
 Job offer for research fellow

Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry ASCR, v.v.i., seeks candidates for a full time research position in the Department of structure analysis.

The research will focus on the study of polymer materials using X-ray and neutron scattering. The experimental part of the work will be performed on the excellent facilities for the small angle X-ray scattering available in the Department and we have access to the neutron scattering facilities abroad. Applicants should have a PhD degree in physics or physical chemistry, experience in the field of scattering methods is highly desirable.
Interested persons should send their CV and list of papers to the address given above or

Closing date: October 30, 2009.
Further information: Dr. J. Dybal,
Information on the IMC:


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Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, v.v.i.
Heyrovského nám. 2
CZ-162 06 Praha 6
Czech Republic
phone:+420 296 809 111
fax:+420 296 809 410

Budova UMCH