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Research centers PP2-DP01 (1M) operating at IMG 

Center of Molecular and Cellular Immunology
No.of project:
Annotation: The goal of establishing the Center is to reach a much higher level of collaboration based mainly on the methodological and instrumental complementarity of the participating partners. The researchers at the Institute of Molecular Genetics are particularly well acquainted with molecular biology approaches and hybridoma technologies, the researchers from the Faculty of Science of Charles University have large experience with cell immunology and advanced microscopy techniques, while members of the participating companies have long-term experience with optimization of large-scale preparation of monoclonal antibodies and recombinant proteins. Establishment of the Center will thus lead to a quantitatively novel way of integration of closely connected research activities, providing a unique opportunity to transfer the results of basic research into the practice. Within one research unit it will thus be possible to ensure preparation of unique monoclonal antibodies against novel immunologically significant molecules and recombinant proteins required for molecular immunology research, as well as their coordinated screening by a panel of demanding techniques in vitro and in vivo, which would otherwise not be possible to provide. We are convinced that the results of our research will be exploited by a number of Czech small and medium companies such as Sevapharma, Vidia, Imumed, Apronex, Exbio, Biopharm, Immunotech, Léčiva, Generi Biotech, Bioveta, Biovendor, Clonestar, Itest Plus, Test-Line, Geneage Technologies, Top-Bio, Ivax Pharmaceuticals, INR Řež, Dyntec.
Awarded by:
Ministry of Education, Youths and Sports of the Czech Republic
Project Coordinator:
Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, v.v.i.
Head of the Center:
Prof. Václav Hořejší, Ph.D.
Charles University, Prague
Institute of Microbiology AS CR, v.v.i.
EXBIO Prague, Inc.
Apronex, Ltd.
phone: (+420) 241729908
fax: (+420) 244472282
e-mail: vaclav.horejsi@img.cas.cz
web: ---

Center for Applied Genomics
No.of project:
Annotation: We propose to establish a research Center of Applied Genomics (CAG), where a high level research of genomics will be oriented towards practical applications. The program of the Center is based on the experience obtained in the Center of Integrated Genomics (CIG) in the years 2000-2004 and on the involvement of research capacities of selected biotechnological companies and foreign partners.
The effort would be focused in CAG to two areas. The first one would be medically oriented projects aimed particularly at new diagnostic methods and the second one on projects targeted to the topic of the environment. Both these areas were already developed in CIG and  are well prepared for oriented research and practical utilization. An example of such an ongoing CIG project is construction of a mitochip on which oligonucleotide markers of all genes of the human mitochondrion are anchored. With regard to the long-term program of the study of inherited mitochondrial diseases performed at the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, and at the Institute of Physiology AS CR, the mitochip will be utilized in practice for diagnostics. Advantageous is here experience with these diseases as well as a comprehensive register of patients in the Czech Republic and abroad (Pecina et al., 2003, Skládal et al., 2003, Houštěk et al., 2004). Another example of a well-developed topic is the study of bacterial genes determining degradation of catechols (Jenčová et al. 2004) and synthesis of degradable “plastic-like” polymers polyhydroxyalkanoates (Ulbrich et al. 2002).

Awarded by:
Ministry of Education, Youths and Sports of the Czech Republic
Project Coordinator:
Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, v.v.i.
Head of the Center:
Prof. Václav Pačes, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Charles University, Prague
Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague
Institute of Physiology AS CR, v.v.i.
phone: (+420) 241 063 451, (+420) 241 063 215
fax: (+420) 224 310 955
e-mail: office@img.cas.cz
web: http://www.img.cas.cz/cag/

