» Projects » Grant List » Wave evolution of film flow of viscoelastic liquids

Wave evolution of film flow of viscoelastic liquids

  • Identification: 104/96/0569 - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
  • Duration: 1996 - 1998
  • Principal investigator: Ing. Jaroslav Tihon CSc. (Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals ASCR)
  • Co-investigator: Doc. RNDr. Petr Štern CSc.

Gravitational film flow of viscoelastic liquids over sloped plane will be studied as an evolution process of wave production. Longitudinal profiles of mean film thickness, wave velocity, wave length and amplitude will be measured for several polymer liquids and for wide spectrum of basic parameters. Additional parameters (shear viscosity, first normal stress difference and complex viscosity) will be determined as well. Small slope experiments enable to identify viscoelastic instabilities, which are completely suppressed during free flow over vertical plate. Theory of linear stability of film flow of viscoelastic liquids will be solved in order to difference viscoelastic effects.