrož, Christiane Frougny:
    On alpha-adic expansions in Pisot bases
    Theoret. Comp. Sci. 380 (2007), 266-275 [math.NT/0603650, abs]
  • DI06-003
    P. Ambrož, C. Frougny, Z. Masáková, E. Pelantová:
    Palindromic complexity of infinite words associated with simple Parry numbers
    Annales de l' Institut Fourier 56 (2006), 2131-2160 [math.CO/0603608, abs]
  • DI06-002
    Pavel Exner, Takashi Ichinose, Hagen Neidhardt, Valentin Zagrebnov:
    Zeno product formula revisited
    Integral Equations and Operator Theory 57 (2007), 67-81 [mp_arc 06-73; math-ph/0411036, abs]
  • DI06-001
    Pavel Exner, Martin Fraas:
    The decay law can have an irregular character
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 1333-1340 [quant-ph/0603067, abs

  • Monographs, textbooks, edited volumes

  • Pavel Exner, ed.:
    XVIth International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Proceedings of the ICMP held in Prague, August 3-8, 2009; xvii+690 p.; World Scientific, Singapore 2010.

  • Jiří Blank, Pavel Exner, Miloslav Havlíček:
    Hilbert-Space Operators in Quantum Physics. Second edition (revised and extended)
    xviii+666 p.; Springer, Dordrecht 2008.

  • Pavel Exner, Jonathan P. Keating, Peter Kuchment, Toshikazu Sunada, Alexander Teplyaev, eds.:
    Analysis on Graphs and Applications, Proceedings of a Isaac Newton Institute programme, January 8 - June 29, 2007; 670 p.;
    AMS "Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics" Series, vol.77, Providence, R.I., 2008

  • Andreas Fring, Hugh Jones, Miloslav Znojil, eds.:
    Proceedings of the "6th International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics"
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), No. 24 [preface]

  • Patents

  • Goce Chadzitaskos:
    An Optical term for Roentgen Microscopy, Patent CZ 299759. 2008-10-03., 2008

  • Miscellanea

  • Igor Jex:
    Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
    Čs. čas. fyz. 59 (2009),141
  • Miloslav Znojil:
    Proceedings of the 3-rd Microconference Analytic and Algebraic Methods III
    SIGMA 4 (2008) [text]
  • Edita Pelantová:
    Unusual representations of numbers, in Proceedings of the 29th Conference on History of Mathematics, Matfyzpress, Prague 2008, ISBN 978-80-7378-048-7; pp. 153-155

  • Igor Jex:
    "Ludwig Boltzmann - the first among the atomists" (in Czech); Prometheus Publishers, Prague 2006

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