

News in category What is going on

Laying the foundation stone of ALISI laboratories

20.4. 2010 12:47 What is going on

On 19 April 2010 ceremonious laying the foundation stone of ALISI laboratories took place in the lecture hall of the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the ASCR, v.v.i. and thus the implementation of ALISI project has been officially started. Many important guests, headed by the chairman of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic took part in the happening.

The stone was laid by the chairman of Academy of Science of the Czech
Republic , prof. Ing. Jiří Drahoš, DrSc. dr.h.c.;…

Opening session preparation works

29.3. 2010 10:22 What is going on

The implementation team prepares an opening session of ALISI laboratories nowadays. The tapping on a foundation-stone will take place in the lacture hall of ISI on 19th April 2010 at 11:00. Towards preparation works promis an interesting program and an original shape of this outstanding event.

Many prominent persons are expected, i.a. the Presidnet of the AS CR, the Governor of the South Moravian Region and the Mayor of the brno city. Representatives of R&D institutes, universities and…

Visitation of representatives of Ministery of Education, Youth and Sports

17.3. 2010 15:09 What is going on

Representatives of Ministery of Education, Youth and Sports visited ISI 9th March 2010. A group of eight project and finance managers and civil engineers was led by the head of RDIOP projects administration Ing. Jiri Korinek. They met the ALISI implementation team and visited the places of project implementation.

The visit was welcome by the director of ISI RNDr. Ludek Frank, DSc. and the director of ALISI prof. Pavel Zemanek. They briefly introduced the project and organized a visit to…

The ALISI project started.

10.2. 2010 11:31 What is going on

1.1.2010 – the implementation of the ALISI project started.

The goal of ALISI is to establish modernly equipped center focused on invention of new devices, systems, diagnostic methods and technologies dealing with magnetic resonance tomography, laser interferometry and spectroscopy, acquisition and processing of biosignals, electron microscopy and lithography, electron or laser beam welding, magnetron sputtering, and cryogenics.


30.1. 2010 18:54 What is going on

24.11 2009 Minister of Education youth and sports Dr. Miroslava Kopicová signed the Decision on the award of the grant from Research and Development for Innovations Operational Programme to the ISI projet entitled Application laboratories of advanced microtechnologies and nanotechnologies (ALISI).

Up to now only four projects have been supported out of 44 applications.


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