Group of Polymer Morphology - Equipment.
Light microscopy:
- microscope Zetopan Pol (Reichert)
- stereomicroscope SMZ-2T (Nikon)
- light microscopes include: polarizing and interference microscopy, dark field, phase contrast, microscope photometry; microscope heating stages Mettler FP52/FP5, Linkam THMS 600/TMS 93, digital camera DXM 1200 (Nikon)
Transmission electron microscopy:
- JEM 200CX (Jeol): 100kV, bright field, digital camera
- Tecnai G2 Spirit (FEI): 120kV, bright/dark field (BD/DF), electron diffraction (ED), microanalysis (EDX), digital camera
Scanning electron microscopy:
- JSM 6400, (Jeol): SE, BSE and STEM detectors
- Vega Plus TS 5135 (Tescan): SE, BSE and STEM detectors
- Quanta 200 FEG (FEI), high-resolution microscope (2nm), with field emission gun (FEG), working in high vacuum, low vacuum and ESEM mode, equipped with SE, BSE, STEM and EDX detectors
Sample preparation:
- Ultramicrotomes with cryo attachment:
- Ultrotome III, LKB
- Leica Ultracut UCT
- Microtomes:
- Sledge microtome (Meopta)
- Rotary microtome RM 2155 (Leica)
- Vacuum evaporation device JEE-4C (Jeol)
- Vacuum sputter coater SCD 050 (Balzers)
- Critical point dryer (Balzers)
- Plasma-etching device