Publications in 2010
- Lansky P, Sanda P, He J: Effect of stimulation on the input parameters of stochastic leaky integrate-and-fire neuronal model. Journal of Physiology - Paris 104 (2010) 160–166.
- Bibbona E, Lansky P, Sirovich R: Estimating input parameters from intracellular recordings in the Feller neuronal model. Physical Review E, 78: Art. No. 031916, 2010.
- Pawlas Z, Klebanov LB, Benes, V., Prokesova M, Popelar J., Lansky P: First-spike latency in the presence of spontaneous activity. Neural Computation, 22: in press, 2010.
Older publications (official FGU site)
Together with Dept. 32 (now Department of Neurophysiology of Memory).