Regional “Transition” Wine Tasting (hiccup!)

One of the most widely-anticipated events on the CERGE-EI social calendar is rapidly approaching. That’s right – the (nearly) annual wine tasting of wines from around the transition and developing world.

This year it will take place on June 4th, 2010 at the CERGE-EI building (2nd Floor).

Many of you will remember this event from your time at CERGE-EI. Richard E. Quandt and Orley Ashenfelter, two of the people behind Liquid Assets (which gives an econometric basis for predicting wine vintages from all over the world) provided the impetus for this event early in CERGE-EI’s history and we are honored to be able to run it again this year.

Students are asked to bring a bottle of wine from their country of origin (or from a country in the CEE/CIS region which they have recently visited). Alumni are welcome to attend the event as well (and feel free to bring a bottle as well – red or white are both fine, but only dry wines are in the competition) so we hope to see you there!

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