
Address of the president of Academy of Sciences

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Colorado School of Mines (Department of Geophysics)

July 29, 2009
Centre of Administration and Operations of the ASCR
N´arodn´ı 3, 117 20 Praha 1
Czech Republic

Dear Centre Director:

I and my colleagues at the Colorado School of Mines are gravely concerned about the plans to cut the funding of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic by more than one-half over the next three years. If realized, such severe and unwarranted cuts may endanger the very existence of one of the pillars of the Czech science and research.

I have collaborated with Dr. Ivan Pˇsenˇc´ık and his colleagues at the Geophysical Insitute of the Czech Academy of Sciences for more than 25 years. Dr. Pˇsenˇc´ık’s group has obtained a number of fundamentally important results in theoretical and applied seismology and is widely respected by scientists around the globe. As an example, ray-theory methods developed by Dr. Pˇsenˇc´ık and his co-workers provide
the foundation for much of seismic modeling done at U.S. universities and many hydrocarbon exploration companies. In cooperation with Prof. V. ˇ Cerven´y from Charles University, Dr. Pˇsenˇc´ık has formed a premier seismological school with close ties to most leading research groups in our field. Many students educated by that school have become prominent researchers and active contributors to international professional societies.

With adequate support, world-class geophysicists and other scientists working in the Academy will continue their breakthrough research that the country can be proud of. In addition, the successes of the Academy provide motivation for young people to choose careers in science and research.

In summary, I am firmly convinced that further strengthening of the Academy of Sciences is in the best interest of the Czech Republic. The planned severe restriction of the Academy’s activities would imperil sustained long-term expansion of the Czech economy, which can only be based on a dynamic and well-funded research infrastructure. I urge the Czech government to reconsider the planned cuts and keep the funding of the Academy of Sciences at a level that will ensure the viability and effectiveness of this essential institution.


Ilya Tsvankin
Professor of Geophysics
Co-Leader, Center for Wave Phenomena
Department of Geophysics
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, CO 80401-1887, USA

The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - Academy in Spotlight


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