» History

History of the Institute of Hydrodynamics

The Institute was established by the decision of the Governmental Commission for Foundation of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences on 29 April, 1952 which took effect on 1 January, 1953. Originally designated as the Laboratory of Water Management, it was later renamed the Institute of Water Management, and its present name dates from 1 January, 1958. The first director was the founder of the Institute, Professor Jan Smetana (1953-1962).

It is pertinent to recall that Professor Smetana was also one of the founders of international organizations as IAHS and IAHR. At the beginning of its development, the Institute mainly solved classical problems of hydrodynamics related to waterworks and hydraulic structures, hydrology and problems of water-treatment.

The experimental investigation by means of physical scale models was the dominant method of solving problems. From that time classical equipment of hydraulic laboratories i.e. experimental flumes were installed. New orientation of the scientific conception by including the problems of non-Newtonian liquids and disperse systems, rheology and transport phenomena was introduced into the research program in the sixties. Later on biomechanics of corporal liquids, flow in reactors and mixing devices, rheometry and drag reduction took part in the research program of the Institute. Gradually, with the massive advancement of computers, the problem solving methods shifted from the classical hydrodynamic experimentation to more advanced investigation methods supported by advanced experimental technique.

The Institute now has two scientific departments: