
Address of the president of Academy of Sciences

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Enric Banda (Research Professor, Španělsko): podpůrný dopis

To whom it may concern

It is not without surprise that I have learned through the press and through my colleagues at the Academy of Sciences that there is a threat in the continuity of basic research in the Czech Republic.

In particular I am deeply concerned about the plans to cut the funding of the Academy of Sciences by more than a half over the next three years. If realized, such severe cuts may endanger the very existence of one of the pillars of the Czech science and research.

My own experience both as a scientist and as science manager at European and national level shows me that important results have been obtained by this institution and further achievements can be expected as there is a number of world-class scientists in the Academy. In addition, the success of the Academy provides motivation for young people to choose careers in science and research. This is not less than the future of the nation.

It is very common these days to see governments giving public support to basic research while budgets are continuously reduced. This is an extremely short-sighted attitude for the future.

The severe restriction of the activities of the Academy of Sciences would run against the acknowledged fact that sustained long-term expansion of the economy is impossible without strong science and research. Financial turbulences and the present downturn of the economy cannot be fought without further research of the highest quality.

I am firmly convinced that further development of the Academy of Sciences is in the best interests of the Czech Republic. I urge the government to reconsider the planned cuts and keep the funding of the Academy of Sciences at the level that will make this development possible.

Sincerely yours

Enric Banda
Research Professor

Address: Santa Tecla 6
              008012 Barcelona

The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - Academy in Spotlight


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