Nové číslo Sociologického časopisu / Czech Sociological Review 6/2009

Vloženo dne:
Sociologický časopis je recenzovaný vědecký časopis publikující původní příspěvky k poznání společnosti od českých i zahraničních autorů. Vychází od roku 1965.


Pat Lyons, Tomáš Lacina: An Examination of Legislative Roll-Call Voting in the Czech Republic Using Spatial Models . . . 1155

Tomáš Kostelecký, Jana Vobecká: Housing Affordability in Czech Regions and Demographic Behaviour – Does Housing Affordability Impact Fertility? . . . 1191

Olga Nešporová, Zdeněk R. Nešpor: Religion: An Unsolved Problem for the Modern Czech Nation . . . 1215

Zdenka Šadl: ‘We Women Are No Good at It’: Networking in Academia. . . 1239

Michal Franta, Tomáš Konečný: Stochastic Frontier Analysis of the Efficiency of Czech Grammar School. . . 1265

Věra Kuchařová: Work-life Balance: Societal and Private Infl uences. . . 1283



János Kornai: By Force of Thought: Irregular Memoirs of an Intellectual Journey (Richard Rose) . . . 1311

Achim Goerres: The Political Participation of Older People in Europe: The Greying of Our Democracies (John A. Vincent). . . 1312

Tomasz Inglot: Welfare States in East Central Europe, 1919–2004 (Tim Goedemé). . . 1316

Tomila V. Lankina and Anneke Hudalla, with Hellman Wollmann: Local Governance in Central and Eastern Europe: Comparing Performance in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Russia (Seán Hanley). . . 1318

Martin Horak: Governing the Post-Communist City. Institutions and Democratic Development in Prague (Simon Smith). . . 1322

Melissa Feinberg: Elusive Equality: Gender, Citizenship, and the Limits of Democracy in Czechoslovakia, 1918–1950 (Alice Szczepaniková). . . 1326

Irena Kogan, Michael Gebel and Clemens Noelke: Europe Enlarged: A Handbook of Education, Labour and Welfare Regimes in Central and Eastern Europe (Eszter Zólyomi). . . 1329

Joseph D. Lewandowski and Milan Znoj (eds.): Trust and Transitions: Social Capital in a Changing World (Jan Fidrmuc). . . 1331

V. Burau, H. Theobald and R. H. Blank: Governing Home Care – A Cross-National Comparison, Globalization and Welfare (Frédérique R. Hoffmann). . . 1334

Jan Drahokoupil: Globalization and the State in Central and Eastern Europe. The Politics of Foreign Direct Investment (Marian Gorynia, Katarzyna Blanke-Ławniczak). . . 1336

Manuela Sofia Stănculescu and Tine Stanovnik (eds.): Activity, Incomes and Social Welfare (Márton Medgyesi). . . 1339

Georgina Waylen: Engendering Transitions: Women’s Mobilization, Institutions, and Gender Outcomes (Umut Korkut) . . . 1342


Reviewers of Articles in 2009. . . 1345


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Tiskové a ediční oddělení Sociologického ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i.
Jilská 1,110 00 Praha 1
telefon: 222 221 761, 221 183 217-8.

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Po-Pá 8:30 - 16:30

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