Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals ASCR, v.v.i.
ICPF - Laboratory of Laser Chemistry

Laboratory of Laser Chemistry

See also home page with "more details"

See also Annual Report 2008 of the Laboratory which includes research projects, international cooperations, visitors&visits, teaching activities, and list of papers.


Head: Radek Fajgar
Deputy: Vladislav Drinek

Research staff: Anna Galikova, Jaroslav Kupcik, Josef Pola, Marketa Urbanova
Part time: Dana Pokorna

Technical staff: Daria Bartlova

PhD students: Vera Jandova

Fields of research

Running research projects

NEW - Preparation of the nanostructured Si/Ge/C deposits
(V. Drinek, joint project with IIC and Institute of Physics of the ASCR, supported by GACR, grant No. GA203/09/1088, 2009-2011 [8321] )

NEW - Preparation of Ti/O/Si based photocatalysts by laser induced CVD and sol-gel technique
(R. Fajgar, joint project with IIC, supported by GACR, grant No. GA203/09/1117, 2009-2011 [8322] )

NEW - Green chalcogenation of metals by laser-prepared poly(silachalcogenide)
(J. Pola, joint project with IIC, supported by GACR, grant No. GA203/09/0931, 2009-2011 [8323] )

New laser induced process for production of novel carbon-based nanomaterials and carbon-based nanomaterials with incorporated Si, N, and B heteroatoms
(J. Pola, joint project with JH IPC, IIC, and Institute of Physics ASCR, supported by ASCR, grant No. IAA400720619, 2006-2010 [8101] ) - Report 2008

Laser decomposition of cobalt and nickel carbonyls in the presence of acetylene for preparation of carbon encapsulated metal nanoparticles
(R. Fajgar, joint project with JH IPC, IIC, and Institute of Physics ASCR, supported by GACR, grant No. GA203/07/0546, 2007-2009 [8320] ) - Report 2008

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