JULY 18 - 22, 2010


building of IMC


Key Lectures
Preliminary Schedule
Social Events

Social Events

Following the long tradition of PMM social programs we cordially invite you to the planned events for your refreshment and joy. Mentioned events are included in the participants conference fee, no extra payment is needed!

Monday, July 19
Ladronka 6 – 10 pm
- Welcome drink, eating, icebreaking and bowling
You can expect an informal evening in a cozy place only 10 minutes from the Conference venue.

Wednesday, July 21
castle Křivoklát2 – 6 pm
- Sightseeing tour to the Křivoklát castle – how was it 900 years ago
An air-conditioned bus would take you 40 km west from Prague to a beautiful place in the middle of forests – Křivoklát castle. Křivoklát was hit by fire every 200 years in its rich history. Don’t worry; the castle was partly damaged by fire for the first time in 1422, so we stay out of fire order this year. The magnificent castle was founded exactly 900 years ago. The historical menu offers a beautiful castle chapel, the Great Royal and Chivalric Halls with an exhibition of Gothic paintings and sculptures, the castle library containing over 52.000 bands, a rich museum and a painting gallery of the Fürstenberg, a famous castle prison, a monumental tower with a collection of hunting trophies and a view of the surrounding area, a pleasant walk around the castle walls, …all of this and much more belongs to Křivoklát, a national cultural monument. It would be our pleasure to tell you some of the castle legends while observing the lush countryside from the bus window… More about the castle Křivoklát you could find at
Břevnovský klášter
7 – 10 pm
- Dinner in the Břevnov monastery
We have to disappoint those, who would expect the Spartan monks’ food. You are welcomed to dine in the breathtaking atmosphere of the oldest Prague monastery dated to the 10th century.

Thursday, July 22
4:30 pm
- Short farewell
…as a sweet cherry on the Conference cake.

Generated on 23.4.2010 from the source modified on 23.4.2010.