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Josef Matěna, As./Prof. PhD.

Biology Centre of the AS CR, v.v.i.
Institute of Hydrobiology

Na Sádkách 7
37005 České Budějovice  
Czech Republic
phone: +420 387 775 840
GSM: +420 737 134 469
email: matena@hbu.cas.cz

Date of birth:


1970-1975 - Charles University, Prague, Biology - Hydrobiology

1976 - RNDr., Thesis: Seasonal dynamics and production of the Chironomus larvae in a carp pond.

1977-1984 - Postgraduate study - Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague

1984 - PhD in Hydrobiology, Thesis: Ecology and taxonomy of the genus Chironomus in carp ponds

2001 - Docent (Associated professor) in Zoology at University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice. Thesis: Systematics and ecology of the genus Chironomus in the Czech Republic.


Scientific and professional experience:
1. full time: Director of the Hydrobiological Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Č. Budějovice.

2. part-time (20%) Biological Faculty, University of South Bohemia, Č. Budějovice


1988-1998 - research work for HBI of the Czechoslovak (Czech) Academy of Sciences on fish ecology in reservoirs with special emphasis on feeding ecology. Taxonomy and ecology of chironomids.

1982-1988 - research worker, State Fisheries Enterprise, České Budějovice: intensification of fisheries in inland waters.

1978-1982 - research worker, Fisheries and Hydrobiology Research Institute, Vodňany, Czechoslovakia: rearing of fish fry in ponds.


Main fields of interest are feeding ecology of fish in reservoirs, streams and rivers, food selectivity. Behavior of juvenile fish, ichthyoplankton biology. Biomanipulation and the role of fish in ecosystems, water quality. Zoobenthos, especially chironomids – their ecology and cytotaxonomy.