Center for Targeted Therapeutics
No.of project:
Annotation: The object of the research activity of the Centre is research and development of a complex of technologies which are necessary for the production of modern drugs. Due to the fact that  in some cases original approaches are needed, the object of the Centre activity will be a targeted basic research in addition to the applied research. The individual technologies are interdependent and form an integral complex. There already exists in the Czech Republic a very good base of research, development and realization of monoclonal antibodies (in the academic as well as in the private institutions) which provides suitable starting materials (monoclonal antibodies, hybridoma cells - the source of genetic material) for the preparation of carrier water-soluble polymers targeted with monoclonal antibodies. Another favourable fact is that NRI Řež plc is operating the nuclear reactor, a unique source of radionuclides used in the medicine. The following technologies will be developed:
Biomolecular engineering of mono- and multivalent recombinant fragments of immunoglobuline molecules from selected antibodies and their expression in suitable host cells. Production of these fragments in bacteria and plants with the aim to find the most effective systems. Transgene and non-transgene production will be compared and purification methods will be developed. Research and development of targeted (via monoclonal, polyclonal, and recombinant antibodies) polymeric carriers of radionuclides and cancerostatics for use in targeted therapy and diagnostics.
Design and preparation of saccharide and peptide dendrimeres based on polyamidoimide and polylysine structures, and testing their biological  effects.
Elucidation of molecular interactions of anticancer drugs, their activation pathways and understanding the biotransformation of these drugs in relation to their biological effects in vitro and in vivo.
Testing the possibilities of application of new radionuclides for labelling of all types of antibodies, development of new chelating agents and procedures.
Pre-clinical testing of prepared original radiopharmaceuticals and targeted drugs.

Awarded by:
Ministry of Education, Youths and Sports of the Czech Republic
Project Coordinator:
Nuclear Research Institute Řež, plc
Head of the Center:
Assoc. Prof. Vladimír Viklický, M.D., Ph.D.
Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, v.v.i.
   (Milan Fábry)
Institute of Microbiology AS CR, v.v.i.
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, v.v.i.
Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR, v.v.i.
Charles University, Prague
EXBIO Prague, Inc.
phone: (+420) 220 183 389, (+420) 220 183 212
fax: (+420) 223 331 274
e-mail: fabry@img.cas.cz
web: ---

Centers of basic research (LC) operating at IMG

Center of Cell Invasiveness in Embryonic Development and Tumour Metastases
No.of project:
Annotation: The cells in multicellular organisms are spatially organized through cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions. Disruption of adhesive bonds results in enhanced cell motility and helps cells to become invasive - to degrade the basal membrane, escape from their home tissues, invade surrounding tissues and eventually to colonize them. Cell invasiveness plays an important role in the normal embryonic development and also in metastasis - the most dangerous stage of tumours, which is the actual cause of death in approximately 90% of cancer patients. In both cases the cell invasiveness appears to be regulated by similar mechanisms, which are presently known only partially. In order to contribute to the knowledge of cell invasiveness regulation we will study in parallel selected molecules and molecular mechanisms that regulate cell migration and invasiveness in early vertebrate embryos and in cells of non-invasive and metastasizing experimental tumors. Validation of obtained results will be done in experimental tumours in vivo. A large collection of human primary tumours and their metastases will be searched for the presence and expression levels of regulatory molecules found in experimental tumours as activators of cell invasiveness. The results of the project will extend our knowledge of cell adhesion and motility regulations, which are among biological processes of central importance. They will also contribute to our understanding of mechanisms controlling both normal embryonic development and invasiveness of malignant tumours. Interconnection of Czech and foreign laboratories and active participation of students in the project will create an environment supporting acceleration of the ongoing cell invasiveness research in individual laboratories and high-quality education of students in a large international team.
Awarded by:
Ministry of Education, Youths and Sports of the Czech Republic
Project Coordinator:
Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, v.v.i.
Head of the Center:
Michal Dvořák, Ph.D.
Charles University, Prague
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, v.v.i.
tel.: (+420) 241 063 390
fax: (+420) 241 063 586
e-mail: mdvorak@img.cas.cz
www: ---

Center of Chemical Genetics
No.of project:
Annotation: Center of Chemical Genetics, as a center joining activities of top laboratories conducting basic research in the field of organic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, and genetics, will enable more effective research in the area of search for active compounds as tools for basic biology research and biomedical applications. The Center should lay foundations for development of chemical genetics in the Czech Republic and thus contribute to the development of system biology and biomedicine. Close co-operation, information sharing, immediate backup, and complementation of purely chemical approaches with the biological ones will enable a qualitatively higher level of prospective interdisciplinary research and higher competitive strength of the research teams in challenging international competition. The uniqueness of this integrated approach lies in the possibility of finding complex solutions to the problems of the molecular basis of biological phenomena. Within one Center it will thus be possible to ensure synthesis of compounds, identification of effective compounds in biologically relevant systems, targeted molecular design, molecular recognition, and identification of molecular targets including affected signalling pathways. Combination of unique chemical-genetic approaches will enable entry into international, namely European, research programmes and consortia. The work in the Center will also include participation of undergraduate and graduate students, who thanks to their interdisciplinary education will represent much-sought-for specialists.
Awarded by:
Ministry of Education, Youths and Sports of the Czech Republic
Project Coordinator:
Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, v.v.i.
Head of the Center:
Petr Bartůněk, Ph.D.
Masaryk University, Brno
Institute of Entomology AS CR
Institute of Chemical Technology Prague
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, v.v.i.
tel.: (+420) 241 063 117
fax: (+420) 241 063 586
e-mail: bartunek@img.cas.cz
www: ---

