» Projects » Grant List » Physics and chemistry of deposited (occult) precipitation in heavy polluted subregion of the Czech Republic

Physics and chemistry of deposited (occult) precipitation in heavy polluted subregion of the Czech Republic

  • Identification: A3042301 - Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • Duration: 2003 - 2007
  • Principal investigator: Ing. Jaroslav Fišák CSc. (Institute of Atmospherics Physics
  • Co-investigator: Ing. Miroslav Tesař CSc.
  • Co-investigator: RNDr. Daniela Fottová (Czech Geological Service)

Subject of research

Recent investigation of the chemical composition of fog water collected at Czech localities has proved the variability of the concentration of pollutants (CP) in the course of a fog event, the dependence of CP on altitude, and different CP values in the samples of fog water in comparison with incing. In a given region the CPs depend on liquid water content (LWC). The CP in solid precipitation can be also affected by the freezing process. The first measurements of LWC and CP at Czech sites do not correspond with published relationships between LWC and CP. Based on water collection accompanied by simultaneous LWC measurement the relationship between the CP and LWC will be derived for the North Bohemian industrial region. The measurements will be supplemented by the mathematical modelling of fog events to improve parameterisation of wet deposition. The results will be compared with data from abroad as well as with results from relatively clean region of South Bohemia.

Research Goal

Dependence of PC on LWC was derived and verified - Comparison of obtained results with foreign ones - Yearly variation of LWC at Milešovka was found - Differences of CP in fog and rime water were proved - Occult deposition modeling was improved