Biology Centre of the AS CR, v.v.i.
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Date of
Education: 1999- MSc. in Ecology at Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia (Predation of Cyclops vicinus on planktonic crustaceans under laboratory conditions) 2005- PhD. in Ecology at Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia (Fish distribution and predation on zooplankton: spatial heterogeneity within a canyon-shaped reservoir)
Scientific and professional
since 2005 Participation in the project “Sinusoidal foraging and the role of fish in reservoirs” (Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of CR), with Dr Josef Matěna 2002-2004 Participation in the project “Pelagic niche of riverine fish in Czech reservoirs” (Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of CR), with Dr Josef Matěna 2002-2004 Participation in the project “Tributary zone as a key factor for fish stock development in reservoirs” (Grant Agency of CR), with Dr Jan Kubečka 2000-2004 Participation in the project “Management of water quality in reservoirs” (Targeted research of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Hydrobiological Institute AS CR 2000 Investigator of the project “Feeding biology of roach Rutilus rutilus and bream Abramis brama in a pelagial of the Římov Reservoir (Czech Republic)” (FRVŠ grant of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of CR) 1999 Participation in the project “Ecological characteristic and species affiliation of cyclopoids from the genus Cyclops” (FRVŠ grant of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of CR), with Dr Zdeněk Brandl Research interests include ecology of freshwater fish, especially fish distribution, feeding and growth, fish predation and competition, and fish-zooplankton interactions.
Publications in journals with IF: Vašek M., Kubečka J., Čech M., Draštík V., Matěna J., Mrkvička T., Peterka J., Prchalová M. (2009): Diel variation in gillnet catches and vertical distribution of pelagic fishes in a stratified European reservoir. Fisheries Research 96, 64-69. Vašek, M., Jarolím, O., Čech, M., Kubečka, J., Peterka, J., Prchalová, M. (2008): The use of pelagic habitat by cyprinids in a deep riverine impoundment: Římov Reservoir, Czech Republic. Folia Zoologica 57, 324-336. Vašek, M., Kubečka, J., Matěna, J. & Seďa, J. (2006): Distribution and diet of 0+ fish within a canyon-shaped European reservoir in late summer. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF HYDROBIOLOGY 91: 178-194. Vašek, M., Kubečka, J., Peterka, J., Čech, M., Draštík, V., Hladík, M., Prchalová, M. & Frouzová, J. (2004): Longitudinal and vertical spatial gradients in the distribution of fish within a canyon-shaped reservoir. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF HYDROBIOLOGY 89: 352-362. Vašek, M. & Kubečka, J. (2004): In situ diel patterns of zooplankton consumption by subadult/adult roach Rutilus rutilus, bream Abramis brama, and bleak Alburnus alburnus. Folia Zoologica 53: 203-214. Vašek, M., Kubečka, J. & Seďa, J. (2003): Cyprinid predation on zooplankton along the longitudinal profile of a canyon-shaped reservoir. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 156: 535-550.
Other publications: Peterka, J., Vašek, M., Kubečka, J., Hladík, M. & Hohausová, E. (2004): Drift of juveniles after riverine spawning of fishes from the Římov Reservoir, Czech Republic. ECOHYDROLOGY & HYDROBIOLOGY 4: 459–468. Kubečka, J., Prchalová, M., Hladík, M., Vašek, M. & Říha, M. (2004): Effect of catastrophic flooding on the composition of the fish stock of the Římov reservoir. In: Lusk, S., Lusková, V. & Halačka, K. (eds.), Biodiversity of fishes in the Czech Republic (V). Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno, pp. 129–135 (in Czech with English summary). Matěna, J., Čech, M., Draštík, V., Frouzová, J., Kratochvíl, M., Kubečka, J., Peterka, J. & Vašek, M. (2004): Distribution of young-of-the-year percids in European reservoirs. In: Barry, T.P. & Malison, J.A. (eds.), Proceedings of Percis III, The Third International Percid Fish Symposium. University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, pp. 109–110. Vašek, M., Matěna, J. & Kubečka, J. (2002): Diversity and density of fish fry assemblages in different habitats of the Římov Reservoir. In: Lusk, S., Lusková, V. & Halačka, K. (eds.), Biodiversity of fishes in the Czech Republic (IV). Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno, pp. 167–176 (in Czech with English summary). Kubečka, J., Peterka, J., Prchalová, M., Vašek, M., Čech, M., Hladík, M., Draštík, V. & Matěna, J. (2002): Diversity of adult fish in different habitats of the Římov reservoir. In: Lusk, S., Lusková, V. & Halačka, K. (eds.), Biodiversity of fishes in the Czech Republic (IV). Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno, pp. 109–112 (in Czech with English summary). Hladík, M., Kubečka, J., Pokorný, P., Čech, M., Draštík, V., Kratochvíl, M., Peterka, J., Prchalová, M. & Vašek, M. (2002): Giant traps for fishing in the inflow-zone of the Římov Reservoir. In: Spurný, P. (ed.), Proceedings of Vth Czech Conference of Ichthyology. Mendel University of Agriculture & Forestry, Brno, pp. 126–131 (in Czech). Vašek, M., Čech, M., Draštík, V., Dušek, D., Hladík, M., Kubečka, J., Matěna, J., Peterka, J., Pokorný, P., Prchalová, M. & Štafa, P. (2000): Diel fluctuation of fish catches taken by pelagic gillnets in the Římov Reservoir. In: Mikešová, J. (ed.), Proceedings of IVth Czech Conference of Ichthyology. University of South Bohemia, VÚRH Vodňany, pp. 35–40 (in Czech with English summary). |