Center of Molecular Ecology of Vectors and Pathogens
No.of project:
Annotation: The project is aimed at supporting collaboration of top home parasitology and molecular biology institutions, increasing their international competitive strength and the quality of training of young parasitologists. On the models tick – Borrelia, Phlebotomus – Leishmania, trematode – gastropod, molecular interactions relevant for transmission of the pathogen by the vector will be studied. The immune vector-host interactions related to the transmission will be analysed.  Genes affecting the immune response against the vector-transmitted pathogens will be mapped and identified molecularly. The results will be used for development of vaccines inhibiting the vector-mediated pathogen transmission. A common department, Laboratory of Genomics and Proteomics, will be established within the Center and provide service support for the participating subjects.
Awarded by:
Ministry of Education, Youths and Sports of the Czech Republic
Project Coordinator:
Institute of Parasitology AS CR, v.v.i.
Head of the Center:
Assoc. Prof. Jan Kopecký, Ph.D.
Charles University, Prague
South-bohemian University in České Budějovice
Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, v.v.i.   (Assoc.. Prof. Marie Lipoldová, Ph.D.)
tel.: (+420) 241 063 243
fax: (+420) 224 310 955
e-mail: lipoldova@img.cas.cz
web: ---

Flurescence microscopy in biological and medical research
No.of project:
Annotation: Development of novel approaches in fluorescence microscopy to the study of dynamic processes in live cells and in model systems, with the possibility to obtain new data in the areas of non-viral gene therapy, signal transduction, and regulation of gene expression.
The project includes development of fluorescence techniques with one-molecule sensitivity and methods for data processing, development of novel DNA condensors, assessment of the role of G proteins in hormonal events, development of novel ways of fluorophore labelling of protein molecules, elucidation of protein interactions participating in the cell nucleus organization and of the role of plasma membrane transport proteins.

Awarded by:
Ministry of Education, Youths and Sports of the Czech Republic
Project Coordinator:
J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry AS CR, v.v.i.
Head of the Center:
Assoc. Prof. Martin Hof
Charles University, Prague
Institute of Physiology AS CR, v.v.i.
Institute of Experimental Medicine AS CR, v.v.i.
Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, v.v.i.
(Assoc. Prof. Pavel Hozák, Ph.D., D.Sc.)
tel: 241 062 219, 
fax: 241 062 289
e-mail: hozak@img.cas.cz
web: ---

Center of Cell Functional Organization
No.of project:
Annotation: “Center of Cell Functional Organization” associates laboratories that already got significant results in molecular and cellular biology, with the aim to create the scientific and methodological basis for the study of cellular structures and functions. Current experimental and methodological potential of the laboratories will be supplemented with state of the art equipment. Six laboratories constitute the Center: one laboratory is located at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, and five laboratories are in the complex of biomedical institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague-Krč (Institute of Experimental Medicine, Institute of Microbiology, Institute of Molecular Genetics). The Center will thus represent a compact and efficient unit for tight cooperation centered on the understanding of molecular mechanisms regulating the structure and dynamics of the cytoskeleton and its interactions during the cell cycle,  characterization of functional structures of the cell nucleus, determination of special structures at cellular stress and on the understanding of molecular mechanisms of virus interaction with cellular structures. The Center will also concentrate on intensive interactions with the international (especially European) scientific structures and grant projects. High-quality methodological backgrounds of the Center and cooperating laboratories will be used to solve tasks in the common projects.
Awarded by:
Ministry of Education, Youths and Sports of the Czech Republic
Project Coordinator:
Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, v.v.i.
Head of the Center:
Assoc. Prof. Pavel Hozák, D.Sc.
Institute of Microbiology AS CR, v.v.i.
Charles University, Prague
phone: (+420) 241 062 632
fax: (+420) 244 471 707
e-mail: paveldra@img.cas.cz
web: ---
