IMPC'97 ........=........ SANM '97

Vazene a mile kolegyne, vazeni a mili kolegove,

obracim se na vas ve funkci poradatele pravidelnych setkani SANM. Rok 1997 je lichy a to znamena, ze je to rok konani dalsiho naseho setkani. Na rok 1997 jsme pro Vas, verne ucastniky setkani SANM, prichystali darek. Jsem presvedcen, ze se Vam bude libit. Timto darkem je neobvykle zpestreni setkani. Nase setkani bude usporadano jako Cesko-americka pracovni porada (workshop) na tama "Iteracni metody a paralelni vypocty". Bude to znamenat pomerne pocetnou ucast ze zahranici a to jak tradicnich hosti SANM tak tentokrate jeste mnoha tech nejprednejsich odborniku v numericke matematice (O. Axelsson, R. Freund, G. Golub, A. Greenbaum, C. Paige, B. Parlett, O. Widlund a dalsi). Lze to povazovat za uznani vkladu naseho ceskeho tedy vlastne tez Vaseho osobniho vedeckeho potencialu v celosvetovem ramci.

Rad bych, abyste se akce zucastnili a eventualne ji propagovali mezi svymi prateli a znamymi. S ohledem zejmena na ucastniky z USA presouvame termin konani workshopu ze zari 1997 na dobu
od 16. cervna do 21. cervna 1997.

Setkani se bude konat v hotelu Devet skal v Milovech na Ceskomoravske vysocine, v dustojnem prostredi a v prekrasne prirodni scenerii.

Vazeni pratele, nevahejte a prihlaste s k ucasti na uvedeny workshop.
Tesiim se Na shledanou s Vami u prilezitosti IMPC'97 v Milovech.

V Praze dne 5.1.1997.
Ivo Marek

P.S: K tomuto dopisu prikladame texovsky soubor s prvnim oznamenim, tak jak bylo distribuovano v mezinarodnich kruzich. Cena pro ceske a slovenske ucastniky je odlisna a cini 3500 Kc. Tato castka zahrnuje ubytovani ve dvouluzkovem pokoji na 6 noci, plnou penzi a registracni poplatek.

Jiz zminene oznameni (5 stran). je zde dostupne jako tiskovy soubor.

Vazena kolegyne, vazeny kolego,

s podporou cesko-americkeho grantu se ve dnech 16. az 21. cervna 1997 uskutecni v Milovech na Ceskomoravske vysocine Czech-U.S. Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing. Seminare se zucastni rada prednich odborniku z teto oblasti z USA, tuzemska i dalsich zemi.
Organizacni vybor chce usnadnit ceskym studentum a mladym vedeckym pracovnikum ucast na tomto seminari a vypisuje proto soutez na vyber 3 ucastniku, jimz promine vlozne a uhradi ubytovani a stravovani v Milovech.

Ucastnikem souteze se muze stat student (pred ukoncenim postgradualniho studia ci aspirantury) nebo cerstvy absolvent postgradualniho studia ci aspirantury (nejvyse 3 roky po ukonceni), ktery predlozi svuj odborny zivotopis, seznam publikaci a abstrakt sdeleni, ktere bude na seminari predneseno (maximalne pul strany textu).

Prihlasky do souteze laskave zaslete do 28.2.1997 na adresu organizacniho vyboru konference nebo elektronicky na adresu Uplny text prvniho oznameni a dalsi informace ohledne konference muzete take nalezt na URL:

Organizacni vybor konference IMPC'97
Ustav informatiky a vypocetni techniky AV CR
kontaktni osoba: M.Rozloznik
Pod vodarenskou vezi 2
182 07 Praha 8
Tel: (02) 6605 3140
Fax: (02) 8585789

Czech-U.S. Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing,
June 16-21, 1997, Milovy, Czech Republic

A Czech-U.S. Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing will be held from June 16 to June 21, 1997 at the Devet Skal Hotel (literally "Nine Rocks") in Milovy. Milovy is a small village located in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (central part of the Czech Republic) at about 100 kilometers (65 miles) from Prague. A bus from Prague to Milovy will be arranged on June 15, at 4 p.m. and from Milovy on June 21, arrival to Prague at 4 p.m.

Scientific Programme:

The aim of the workshop is to bring together numerical analysts, specialists in numerical linear algebra and parallel computing, especially those interested in iterative methods and their applications in computational mathematics. The emphasis of the meeting will be on a ``workshop'', i.e., on work among the participants, with periods of free time for unstructured discussions.

Organizing Committee:

  • Ivo Marek (Charles University, Prague) (chairman)
  • Radim Blaheta (Academy of Sciences, Ostrava)
  • Jiri Holenda (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen)
  • Michal Krizek (Academy of Sciences, Prague)
  • Karel Segeth (Academy of Sciences, Prague)
  • Zdenek Strakos (Academy of Sciences, Prague)
  • Miroslav Tuma (Academy of Sciences, Prague)

  • Howard Elman (University of Maryland, College Park, MD)
  • Roland Freund (Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ)
  • Anne Greenbaum (Courant Institute, New York University, NY)
  • Daniel Szyld (Temple University, Philadelphia, PA)
  • Preliminary List of Participants Includes:

  • L. Adams (University of Washington, Seattle)
  • M. Arioli (IAN CNR, Pavia, Italy)
  • O. Axelsson (University Nijmegen, Netherlands)
  • Ch. Broyden (University of Bologna, Italy)
  • R. Byers (University of Kansas, KA)
  • D. Calvetti (Stevens Institute, Hoboken, NJ)
  • J.C. Diaz (University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK)
  • M. Eiermann (Freiberg University, Germany)
  • B. Fischer (University of Luebeck, Germany)
  • G. Golub (Stanford University, Stanford, CA)
  • C. Paige (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
  • B. Parlett (University of California, Berkeley)
  • L. Reichel (Kent State University, Kent, OH)
  • P. Saylor (University of Illinois, Urbana, IL)
  • O. Widlund (Courant Institue, NYU, NY)
  • Call for Papers

    Please, indicate your intention to give a communication on the enclosed registration form and send an abstract of maximum 15 lines. A special issue of the journal Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications will be devoted to papers presented at the workshop. The issue will contain only those papers that meet the publication standards of the journal and that are approved by standard refereeing procedures. The submission deadline is November 30, 1997.

    Social Program

    The recreation facilities offer a swimming pool, sauna, fitness center, tennis courts, day-club, coffee-rooms, and other services. We plan to organize a trip to visit local places of cultural interest.

    Workshop Fees

    The reduced fee is US $300, which covers the conference fee, accommodation in double rooms (6 nights), meals and refreshments during the conference including the price of chartered buses to take the participants from Prague to Milovy and back.

    The basic fee for an accompanying person is US $200. The supplement for a single room is US $80 (6 nights). The reduced fees of US $300 (for participants) and US $200 (for accompanying persons) should be paid by bank transfer to the account of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University (before April 15, 1997)

    38330-021/0100 (MFF UK Praha)
    variable symbol 415 (IMPC)
    Komercni banka Praha 1
    Vaclavske namesti 42
    Praha 1, Czech Republic

    The Workshop fee can also be paid by the following credit cards: VISA, Eurocard/Mastercard and American Express. Send the coupon below by mail to the contact address of the workshop.
    After April 15 the fees are USD $360 for participants and USD $240 for accompanying persons.


    Please, fill in your Registration Form and send it (together with an abstract of your communication) to the following contact address by February 28, 1997. Electronic submissions are preferred. All participants will be notified about the acceptance of their contributions by March 30, 1997.


    Before and after the conference the participants will have the opportunity, on an individual basis, to visit historical parts of Prague, one of the oldest and most beautiful European towns, full of Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque churches, palaces and monuments. The accommodation in Prague will be preliminary booked on request (see the enclosed registration form). Depending on your interest there will be two or three hotels with the group rate available in Prague. The approximate prices for the Pyramida Hotel are 1900 CZK=75 USD (single room) and 2900 CZK=110 USD (double room) per night and 275 CZK=10 USD for one bed (double room) in the student dormitory (Kolej 17. listopadu). Your group reservations will be forwarded directly to the hotel (dormitory). Reservations of the hotel must be individually confirmed to the hotel. Contact address with the accommodation details will be delivered after receiving the application form.

    Contact Address:

    Institute of Computer Science
    Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
    Pod vodarenskou vezi 2
    CZ-182 07 Prague 8
    Czech Republic
    Phone: (+420 2) 6605 3140
    Fax: (+420 2) 8585 789
    attn. M.Rozloznik

    Student and Recent Ph.D. Paper Competition for the
    U.S.-Czech Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing
    June 16-21, 1997, Milovy, Czech Republic

    Funds are available from NSF (U.S.) and the Czech Academy of Sciences to cover the expenses of a few graduate students or recent Ph.D. recipients from U.S. institutions to attend and present a paper at the U.S.-Czech Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing, to be held on June 16-21, 1997, in Milovy, Czech Republic.

    The aim of the workshop is to bring together numerical analysts, specialists in numerical linear algebra and parallel computing, especially those interested in iterative methods and their applications in computational mathematics. Milovy is a small village located in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (Central part of the Czech Republic) at about 100 kilometers (65 miles) from Prague. A full announcement can be found in the URL:

    To participate in the competition, please send an extended abstract (or a full paper if available) of a proposed talk, a vita indicating date of (obtained or expected) degree, and two letters of reccomendations to Daniel B. Szyld, Department of Mathematics, 1805 N Broad Street, Temple University (038-16), Philadelphia PA 19122-6094, or electronically to, to be received by February 22, 1997. Please indicate if your institution can contribute a portion of your expenses and the amount. The selection will be made by the U.S. members of the organizing committee: Howard Elman (University of Maryland, College Park), Roland Freund (Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill), Anne Greenbaum (Courant Institute, New York University), and Daniel Szyld (Temple University, Philadelphia).

    Zpet na stranku UIVT AVCR.